Energy potion

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Dis one is long-

Sabre Pov-

I sighed as I shut the door to my Room and Took off my blindfold before Sitting down on my Bed. Staring at the blindfold I remembered Who gave it to me and Why. My Father, Snow gave it to me to help hide my insincerity's. It had helped a lot. People no longer made fun of my Eyes and I was able to help people more. That was until Jake pushed me...

I shook my head as I tied the blindfold around my wrist. It helped me feel safe ever since Everything that happened. Losing my Family and Wings had made me promise to help Others even more Then ever. I even died to Help them. Did they care? I didn't know nor really care.

I promised to help everyone I could. Ever sense The incident with the End Crystal I felt even more Scared to tell anyone anything about myself. I sighed right before I heard a Knock On my front door. Startled I jumped up and Untied the Blindfold from my Wrist and Tied it over my eyes.

"Coming!" I called out as I jogged downstairs. Getting to the door I opened it to see M and The Professor. M looked tired and The Professor was as energetic as Ever.

"Hey Sabre. The Professor *Yawn* wanted to do some experiments." He said as I nodded and stepped out.

"Right now?" I asked as he nodded and the Professor teleported us.

As we got there Assistant Steve was waiting for us And nodded at us as we Entered. For some reason I felt Like something was Going to Happen when we went in...

"Uhh..." M mumbled as I stopped myself from Laughing at the Mess in the Room. I could Of sworn I heard The Professor chuckle but passed it as My imagination.

"I Guess Assistant decided that There needed to Be a Mess. I'll Clean this up before we start." he said as He started cleaning. I felt the Pull to Help as always but stopped myself.

"So What are we doing first?" I asked when he finished. He smiled as He led us into another room.

"Well I was thinking that first the Scans as Usual and then maybe seeing what would happen if You had A potion that would give a steve a small boost of energy." He explain as I nodded and stepped into The machine that did the Scans.

After that He gave me the Potion and I drank it. M looked a Little nervous as he remembered how I was after The Professor gave me a sleeping potion. It had been double the Effect on me then normal Steves.

After a Moment I felt A strong Burst Of energy. I started running around as The energy started changing in me. The heard the Professor Call out for me as I Paused.

"Sabre! Can you stop for A moment?" He called as I giggled before Jumping onto the ceiling to his Surprise and M's misery.


"What do you mean again?" The Professor asked as M sighed.

"Last time he went onto a High place he didn't leave it for hours!"

"I FEEL THE ENERGY!" I yelled as I jumped down and Landed easily before running off again. They Chased me as I heard The Professor curse.

"SABRE! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!" he yelled as I laughed.

"NOOO! YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!" I yelled back as I turned a Corner and Lost them.

"SABRE PLEASE COME OUT!" M yelled as I felt the energy fade. Soon I was back to normal but I was in a Room that reminded me of My father's Workshop. It had the random materials and boxes with tools and random Blue prints scattered around.

I exited the Room and Looked for M and The Professor. When I found them They both looked exhausted.

"Sabre!" M half yelled as I yawned in response.

"Is it wearing off?" The Professor asked as I nodded.

"I forgot how fast Energy Potions faded on me..." I mumbled as M hugged me. I felt a Faint Blush spread across my face. "Hey M."

"How are you so Fast and good at landing?" The Professor asked as I shrugged.

"Comes with being a-" I stopped as The Professor looked at me with curiosity. "never mind." I said as The Professor sighed.

"Your never going to tell me what you are are you?" he asked as I shook my head.

"Nope! Not even my closest friends know!" I told him as I Grinned. He sighed as M yawned.

"Can I go home now? I need sleep..." He mumbled as I hummed.

"Of Course M! I'll be fine!" I told him as He let me go and Left. I turned towards the Professor as We stared each other down.

"... Where did you hide when we were looking for you?" He asked as I smiled.

"A room with parts, Boxes and Blue prints!" I informed him as He looked shocked.

"... I thought I locked it?" He said as I blinked.

"I uh. Did you?" I asked as I thought about it. I didn't remember a door being there... Was There?

"... Let's go check." He said as He headed in the direction of the room. I followed confused. There Had been a Door? Did I just not remember it being there?

"The door's Open. I could've sworn I locked it." He said as I looked up at him as I continued to think. Did I go Blank again without me realizing it? "Sabre are you good?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't remember if the Door was open or not. I think I went blank again." I stated as His brow furrowed.

"What do you went Blank?" he asked as I paused. Should I tell him?

"Sometimes I just go Blank as I call it. Like suddenly I'm In my Room and Then it's the end of the Day and I'm In the Forest." I explained as He listened concerned. "Don't worry about it Professor. It's Happened for years."

"Has it always Happened?" He asked as I shook my Head.

"No. I don't really remember when it started. Can I go home?" I asked as He nodded.

"Yeah. You've been here all day. See you around?" he asked as I nodded.

"Of Course!"

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