More randomness--

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Shape shifter AU-

Jake Pov-

"Red? Why Red?" I asked the Masked figured as they stood by the Gate.

"Legend says that Red calms the Beast down enough for you to sneak by." M, as he told me to Call him, said as I groaned.

"But that's Only legend! It could also make us stand out and Make the thing kill us faster!" I exclaimed as The Figure looked offended.

"Yeah, well, red's also my favorite color so there."

"And?" I spat as he sighed.

"He gets calmed down by me."

"Oh.... Well Go now then! I need to get that Healing herb!" I exclaimed as M started getting annoyed.

"Fine! Just be careful." He said as he went in and towards the Beast of a creature. I shivered as I watched him speak with it as I snuck past. That thing was terrifying. As I passed I could have sworn I heard M Say,

"Just don't hurt anyone Okay Sabre?"

I thought Sabre was the blindfold guy though? Eh. Whatever.


SS Origin Steve Pov-

"I'll Kill you Hypno." I spat as said steve Laughed,

"Heh. Well. How 'bout... No." He said as I growled before Striking him with Lightning yet again. I hated whatever entity kept Bringing them Back to Life.

"WHY CAN'T YOU DIE ALREADY!" I Screamed as I shoved all of my anger and power into the Lightning. As the Lightning died down Hypno Steve was no longer there. My eyes Widened as I realized that I had actually gotten rid of him.

"yes...YES! I CAN FINALLY DEFEAT THEM!" I yelled as I grinned like a Maniac.


Pheonix Pov-

"I am not a innocent little Girl Anymore." I spat out at the Blonde/Red head who was in front of me.

"I can tell." was all that he replied as The Fire spread. As he disappeared from my Vision I whispered,

"... I'm Sorry Brother..."


SS Origin Steve Pov-

"Sticks And stones may build a Throne but you'll be up there all alone." The Shadow version of myself Whispered in my ear as I growled and Swatted him away.

"You know Nothing."

"I know A lot Origin. Such as what you did to Sabre." The being Growled as it forced me to look into it's Red eyes.

I Growled before it took control of me,


RQ Light Pov-

"The Best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure he never knows he's in prison." I stared at Sabre as he gave the advice. It was strange to Hear such words from him. Normally he wouldn't give advice like that but now... I was Concerned on how he knew that.


Lucas Pov-

"Brothers to the last Fight,

Brothers to the last enemy,

Brothers to the last hour,

Brothers to the last bullet,

Brothers to the last breath,

Brothers to the last hope."

I listened to Sabre as He sang a smile gracing my face. He still remembered the song that we made together. I watched as he got up and left with a Smile before returning back to the Rainbow Town. He was Safe as was Hypno.


Sabre Pov-

"Have you still got your blindfold on?" Onyx's Voice came from where she was Tied up behind me.

"Yes." I replied.

"Promise me you won't take it off."

"I promise Onyx... I promise I won't take it off."

"good..." She whispered as I felt energy surround us. "Lucas will get you out."

"What about you guys?" I asked as I felt they're Sadness.

"We'll be fine."

They wont be fine

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