Midnight Talk

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Sabre Pov-

I sighed as I finished cleaning the living room before Checking the Time. It was near Midnight and I still couldn't sleep. Like always when I couldn't sleep I cleaned tonight It seemed like that wasn't going to help at all. I walked outside as I let my Thoughts Wonder.

It had been awhile since I had been outside at night when it was clear. Normally on clear nights it was much easier for me to sleep. Tonight I just couldn't. All of my thoughts kept me awake. The memories. The energy...

"Sabre? What are you doing outside at night?" My train of thought was interrupted by Prof. Red. I glanced at him in surprise. He was wearing A Gray Shirt and Tan pants. His ever Present Goggles were still on his head. But his Lab coat wasn't on.

"Taking a Walk." I said as I continued to walk. The professor joined me as He hummed.

"Isn't the sky beautiful?" He spoke up after a few minutes. He had a soft look on his face.

"Yeah. Reminds me of my Father." I commented as I fingered the small box in my Pocket. It held the last thing that I had of my Family.

"Father? How so?" He asked as I pondered on if I should tell him or not. I decided to tell him some of it. He knew his limits when it came to people's Pasts.

"Papa always liked the night sky when it was clear. He always sang a song on nights like these to help me and my siblings sleep. Sometimes he couldn't because of work but I was always glad when he was around. We always were a great family. Another reason I like nights like these is because sometimes I can still hear my Father singing."

"I see... Is he singing tonight?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No. He hasn't sung in awhile. Might be why I cant sleep well." I said as he smiled softly.

"Ya know I had a friend that Liked Clear nights for the exact same reason." He said as I smiled.


"Yeah. Most Of the red Steves when we were kids didn't like him as he was afraid of heights and was scared of almost everyone. He was my first Friend."
"What happened to him?" I found myself asking.

"He disappeared after defeating Void. From what he said he was going somewhere he could be him self."


"Did you have any friends Where you were From?" He asked as I Shook my head.

"No. Everyone hated my Family. They always called us the Freaks as we all had our differences. Me my Eyes and..." Should I tell him about my Wings? No. I don't think I'm ready to tell anyone. "My Brother his way of doing things. My sister... Well... Everyone hated everything about her. Her Eyes, Skin, Hair color. Everything. Me and my Brother always had kept her as Safe as Possible until... We couldn't." I explained as he nodded in understanding.

"I see... If you want to talk more about things Sabre My doors always Open." He told me before Leaving. I watched him leave before Walking Home.
Maybe... Maybe I could trust him and M... I knew I could Trust Time as He already Knew. I just hope that The Professor Knows better then Telling people what I told him.

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