Talking About Old Friends And Family

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Sabre Pov-

I walked upstairs into the Attic as Time Wanted to go through it today. I wanted to argue But knew it would be no use. I had been procrastinating on it as I didn't want to see Pictures of My old Friends and family that I had up there as I still hadn't gotten over they're loss. Even though it had been Years it still hurt.

"Sabre! Whats in this Box?" Time asked as I got up Into the Attic. I glanced At the Box before Snatching it from him and Holding it protectively against my chest. Time was Slightly surprised before He realized that I didn't want him to See it. A part of me wanted to see if he had Memories of the Steve saga but I didn't want to risk it.

"Mine." I said as He nodded in understanding.

"I wont force you to Show me. Its yours after all." He said as I nodded. After a moment I put it down And opened it. Time Sat down next to me as I took out A picture of me Rainbow and Lucas. He looked at it Confused as I started Explaining.

"Before I came here I was in another World with steves. That Was Rainbow. He was Made of Elder steves instead of How this Worlds Rainbow steve is made of Crystals. The Blonde haired Male is My Brother Lucas." I explained as He nodded.


I took out Another Picture before Sticking it in my Pocket. I refused to let anyone See a picture of my Whole family again. Last time they Tried to hunt us all down for Our power even if It wasn't Controllable.

Time took out a Photo Of me Galaxy and Him before Looking at me with a Unreadable expression. I stared at the Picture before Explaining that as Well.

"That world had its own Time Steve." I said as He nodded before hugging me.

"You miss them don't you Sabre?" He asked as I nodded.

"Of course I do. Rainbow Died By that worlds Void. Lucas went Missing as Did Galaxy. That worlds Time Fused back with Galaxy." I said leaning into the Hug. It wasn't often I got one from anyone but I loved them.

"You can talk about it if you want Sabre. I wont Judge." Time Said softly as I started Talking About How I met rainbow And our Adventures. I talked For over A hour before Time Picked me up and Carried me to my Room and To my bed,

"And rainbow Kept calling the Chickens Fake Sabre's And we had a Horse called Fake Lucas! " I said before Yawning and Laying down. "Thanks for Listening Time."

"Your Welcome. I'll be in my room if you Need me." He said as He left. After a moment I took Out the photo in my Pocket and Smiled softly. I would miss my Family but they would want me to be happy and smile. So I would.

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