(2) Unexpected guests

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Finally, the second chapter!

Words inside parentheses are A/N

Bold text is singing.

Hope you enjoy!

- Z


It was a sunny morning in late spring (I don't actually know if it was spring then so if you know please tell me) when a tall figure clad in gray robes strode into the Shire, his staff tapping against the cobblestone streets with each determined step. The hobbits of the Shire watched with wide eyes as the stranger passed through their village, his presence stirring whispers of curiosity and speculation.

At the heart of the village, the stranger came upon a quaint hobbit-hole nestled beneath a sprawling oak tree. On a bench near the fence sat a hobbit smoking a pipe, as the hobbit blew out a smoke ring Gandalf turned it to a butterfly that fluttered in the air before landing on the hobbits face making him look up.

"Good morning!" Said the hobbit and he meant it. The sun was shining, and the grass was green. But Gandalf looked down at him from under his hat, which shaded the sun.

"What do you mean?" he said "Do you mean to wish me a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning whether i want it or not, or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning, or are you simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?"

The hobbit ponders for a moment, shifting in his seat slightly "All of them at once i suppose" he answers as the wizard sighs "Can i help you?" The hobbit asks turning back to Gandalf. "That remains to be seen" Gandalf pauses for a moment "I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure" He says raising his eyebrows slightly.

"An adventure?" the hobbit asks slightly confused "Now i don't imagine anyone west of Bree" He says pointing out to the shire "Would have much interest in adventures" The hobbit gets up walking over to his mailbox "Nasty, Disturbing, Uncomfortable things" He grabs his mail "Make you late for dinner" he says chuckling slightly before looking through his mail.

"Good morning" The hobbit says turning around and walking up the steps to his home, "To think that, I should've lived to be 'good morninged' by Belladonna Tooks son. As if i was selling buttons at the door" Gandalf says walking closer to the hobbit that had his eyebrows furrowed "Beg your pardon?" The hobbit says baffled.

"You've changed, and not entirely for the better, Bilbo Baggins" The wizard says, staring at the small hobbit in front of him. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" the hobbit asks "Well you know my name although you don't remember i belong to it. I'm Gandalf, And Gandalf means.." The wizard pauses "Me."

The Hobbit thinks for a moment "Gandalf? Not Gandalf the wandering wizard who made such excellent fireworks? Old took used to have them on mid summer's eve" he says laughing at the memory before quickly clearing his throat. "No idea you were still in business."

The wizard looks at the hobbit a bit more seriously, "And where else should I be?" Bilbo stutters a bit before clearing his throat again going back to smoking his pipe. "Well, I'm pleased to find you remember something about me.. even if it's only my fireworks"

Gandalf nods, "Yes. Well, that's decided. It'll be very good for you.. and most amusing for me, i shall inform the others." He says about to walk away "Inform the who?- What? No, No! No- Wait" Bilbo says, stepping further up his steps closer to his house.

"We do not want any adventures here, no thank you. Not today. Not- I suggest you try over the hill or across the water." Bilbo says waving his hand as a sort of 'go away' motion, "Good morning." He says before running through his door and closing it quickly then locking it.

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