Chapter 01: Mid April 1912 - News Of The Unsinkable Ship

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It's April 1912. In July, I will officially be marking two years of working at Downton Abbey, home of Lord and Lady Grantham and their daughters in Yorkshire. Lady Mary is the eldest, followed by Lady Edith, then Lady Sybil, the youngest.

My name is Eve Robinson. I'm the eldest of ten siblings. I started working here along with my sister, Daisy, as soon as I turned 14, and she was 12. I'm not a Lady's maid like my friend, Fiona Hughes, is to Lady Edith. I'm a kitchen maid.

Yes, it is the lowest ranking job in the building, but I enjoy the preparing, the baking, and the cooking side of it. Waking up early before everyone else isn't new to me either, which is also another part of my job role after lighting the fires in every room of the building. We must never be seen by a member of the family when we do that particular task.

I've made many friends since I started working here. The only worker I don't seem to enjoy being around some of the time is Miss O'Brien, the head maid.

Then again, who does?

I share a room with Daisy, which works well for us because we've shared a room before, and we both have the same job role. Fiona's room is to our left, and my other friends, Anna Smith and Gwen Dawson, share a room together to our right.

The servants rooms are split. The women have their own section away from the men. Theo shares a room with Dan, which is next door to Thomas Barrow, and William Mason. Theo is the son of the butler, Mr. Carson, and Dan is the son of Mrs. Patmore, the head chef.

No, Fiona, Theo, and Dan haven't lived here all their lives. Their parents didn't help them get their jobs either.

Fiona had been working at a local gift shop near to where her aunt lives until she earned enough money to be able to travel to Yorkshire to work here. She didn't want to really on Mrs. Hughes's help to pay for everything. She wanted to be more independent and make sure her aunt was being looked after in the best care possible that she could receive. Fiona told me her aunt wasn't exactly 'right in the head'...I wasn't entirely sure what that meant exactly, but I told Fiona I was glad her aunt is getting the care she needs.

Theo studied at a private school throughout his childhood and visited Mr. Carson during the holidays. He went onto getting a degree in English Literature at Oxford University before applying for the role of assistant librarian here at Downton Abbey, then became the official librarian this year, as well as the fourth footman.

Dan started working here a year before myself and Daisy. He lived with his father while attending a public school in Sheffield. After he graduated, he worked as a cleaner at a theatre before finding a job here as the third footman.

Thomas started working here a couple of months before myself and Daisy. Although I don't agree with his and Theo's smoking habits, he never fails to humour us with his cocky attitude and jokes.

Gwen is a house maid, and Anna the head housemaid. They have worked here since January this year. We sometimes work together with a few other servants cleaning the rooms before the Crawley family wakes up. We hang out together when we (eventually) have a break during the day, along with Fiona, William, Thomas, Theo, and Dan when they're not working upstairs.

William is a lovely boy who started working here around not long after Theo. He's a year older than Daisy, and is second footman. He's become like a little brother to me, and seeing him act quite nervous around Daisy is adorable to see. I taught him how to play the piano when he first arrived after he heard me play it during the first few days he started working here. He's a quick learner, no doubt about that.

Everyone is very much like a family here, including Miss O'Brien somewhere along the lines. It's a great place to be. I'd much prefer working here than living in that house with those people who call themselves 'parents'.

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