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"Hold on, you died." The Orange Leader exclaimed as I shrugged.
"Yeah, well it didn't stick." I responded as All of the orange steves gathered stared at me. "Never does."
"how many times have you died?" The orange leader asked as I quickly counted the Times I could remember in my head.

"At least a hundred, Why?"
"How...?" he asked as I shrugged.

"Comes with being me."


"Why are your Hands Purple?" I heard Hypno ask as I stared at them.

"That is a Very good Question." I replied as I looked up at him. His face held Annoyance and realization.

"It's because of the incident isn't it?" He asked as I nodded, My wings flapping.


"Well shoot."


"You Scared me Hypno!" Rainbow yelled as said steve Rolled his Eyes.

"Well, I am naturally Terrifying." He replied as Rainbow Huffed.

"Well! Someday I wont be Afraid of you!" Rainbow Claimed as hypno Giggled.

"And I'll live to see that Day."


"Unless I screw this up Again, I'm going to Marry you." Sabre Mumbled as M's Eyes Widened before He smiled.

"Well you better not mess this Up then." He replied as Sabre looked up at him Shocked before quickly Finishing what he was doing, Without a Single Mistake.

"Will You marry me M?"

"Of Course Sabre."


"I swear you could trip over your own Shadow." Jason snapped at Sabre While Rolling his Eyes. The male Glared at him.

"My Shadow's a Tricky little bastard. He likes to see me fall to his Level." Sabre Snapped back as Jason rolled his eyes Again.

"What is it, Alive? Sabre your delusional."

"I hate you Jason." Sabre growled at the man as He laughed.

"I hate you to Sabre."


"Who are you?" The Blue steve asked the Spirit Of A non-steve who smiled at them.

"A demon to Some. A Angel to Others young one. My name is Sabre." The young blue steve Smiled at the Spirit as he smiled back.

"It's nice to meet you Sir!"


"You're not going to survive this War Sabre." The Yellow steve Growled as Sabre Laughed.

"If I were Concerned about that, I'd have brought it up months Ago." The Non-Steve Snapped back as The Yellow steve flinched. He had forgotten how the Non-Steve was unafraid of death.


"If we die, I'm going to spend the rest of out afterlife reminding you that this was all your fault." The Dark version of Sabre Growled. The non-steve just Laughed.

"That's cool. I Wouldn't mind having company while being a ghost." The Male laughed while telling his Shadow that. His Shadow was surprised, He didn't know that his host didn't care if he died.


"well F*ck." M looked up in shock At the non-Steve.

"What happened Sabre?" He asked, Knowing it was probably Something about the Other Kingdoms.

"Well... You know how I have two different Aliases and use them for the two different sides of the War?" He asked As the red steve slowly nodded.

"Yes I do. What about it?"

"Both sides want me to kill the other one."

"Well F*ck."

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