Chapter 08: Summer 1913 - The Flower Show (Part 02)

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The next day, everyone sat in the servants hall and spoke amongst themselves before dinner. I laughed with Fiona, Will, Daisy, and Dan at something Theo had said, when Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes entered. "Might I have a word?"

We all stood up and stopped talking instantly, giving our full attention to what Mr. Carson had to say. "I want to say something before I ring the gong. I'm afraid it's not very pleasant." I looked at Theo the same time as Fiona, Will, and Dan. Theo shrugged his shoulders, silently telling us that he has absolutely no idea of what his father wants to talk about.

We turned our attention back to Mr. Carson. "His Lordship is missing a very valuable snuff box. It appears to have been taken from the case in his room. If one of you knows anything about this, will he, or she, please come to me?" I glanced at Thomas and Miss O'Brien, noticing how they're looking as white as snow. "Your words will be heard in the strictest confidence. Thank you." Mr. Carson left, allowing us to sit down again.

Miss O'Brien is obviously first to open her mouth. "I am sorry, Mr. Bates. What an unpleasant thing to have happened."

"Why are you picking on him?" Anna questioned her.

Thomas went to Miss O'Brien's defence. "Because he's the only one of us who goes in there. But don't worry. I'm sure it'll turn up."

"Thank you for your concern." Mr. Bates obviously didn't sound very convincing. The dinner gong rang, signalling everyone to leave and go about their usual business of sorting the dishes and getting the family ready.

As I walked behind Thomas, I grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop and turn to me. I spoke in a quiet tone. "Please tell me you have absolutely nothing to do with this, Hawk. I know you and O'Brien don't exactly see eye-to-eye with Mr. Bates, but I hope to God you didn't do anything as stupid as that."

Thomas froze. "If you don't trust me, you might as well say it instead of accusing me."

I shook my head. "I'm not accusing you of anything. I trust you as much as I trust the rest of Operation: Birds of a Feather. I only want you to be honest with me, that's all."

"Whether I did it or not doesn't matter. It's not as if you can do anything about it, is it, Nightingale?" He turned around without looking back at me. "The food isn't going to cook itself, you know."

I breathed in and out before making my way to the kitchen and focused on cooking in hopes of forgetting what Thomas said. I know he can be cocky and arrogant most of the time, but I can't assume he was the one who stole Lord Grantham's snuff box even if he has been hanging around Miss O'Brien with the possibility of the both of them plotting against Mr. Bates.


The following day was like any other day. However, I heard a scream and an oven tray hitting the ground as I walked out of my room beside Anna and Gwen. "What's happened?" Some of the chickens Mrs. Patmore had been cooking landed either the kitchen table, or on the floor along with the tray.

Mrs. Patmore pointed an accusing finger at Daisy. "It's that bloomin' Daisy! I said she'd be the death of me, and now my words come true!"

"I didn't do nothing!" Daisy yelled.

I walked over to Daisy and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Daisy. We can't help either of you if you're all worked up and yelling."

Anna helped Mrs. Patmore take a seat, and Gwen tried to shoo the Crawley's cat away from the chicken, who was trying to drag the it away with its teeth. "Get away! Get back to the stables!" The cat ran away without the chicken, and Gwen turned to Mrs. Patmore. "What'll you serve now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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