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I sighed as I glanced outside where there was two People. Orange leader and Orange. They seemed to be talking about something? I wonder what. Curious I snuck up to listen in.

"So you think that there's something wrong with Sabre?" The orange leader asked Orange as he nodded.

 "Yes! He's always smiling and acting like he doesn't matter but everything else does! He matters and he doesn't care! I think that he's just acting about how he truly feels." Orange said as I felt confused. I mattered? What?

 "Look son, if you want him to realize that he matters then you have to slowly push it onto him. You can't just shove it on."

 "Okay dad..." Orange said as I walked away feeling weird.

 I'm supposed to be happy gosh darn it! That's what I was created for! To be happy and cheer people up! Take the hits that no one else would take!... Then why do I feel jealous? Orange is happy, he has a father and family that are alive.

I sighed before going to orange's and It's shared room. Laying down I closed my eyes in order to sleep. I'd be fine in the morning and wouldn't remember this happening... Right...?




Why did orange get to keep his Family when I lost all of mine? It wasn't fair.

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