Power surge

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 Sabre pov-

I sighed softly as I walked towards the Professor's lab. He had asked one of the red Steve's to get me as M was busy with something. Thankfully M would be able to get there in time for whatever he wanted to do though. 

 I walked into the Lab with a smile and was greeted by M who looked extremely tired. When he saw me he smiled and waved.

 "Hey Sabre! Follow me. The professor wants to see if one of his machines work on your kind." M explained as I fought the urge to frown.

 "Witch one?" I asked and M shrugged.

 "I don't know." He stated as the rest of the walk there we stayed in comfortable silence. When we got there I saw the Professor working on a machine.

 "Hey Professor red. What did you need me for today?" I asked as he looked up and smiled before walking up to me.

 "I wanted to see if a machine that gives a Steve a boost of power would do anything to you. Such as make you energetic." He explained as I nodded and looked at the machine.

 "So I just go in?" I asked as he nodded while humming.

 "Yep! I'll take care of the rest."

 I stepped into the machine and stood on the gold block. The professor flipped a lever as the pistons held me in place. At first nothing happened until I felt a sudden force of power. Not the normal power I felt from Steve's of this world but a different power.

 The machine deactivated as I collapsed and started breathing heavily. I couldn't hear what the professor and M were saying over the ringing in my ears. my body felt like it was on fire as I tried to ground myself. Everything was starting to blur and Neither the professor or M had came over to try to help me.

 After a moment I found out why. There was Silver colored flames around me. I started panicking as I tried to stop them. I wasn't supposed to be able to use them anymore. The blindfold stopped it so I could live normally without hurting anyone or myself.

 After a moment the flames stopped on they're own as I calmed my breathing and M rushed over in a slight panic.

 "Sabre! Are you alright?" He asked worried as he hugged me. At first I tensed before melting into the embrace. After a moment I found my voice and spoke,

 "Never again... Never again..." I mumbled as M seemed confused as did the Professor.

 "Sabre... Are you okay?" M asked as I looked up at his face before smiling slightly.

 "Tired... Hug warm..." I mumbled before closing my eyes and falling asleep.


 I woke up with M holding me tight and on a couch. The Professor was sitting on a chair while seemingly waiting for one of us to wake up.

 "Professor...? " I mumbled as he perked up.

"Your awake! Are you alright? M's holding you quite tightly." He said as I stared at him before shrugging the best I could.

 "Physically yeah. Mentally? I feel the pain of silver flames all over again. Never make me do that again." I told him as he nodded.

 "Alright. I was wondering how you used them though as you said you were powerless."

 "Well... You know my blindfold?" I asked as he nodded. "I wear it so that I Don't have powers. When I used my original powers I hurt people on accident as I can't control them." I explained as he nodded.

 "That makes sense do to how you don't like hurting people." He said as I freed my left arm and reached out to him. He looked confused for a second before taking my hand . I smirked before pulling him into the pile. He gave a huff as he put a arm around me and M.

 "Thank you... I haven't had a hug in a long time..." I mumbled as I went back to sleep.

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