Chapter 06: End Of May 1913 - A New Frock & A Flashback

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The morning after the fair, everyone but Anna is up going about their usual chores because she is still resting. Will hasn't been himself since last night, and I can only guess that it has something to do with a certain Thomas Barrow. Gwen is helping with preparing the breakfast, while Fiona drinks some coffee beside me as I wash the dishes.

"Daisy. Chafing dishes, now." Mrs. Patmore ordered.

"They're right in front of you, Mrs. Patmore." I told her without looking away from washing the dishes.

"Are you trying to trick me again, Eve?"

Fiona and I glanced at each other, sharing the safe look. I turned around, watching Mrs. Patmore in concern. "Of course not. Well, not this time." I'll speak to Dan after breakfast, as well as Mr. Carson and Mrs. Hughes. Something seems off with Mrs. Patmore lately.

"Anna's still not well." Mrs. Hughes said when she entered the kitchen. She turned to Miss O'Brien, who is carrying a tray for Lady Grantham as she always does in the morning. "O'Brien, you'll need to help Fiona dress the girls this morning." She walks back out in one direction, and Miss O'Brien leaves through another with Fiona carrying a tray for Lady Edith close behind. Will walks in with a frown on his face.

"What do you look like?" Thomas asked him rudely. He then glanced at Daisy. "Daisy, what do you think he looks like?"

I walked over to them and stood beside Will while shaking my head at Thomas. "Leave him alone, Thomas."

Thomas made eye contact with me before turning his attention back to Will. "Do your buttons up."

"Well, go on, then." Daisy jumped in.

I gave her a pointed look. "Daisy." She immediately looked away and went back to preparing breakfast. Thomas watched Will do his buttons up on his grey waist coat before walking away with a tray. Thomas made eye contact with Daisy and smirked.

I ran after Will and placed my hand on his arm. "Will, do not let them get to you. How they treat you last night and just a moment ago was uncalled for. I'll have a word with Daisy, but if Thomas continues to bully you, come find me. I'll give him a good earful."

He smiled a little. "Thank you, but I'll be all right Eve." I watch him with a look of concern while he walked upstairs.

He obviously isn't all right. That poor boy is going through a hard because of those two. Anymore issues from Thomas or Daisy might push Will over the edge. All I can do is wait until later to have a word with the both of them.


After breakfast, I was summoned to Mrs Hughes's office in my casual clothing instead of my uniform. I thought it might have something to do with going shopping. I usually just go into the village to pick up some ingredients to last a while.

Those thoughts instantly vanished when I noticed Sybil standing in the room. "Is everything all right, Mrs. Hughes? Lady Sybil?"

Since our meeting, Sybil and I agreed that I don't use her title, and she can call me by my full name if she wanted to, but only when it is just the two of us. We're friends, after all, but I explained to her that I didn't want anyone such as Mr. Carson or her grandmother thinking low of her being friends with a servant. Sybil said it isn't up to anyone who she decides to be friends with, as much as I agree with her, but she understood.

Mrs. Hughes shook her head. "No, dear. Lady Sybil has requested that you accompany her in Ripon today. I didn't think you would mind a bit of a break, especially after taking care of Anna last night."

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