Random story part for Ghostly Protector

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SS Hypno Pov-

I sighed I Watched the Steves This new World. I missed Sabre though. He had Helped these Steves so much and The steves from my old World. To almost everyone he would seem Happy and carefree but not to me. I knew What was Going on in his head. Sometimes I had taken control Of him when He was going To try to either hurt himself of Kill himself. I didn't like Doing it without permission but he couldn't see me or Hear me.

When He first came into this World I kept trying to get his attention but I soon realized that it was Useless. Afterwards I helped in The ways I could. Giving him energy Boosts When He was Fighting void, Helping with the Farmers by giving them Energy Boosts. Moving something that He needed into Plain sight.

When he had Went into the Past I couldn't follow and I was furious. I made to where there was a Harder time getting Food for the Rainbow kingdom and Caused chaos. It was also for Revenge as I didn't want to do anything while Sabre Was there as some of the things I did He would have helped look into.

I watched as Light came onto the scene of my latest deed. I had killed a Steve who was Talking about hurting Sabre if he ever returned. It made me Angrier then I already was. When Light Saw What had Happened he sighed in annoyance.

"Why do people keep randomly dying?" He asked Aloud as The two colorless Guards with him shrugged. One of them was was Investigating the Body that Had almost no blood on them other then from the Mouth.

"I don't know Sir." The one that was more relaxed said.

"Sir, there isn't any identification of what could of killed them." The One investigating Said as Light sighed again.

"We're going to have to get Sabre And Professor Red's Help Then." Light said as I froze while Staring at him.

"Didn't Sabre only Just get back last night?" one asked as I stared at them. Sabre was back?
"Yes but we'll need his help. Same with the Professor. As much as I don't want either f they're Help for different reasons We need It at the moment." He explained as I Started Fazing through the Walls towards Where Sabre lived last.

When I got there I could Hear his Voice and I calmed down remarkably. Sabre was okay. He was Alive. I went to where he was And Froze. He was injured badly and Time was Sitting by his Side.

"Sabre do you remember who Hurt you?" Time was Asking as Sabre seemed to be trying to remember.

"Not really... All I can remember is a Pair of Bright Blue Eyes and A red blur surrounding it before I Appeared in the Citadel." Sabre explained as I screamed. Origin From the Steve Saga... He had a connection to this World now. I refused to let him hurt anyone else anymore. I'll find a Way To stop him. I Will stop him. He will not take anyone else away from me.

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