Natasha was piloting the plane. Steve was contacting SHIELD. He was telling them they needed a rescue ship. I texted my brothers. [You guys, I just went to go eat dinner. Last chance before I go home!] I wonder why they didn't reply...

Pretty soon, we found the survivors. Natasha lands close to them. We exit the queen jet. The people looked like they had been through quite a lot. They were all hollering. They looked releaved to see the Avengers. Tony was also there. "Took you long enough." Tony stated. "Save it, Tony." Natasha warned. "C'mon, you two. Let's get them out of these cages." Steve instructs.

Tony's two fingers became aflame. He started to burn down the cage door. I scoff. My eyes turn purple, and the cage turns into flower petals. The petals gracefully fall to the ground. The team turns to me. "Took you long enough." I looked at Tony as I said that. "Well played, glowstick." We started to lead the survivors to the queen jet. "We are so restful to you all." A man stated to Steve. "Where's the pilot?" Steve asks.

"He was killed." A woman stated. We stop at the queen jet. "By the villagers?" Steve questions. The mam and the woman nod. I stayed silent, ready to answer if needed. I felt someone pull at my clothes. A little boy was looking up at me. I knelt down. "Hey," I greeted. "Which Avenger are you?" The child's innocence definitely had an impact. I smile. "I'm a secret Avenger. No one knows about me yet. I hope you can keep a secret." I place my finger on my lips when I finish. I didn't even notice the other children who were also there for an answer.

They all nodded their heads happily. They seemed excited to carry out such an important mission. "Your secret is safe with us." The little boy assures. "What's your superpower?" A little girl asks. "Yeah!" A second boy says. My smile only grows. "I have quite a few powers, actually." The children all 'woah'. "You're so powerful you don't even know all of your superpowers?" I nod. "But doesn't that make you dangerous?" An older girl asks. She looked to be maybe twelve or thirteen.

"I can assure you I have complete control of myself." I say as I look at her. "What's your secret superhero name?" She asks. I look at the younger kids. They all looked excited to hear. I chuckle. "You know, I have never taken the time to find one. What do you guys think?" They all glowed at the opportunity to name a superhero. They started to spit out names. I heard, 'Bluey' and Captain Flower.

I smiled at all the silly names. They were so many others I couldn't even hear from all at once. "Power!" The little boy from before shouted. "Wait, wait, wait, what did you say?" The children went quiet. "Your superhero name should be Power!" He giggles. I think about it. I let a small whisp of purple run between my fingers. "Power." I wisper repeatedly. The whisp goes into the middle of my palm.

I take my eyes off of it and look at the boy. "I love it!" The children squeal and giggle happily. I throw my hand up, and the ball explodes and turns into multiple bubbles. The children jumped to pop them. I giggled, watching them. My phone started to ring. I take it out of my pocket. "Hello?"

"Hey, sorry we didn't reply. We got a little occupied..." Brandon stated. "With what?"
"STOP! NO! YESS! DIE SUCKERS!?!" I heard three people scream. "Nothing... important." I roll my eyes. "Anyways, I sent you a list of stuff we need."
"Ok, I go back."
"Are you sure? We can get this later. You have been gone for a while."
"Y/N!?!" Tony yells for me. I turned around to see that the heathens were there. The kids all looked frightened.

"No, no, it's fine, really. I enjoy being out at night." I place a forcefield over the people. "Ok, ok. Let us know when you're on your way home, yeah?"
"Yeah, of course." I grabbed some dirt with my power and threw it into the villagers' eyes. "What did you have for dinner?" This was so not a good time for small talk, Brandon. "Eh, just a cheeseburger."
"Oh, from where?" I could see the children crying. "The one next to the gas station, duh."

"And you just got a cheeseburger. No fries or drink?" A sharp wooden stick was coming straight for my face. I snapped it in half in mid-air. "Uh, of course I got some fries and a drink. I thought you would have already assumed that."
"Yeah, yeah, good point." A bunch of darts were coming towards me. I placed a forcefield over myself.

"Listen, text me if we need anything else. I'm gonna go."
"Oh, uh, ok."
"Yep, bye!"
I dropped my forcefield and ran over to the others. "What's our play?" I ask. "Just hold them back." Tony instructed. I turn around to the people. I place my finger in the direction of the forcefield.

I dragged my finger over to the villagers. I snap my finger. The forcefield that was protecting the survivors appeared around the hetheans. It surrounded them. The purple glow slowly disapated and turned into a steel contrapment. Their were small holes to breathe, but too small to shoot a dart out of. I looked back at the others. Tony held out his iron hand

I high fived him. The little kids from before all attached themselves to me. They all hugged my sides. "Thank you, Power."
"You're the coolest, Avenger."
"No, Iron Man is!" The kids started to argue. Steve walked up to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "You did good today, Y/n."
"Thanks, Cap." I say with a laugh. We hear a boat horn. "Look!" A child says.

A huge ship was coming our way. All of the younger kids started jumping in the air. The older girl from before just stood and watched. I walked over to her. "You ok?"
She had been crying. "I'm just so happy to be able to go home." I hug her. "You're so brave." She started to get choked up on tears.

"What's your name?" She looks up at me. "April." She snuffles. "It's nice to meet you, April." She was wiping her tears. "What's your all-time favorite thing, April?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like, I enjoy books. What do you like?"
"I like flowers." I chuckle. "Me too." I open up my hand. She gasped to see a beautiful bracelet.

"Thank you." I help her put it on. "Now try to be quiet about that, yeah? I don't want the other kids to be jealous." She nods to reassure. "I'll cherish it forever, Power." I smile from my title. I stood up, and the ship was finally here. The passengers started to climb aboard. April waved at me.

I smile as I wave at her. Eventually, we all get into the queen jet to leave. I was scrolling on my phone, looking at the list Brandon sent me. "Holy crap." I say calmly. "So, what did you think?" Tony asks. I close my phone and look at him. "It... was amazing."

The Newest Avenger (Marvel × Reader) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now