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Italics are Elvish

The words inside the (parentheses) are translations.

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Ezhelldir rushed through the castle as the sounds of the horns bounce through the castle walls, the townsfolk running to safety as the knights tell them where to go. As he reaches the castle's curtain walls he sees the thousands of orcs battling against his people, suddenly hes pulled back by someone. Quickly he turns to see who it is and in front of him is the King, his father "Ezhelldir Nin réd, glenn- beri- cín naneth a nésa" (Ezhelldir my son go protect your mother and sister) he says as Ezhelldir's older brother Daeraion pulls him to safety.

Daeraion pulls him away and Ezhelldir screams trying to get to his dad but Daeraion held him back, "Adar!" (Father!) He shouts to his father still trying to get out of Daeraion's grasp. His father looks at him and smiles softly, "Av-'osto" (Don't be afraid) he says right as Daeraion pulls Ezhelldir into the castle.

As Daeraion and Ezhelldir enter two guards quickly approach them "Aphado nin"(Come with me) one of the guards say before leading them both into the castles hidden quarters, when they enter Ezhelldir spots his mother and sister, Rawien and Serethzel "Nana!" (Mommy!) he says running to his mother hugging her tightly.

"Av-'osto lonneg, Gi meriathon" (Don't be afraid my son, I will protect you) Rawien says holding Ezhelldir close, "Gwestog?" (Do you promise?) Ezhelldir asks looking up at her. Rawien smiles softly and crouches down to meet his eyes "Gweston"(I promise) She says hugging him.

"Hiril vuin boe ammen mened"(My lady we must go) A guard says from behind Ezhelldir, the guards lead them through a hidden pathway away from the castle. Ezhelldir holds his sister's hand as he keeps telling her it will all be ok, his older brother walks behind them holding a sword ready to defend his people and their mother in front leading them on.

They traveled for days, before finding a forest where they could reside. Ezhelldir stayed with his sister and brother as he watched the elders perform a sort of spell that covered the entire forest in a protection spell.

Guided by the whispers of the wind and the wisdom of the ancient trees, the townsfolk journeyed deep into the heart of the forest, where nature's embrace promised shelter and solace.

Sorrow hung heavy in the air as the people realized there was possibly no survivors from the battle against the orcs, a battle lost as only few got out alive. The Queen steps forward to assure the townsfolk that they could survive if they held together and helped each other to rebuild what was lost.

With each step, their resolve grew stronger, fueled by a shared vision of a kingdom reborn from the soil of their ancestors. They toiled tirelessly, clearing the land and erecting humble shelters amidst the towering trees, their hands weaving dreams into reality with every stone laid and every beam raised.

With each passing day, Ezhelldir learned the ways of the forest, listening to the whispers of the trees and communing with the creatures that called it home. He discovered hidden glades where flowers bloomed in hues of violet and gold, and secret streams where water danced in the sunlight like liquid silver

But amidst the beauty of the enchanted forest, danger lurked in the shadows. Dark creatures haunted the depths of the woods, their eyes gleaming with malice as they sought to disrupt the fragile peace that had settled over the land.

As his brother was determined to protect their new home and their people, Ezhelldir was forced to trained tirelessly, honing his skills as a warrior. Under the guidance of his mother and older brother, he learned the art of swordplay, archery and the wisdom of strategy, his natural talents blossoming with each passing day.

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