Chapter 07: Summer 1913 - The Flower Show (Part 01)

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It is nearing the end of July. I celebrated my 18th birthday, and Lord and Lady Grantham's family held a vigil in the village as they do every year on July 15th to mark 13 years to the day Lady Evangeline went missing. I had decided to attend it with everyone, including Tom.

Since that time we had our photographs taken by Dan, all I could think about was Tom and that strange daydream that seemed an awful lot like a memory. If it were a memory, it would mean that Tom is the Irish boy I have been thinking about all this time. I have no memories of my childhood, except for the fact that an Irish boy gave me a four-leaf clover to use as a good luck charm.

Not only that, it would also mean that I'm the 'Angel Of The Abbey' - the missing youngest Crawley daughter...but that doesn't seem possible at all.

Anyway, everyone had gotten me lovely gifts, including Sybil, who gave me a diary, of which I am currently using right now. If I run out of pages, I told Sybil that I'll just have to buy another one.

Tom had given me a lovely surprise when we arrived back at Downton Abbey. We walked to his cottage, perks of being the family's chauffeur, and he cooked for us both. After dinner, we went on a stroll under the stars, and he presented me with a small, but beautiful, bouquet of flowers.

I had a feeling he might have heard from Fiona that I've always wanted a gentleman to spend an evening under the stars with who would make me smile throughout the entire evening, as cheesy as that sounds, and Tom did just that. Like my dream Prince, if you'd like me to make it sound rather cheesy.

I would say we have grown closer to each other, and he ticks all the boxes for me in what I see in a gentleman, but I have this sinking feeling that he is in love with Sybil. If he is, then he has my full support in pursuing her, but he will never know that my heart will shatter to pieces because of how strongly I feel towards him, especially if he were to ask for her hand in marriage.


I had the day off today, so I decided to help Mr. Molesley and some of the residents of the community set up for the flower show that Downton puts on every year. It was one of the few events that Daisy and I snuck off to after visiting the farmers market. I absolutely loved the displays of flower arrangements. They show how much effort people have put into them, although I've heard that the Dowager Countess has won it a fair few times...

Mr. Molesley tied the banner up one end that I had created during my spare time, and I tied it up at the other end on the banisters. It had the words 'Downton Village Flower Show' painted in fancy writing with some decorative patterns.

I stepped off the stage and placed my hands on my hips, smiling in satisfaction while Mr. Molesley finishes tying the last string. "And there we have it. I still can't believe that I had been chosen to make it."

"It's a good job they did because it looks terrific." Mr. Molesley complimented.

"Thank you, Mr. Molesley." I said.

"Afternoon, Ma'am." Mr. Molesley greets a lady who walks over to us and stands beside me.

"When do you put the magnificent display of prizes on show?" She asked.

"Not till the day itself." Mr. Molesley told her.

"I remember a superb cup from last year." The lady recalls.

"The Grantham Cup." Mr. Molesley said. "It was donated by the late Lord Grantham for the best bloom in the village."

"And they always look so wonderful." I commented, grabbing the lady's attention. "I've been to a few of the flower shows, and I think the best thing about it isn't the trophy, but the time and effort it had taken people to grow the flowers and create such lovely displays."

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