Chapter 02: Spring To Summer 1912 - The Fate Of Mr. Bates

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Three months later, Daisy and I prepared a big feast for the Crawley family's luncheon with Mr. Murray, a lawyer who will be paying them a visit and is due to arrive today and stay the night. News broke out about Mr. Crawley and his son Patrick being amongst those who didn't survive the sinking of the Titanic. Mr. Patrick was supposed to marry Mary and become the next heir. The family will be returning soon after the memorial.

"Thomas, take that up." Mrs. Patmore nods her head the meat pie on the tray at the end of the table. Daisy went to grab the tray in an attempt to help Thomas, but he beat her to it and carried it out of the kitchen. "Leave it, Daisy. He's a grown man." Daisy smiled after him with a blush coating her cheeks and ignored Mr. Patmore. "I suppose he can lift a meat pie. Now, put that apple tart in the lower oven."

I chuckled and shook my head while finishing off decorating a cake as Daisy carried the apple pie and rushed over to place it in the lower oven. "Careful, Daisy. You'll end up dropping it."

"And take that away." Mrs. Patmore gestured to one of the bowls that was amongst the variety of other ingredients in front of the both of us. "Mr. Lynch shouldn't have left it there."

"What is it?" Daisy stood up and stared at it in confusion while she picked it up.

"It's salt of sorrel." I answered.

"I asked him for some to clean the brass pots." Mrs. Patmore explained. "So, put it somewhere careful. It's poison."

"In other words, throw it out." I said.

"Seems like a lot of food when you think they're all in mourning." Daisy commented.

"You don't expect them to starve, do you?" I asked without looking up from the cake I've been working on.

"Nothing makes you hungrier or more tired than grief." Mrs. Patmore started explaining. "When my sister died, God rest her soul, I ate my way through four platefuls of sandwiches at one sitting and slept round the clock."

"Did it make you feel better?" Daisy asked.

Mrs. Patmore stopped using the rolling pin and shook her head. "Not much, but it passed the time." She then changed the subject quickly, which is understandable, and started panicking. "Oh, my Lord! What was this chopped egg supposed to be sprinkled on?"

"The chicken." I said just as I finished decorating the cake.

"Of course. Thank you, Eve." Mrs. Patmore gestured to the bowl. "Daisy, take it upstairs."

"I can't go in the dining room." Daisy lowered her voice as if she were embarrassed to say it.

"I should think not." Said Mrs. Patmore.

"That's why you'll take it to Dan, Thomas, Will, or Theo instead." I told Daisy. "Find one of them and hand it over to them. Explain what it's for, do what you need to do with it, then come back down as quickly as you can."

"Get a move on girl, before they come back from church." Daisy quickly picked up the tray and walked as quickly as she could out of the kitchen.


Moments later, Daisy came back, only to forget about giving one of the footmen the chopped eggs to sprinkle on the chicken. I could have sworn she had taken it, but never mind.

The good thing is Will walked back downstairs, Daisy swapped the bowls, he seemed very confused about it all but went back upstairs anyway, and all was well.

However, after all the preparing of the cooking and Gwen with preparing a guest room for him, Mr. Murray isn't going to stay the night, and didn't even stay for luncheon. I'm sure that the Dowager wasn't best pleased about the situation, given that Lady Mary will not be marrying Mr. Patrick, which means she will not be able to inherit Lady Grantham's money, or the house.

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