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We all sat around each other at a breakfast cafe. Most of us were drinking coffee, and Tony just devoured the homemade donuts. To be fair, they were amazing. We all looked pretty exhausted. Clint would borrow my shoulder from time to time to rest his head. I didn't really pay attention.

"So are we going to talk about last night?" Natasha asked. She was sitting in front of me. She was also only asking me. I blew a raspberry. "You're going to have to fill the gap. I only remember so much." I take a sip of my warm coffee. "How do you not remember?" Clint asks as his voice cracks. He jerked his head up to reveal a questionable look.

I shrug my shoulders. "The last thing I remember is dancing on the table. No, wait, I remember walking up to a guy."
I looked over at Tony. That was the last familiar face I remembered. Tony was just smirking as he munched on a donut. He was wearing glasses and his suit. I have no idea why he was, but... it's Tony.

"Well, apparently, you enjoyed that guy you walked up to." Natasha gives a small smirks, but hides it as she sips her coffee. "Oh, god, don't tell me." I look at Clint. He didn't make eye contact and filled his mouth with food. "Wait, I'm confused. What happened exactly?" Bruce asked.

He was sitting next to Natasha, who was sitting next to Tony, who was in the back of the bench. Clint was on my left, Cap on my right. I was dreadfully waiting for my answer. "Let's just say he was into you too." Natasha closes. "A little too into you." I heard Tony mutter. He knew he said it loud enough for all of us to hear.

Flashes of the night before strikes my memory. I see blurry yet clear enough images. Steve held me back protectively, and Clint and Tony shuffled the guy to the elevator. They warned him repeatedly to leave before things got ugly. I was a laughing drunk mess. "Help me take her to her room."

I could hear Steve's strong voice say. His hands gripped at my upper arms. I see a blurr of red gorgeous hair. The next thing I remember was taking my clothes off. Steve may have been in the room, I don't remember that or not.

I shake my head as I come back to the moment. Clint laid his head back on my shoulder. He jerked at a piece of bacon that he was biting off piece by piece. I take a sip of coffee. "Just whatever happened, it's in the past."

Steve finishes the topic. I guess he could feel me getting uncomfortable. "Eat your meal." Tony instructs me as if I'm a small child. I finished my plate. A flash of light strikes me in the corner of my eye. I jerk my head back from the surprise. "And there's the picture for the news." I female reporter chimes joyfully.

I look around the table. Was I the only one who disliked that? Taking pictures I'm fine with, but no one even asked is what bothered me. "Hey, can we have some privacy, please?" Steve asks in more of a statement than a question way. "Oh, yeah, of course." She joyfully walks away.

"I one of the downfalls for being a superhero. You get used to it, Y/n." Steve says. I give him a small smile. I was still feeling that small ick of annoyment. The lady walks back over. "Actually, would it be ok if I got a photo with all of you?" The lady had a confident smile on her face.

She looked like she knew we wouldn't turn her down. Now, it kind of looked like her question was more of a statement. "Only if Power is ok with it. She's still new." Clint answers. I breathed out of my nose loudly. "Only one?" I ask to be sure. "Just one." She ensures. "Why not?" I say.

If I was being honest, I would tell her so not-so-nice words, but I don't want to ruin my rep already. "Ok, where do you want us?" Tony asks. "Um..." She thinks for a perfect position. She asks us all to do certain poses at the table. "Oh, and Power, could you make your hands glow? Like the kid on the news said you could?"

"Use my powers in a safe environment? I just don't see the need." I say politely. "Oh, it will be fine. Just put your hands in this pose," She poses. "And make the purple glow appear." I started to get the ick again. I take a deep breath with a fake smile. I pose just the same way she wanted, and I made my purple glow appear.

"Perfect." She snaps a few photos. "Alright." We all get out of position. "You guys did great, thanks." She turns around and walks away. Since my powers were already open, I pass a small puff of my purple to her camera. Steve saw it. I smile as my purple disapated.

"What was that?" Steve asks. "Nothing. I was just making sure the pictures looked just how I wanted them to look." I gave an innocent smile. Steve was curious, but believed it.

Soon, we finished eating, and left. When we went back to the compound, we all just layed around. "So... this is all we do until we have a mission?"
"Well what did you think we do? Start crime?" Well played, Tony. Well played. "There's not really anything else to do. Besides training." Steve comments.

"I guess it's just odd to me. I only saw you guys when you needed me on missions." I say. I grow a circle of power in my hand. It grew into a book. My book landed in my hand from home. I opened it to read it. I breathe out to relax.

The Newest Avenger (Marvel × Reader) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now