Chapter 03: Autumn 1912 - A New Set Of Crawleys

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"So, what do you think we'll make of them?"

"I shouldn't think much. She doesn't even have a Lady's maid."

Everyone has been waiting in anticipation for the arrival of Matthew and Isobel Crawley. They're the main topic downstairs, which doesn't surprise me because Mr. Matthew is to become the heir to this estate. Some of us are hanging out at the servants hall after breakfast. Thomas was the first to start the conversation, then of course, Miss O'Brien just had to comment, didn't she?

"Well, I'd say you're best off waiting until you've met Mrs. Crawley first before you decide to make judgement, Miss O'Brien." Fiona said before taking a sip of her coffee.

"It's not a capital offence." Anna agreed with Fiona whilst sewing.

"She's got a maid. Her name's Ellen." Mr. Bates made eye contact with Miss O'Brien, trying to hide a smirk. "She came a day earlier."

Miss O'Brien obviously didn't look impressed. "She's not a Lady's maid. She's a housemaid who fastens hooks and buttons when she has to. There's more to it than that, you know?"

"All I'll say on the matter is to give them all a chance." I spoke up. I'm currently leaning my back against back against Fiona with my feet resting on Thomas' legs. "Sure, they're better off than us in terms of finance, but Mr. Matthew was a middle class lawyer, and Mrs. Crawley is a trained nurse. There may come a time when one of us will need their help, be it something court related, the law, an injury that needs seeing to, or an illness we need cured."


I groaned and reluctantly stood up after Mrs. Patmore summoned me. "What I would do for a day off." I patted Thomas' shoulder. "I'm relying on you to give me a report about what they're like, and what's been said during their dinner. The few things that a kitchen maid looks forward to."

"That, and a day off." Thomas smirked.

"Cocky bastard." I playfully insulted him, making him, Fiona, and Anna laugh before I left the servants hall to get to the kitchen and help Mrs. Patmore prepare the dinner for the upstairs.


After we finished preparing the dinner, Daisy helped us make the deserts before it's sent up. While the family have their meal, I stood with Fiona, Anna, Miss O'Brien, and Mr. Bates. The discussion of the lawyer and the nurse continued with Daisy being as curious as ever. "Why shouldn't it be a lawyer?"

"Gentlemen don't work, silly." Miss O'Brien told her. "Not real gentleman."

Anna smiled at Daisy. "Don't listen to her, Daisy."

"No." Mrs. Patmore argued. "Listen to me. And take those kidneys up to the server before I knock you down and serve your brains for fritters."

"Yes, Mrs. Patmore!" Daisy picked up the plate of food and rushed out of the kitchen.

"It should be up to him if he wants to work or not." Fiona said. "I like a man who works a job like a normal person, regardless of them becoming an heir to a house and all that."

"Castle, but yes." I added.

Fiona continued. "If Lady Mary doesn't marry him, then send him my way." Anna, Mr. Bates and myself laughed just as Thomas, Dan, Theo, and Will enter the kitchen carrying the trays from the dinner earlier.

"Wonder what that Mr. Molesley makes of them." Anna thought aloud. Mr. Molesley is the valet to Mr. Matthew, as well as the butler for him and Mrs. Crawley. Neither of us have crossed paths with him yet.

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