Chapter #49

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Chapter #49

May 6th 2022

Scarlett's POV

I am finishing making dinner when I hear the front door open and Devon and Louisa come running to the kitchen with Lizzie following behind with Thomas in her arms. "Hey did you have fun with Auntie Lizzie and Uncle Robbie?" I ask as they run up to me. "We had a bunch of ice cream!" Devon says excitedly. "Liz." I say lowly in a scolding tone. "I can't say no to them. Where's Louri, is she with Maya?" She asks, trying to change the subject. "Yes but she'll be just as upset about the ice cream as me." I tell her. "Here, have a baby." She says handing me Thomas. "See can't be upset with a baby in your arms." She says. "Yes she can. I've seen it." Louri says with a yawn coming down the stairs. "I'm the fun Aunt ok. I will forever spoil them." Liz says. "Uh huh." Louri says before coming around and wrapping her arms around me from behind resting her chin on my shoulder. "Hi Baby." She says placing a kiss on my cheek. "Hi Babe, how was your nap?" I ask. "Short but good. Maya is still out like a light." She says. "Now what's this I heard about ice cream?" She asks. "Auntie Lizzie let us have it for breakfast and lunch." Devon says clearly on a sugar rush. "Jesus Liz." Louri scolds. "They gave me puppy eyes. What am I supposed to do, say no?" She says. "Yes." Louri and I say at the same time.

Lizzie's POV

Ok so Devon can't keep a secret and I might be murdered and buried in my own garden. "You are in charge of taking care of any tantrums that happen during the sugar high you have caused." Louri says. "Devon and Louisa? Tantrums? They never have those." I say. "Yes they do it's not often but they do. But when they start coming down from a sugar rush they become demons." Louri says. "Louri! Don't call them that!" Scarlett scolds. "Do you have a better word to describe it?" Louri asks. "Um fallen angels." Scarlett says. "That's literally what a demon is." Louri says. "It sounds nicer than demons even though they do act like them." Scarlett says. "Oh and Devon's filter goes out the window when on a sugar high." Louri says. "Please be joking, cussing Devon isn't fun plus he asks questions that I don't want to answer." I say. "She's not joking Liz and you did this to yourself." Scarlett says. "Nooo please I'm sorry." I beg. "PUSSY!!" Devon yells. "Out of all the words he could start yelling he uses that one. Whyyyyyyy." Louri whines into Scarlett's neck. "Liz, you have to correct him." Scarlett says oh lord this isn't going to be fun.

Scarlett's POV

"You had to talk about our sex life to Liz." Louri groans since that's how he learned that one. "If you weren't so good I wouldn't." I smirk and her jaw drops. "And that was his first word." I say when we hear Devon shout 'fuck'. "Yeah I had to pay you twenty bucks." She laughs and her laughing makes Thomas let out his own little giggle which I have to say is one of the cutest things in the world. "That is your son." I say when Devon continues to run around shouting cuss words no sentences just cuss words and Liz is chasing after him trying to get him to stop. "My little Marine." She smiles. "Wait, we are missing one." I say not seeing Louisa. "She's with Maya." Louri says and I nod. "Can one of you help?" Liz asks. "No you did this, you must suffer." Louri laughs. "You are mean." Liz whines. "You better make sure he doesn't wake his sister." I tell her and she goes off after him again. "We need popcorn for this." Louri says as we watch Liz chase Devon around pleading for him to stop cursing. "Maybe we should step in. She looks like she's had enough." I say. "Yeah but it's so much fun to watch." She says. "Louri I think she's learned her lesson plus I don't want him teaching his sisters these words." I say and she sighs and lets me go and walks to the doorway of the kitchen. "Devon Christipher! Over here now." Louri says sternly and he stops running and walks over to her. "Did your Aunt tell you to stop using those words?" Louri asks, bending down to his height. "Yes Mama." He says looking down. "But you continued." She says. "Yes." He says. "Hey look at me please." She says and he looks up. "You know you can't use those words. But you did and when your Aunt told you to stop you didn't listen. So no tablet for the week and you need to apologize to your Aunt for being rude." Louri says. "Yes Mama." He says. "Hey, can I get a hug before you go?" She says which makes him smile and he wraps his arms around her neck and she gives him one of her bear hugs and lifts him off the ground making him laugh. "Now go apologize to your Aunt and mean it." She says when she puts him down and he goes off and does as he's told. "So I just have to bark like a Marine to get him to listen?" Liz jokes. "No, you just have to have a firm tone. And I don't bark." Louri says. "Oh no you definitely bark." I hear Greg's voice say behind us. "Ah! Jesus Gregory!" Louri scolds "Now that was her work voice." I say. "Yeah I heard the difference." Liz says. "I don't bark. I shout." Louri says and walks over and hugs her friend and colleague. "So what are you doing here?" I ask. "I came to check on my favorite Maya of course." He says. "She's in her room." I tell him. "I assume Louisa is there too?" He asks looking around not seeing her. "Yep can you tell them dinner is ready and help Maya to the table." I ask him and he nods his head before going upstairs.


Lizzie I hope you learned your lesson. Anygays see you in the next one.     

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