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I wake up in someone's bed. My hair was a mess, and my head was pounding. I form a small puff of purple mist in my hand. I bring my hand slowly to my head, and puff absorbes into my forehead. It killed off the headache instantly. I groan as I pull the blanket closer to myself.

"What the hell happened?" I asked myself. Slowly but surely, the following moments of last night came back to me. My eyelids still felt heavy. I shoved one of my arms under the cover, and I felt my bare skin. My eyes shot open, and I immediately jerked the blanket up to see.

I sighed in relief to see I was wearing pajamas. My pajamas. After I went to bed, I probably formed them around my body. I dropped the blanket. When I closed my eyes to sleep, again, memories from the night before came into vision.

[Flash Back]

I was dancing on a table, and a few people cheered me on. I couldn't tell which was louder the people or the music. I flipped my hair and clapped to the music. "Woah, Y/n!" I recognized Tony's voice from the crowd. My body swayed with the beat. "Should we stop this?" Clint asked Natasha. "No one better touch her." Tony warns.

They were all a little tipsy. The crowd sang with me as I sang the last chorus. I laughed as I was having the time of my life. When the song came to a closing, I turned my back and fell backward. A bunch of hands covered the back of my body. I was lightly placed on my feet. "Nice performance, glowstick." Tony says.

"Thank you." I said with a drunk giggle. I heard a bunch of glasses clinking with each other. I was handed another drink from a stranger. "Cheers." I raised the glass above my head while looking at the person who handed it to me. I knock the shot back. My eyes widen from the sting.

"I'm pretty sure that was vodka." I stated to Tony. He snickers. A guy walks past us, and this time, he caught my attention. I look back at Tony. He nudges his head in the guys direction. "Have fun." I grin and walk away.

[End of flashback]

I groan again when my memory comes back. I take the blanket off of my body. I wanted to get up so I could distract myself from my past events. I see the dress that I wore last night on the floor. The heels were next to it. So were the undergarments. I smack my lips together. I scanned the room I was in.

It was big enough to be a master bedroom, but it was completely empty besides the bed. I formed a brush in my hand and brushed out my hair. Now I looked a tiny bit better. Though I no longer have a headache, I still felt hungover. I went for the door, may have tripped on the heels, and left the room.

I needed to find a bathroom. I bumped into a drowsy Tony. "Morning, Tony." I greeted. I'm happy to know I was still in the Avengers Tower. My memory is still a little foggy from last night. "Y/n," was all he said. He looked to be going for the kitchen. "Where's the bathroom? I need to take a shower." He pointed to a hall. "First door on your right."

"Thanks." I paced over there. I quickly jumped into the shower. The hot water washing off all of my regrets. I hummed satisfied as I washed my scalp. I hopped out when I finished. I had a towel form around my damp body and hair. I left the bathroom and paced to the same bedroom from before.

I take the towel off and dry myself. I let my hair loose, brushed it, and scrunched it. I was feeling a little more chilly, so I formed some joggers on myself. I placed a bra and a blue navy hoodie on. The word, 'Fresh', in white was on the front. I placed the hood over my slightly wet hair and left the room after placing socks on my feet.

I found my way to the kitchen, and everyone was there. I sit on the couch. Clint was watching some documentary on the TV. I was barely paying attention. Nat walked up to my side. "Where did you get the clothes?" She asks, confused. "It's hard to explain. It's my clothes; I can teleport clothes to my body."

"Oh, cool."
"That's kind of weird." Clint stated. "Well, I have to recognize and think of the certain item of clothing in my head." I explain. "It's still weird." I roll my eyes. "What is this about?" I ask. He looks back at the screen. "There talking about the newest Avenger." I start to pay attention to it. "The newest Avenger, 'Power', already has a fan base." The reporter finishes.

The screen went to a girl. She was talking about Power, me. I could barely recognize the girl until she waved her arms in the air as she was explaining her story. I see a flower bracelet on her wrist. A smile spread across my face when I realized.

"And what's your name?" The reporter asked the girl. "April." I said as she did. Clint looked at me. "Is that one of the kids from the rescue mission." I nod as my eyes were glued to the screen. My smile only growing seeing her smile. "She was a secret Avenger for a long time. She asked us to keep it a secret about her being an Avenger."

"And did you tell anyone else?" the reporter asks. April shakes her head. "I didn't tell anybody." My smile broke into a grin. The screen went back to the other reporters. "Maybe soon, we will have picture proof of Powers existence." The document came to a close.

"Looks like everyone knows." I stated. "Yep." Clint agrees. "Anyone in the mood for pancakes?"

The Newest Avenger (Marvel × Reader) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now