Chapter #4

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Chapter #4
Mar 11th 2022
Louri’s POV
“Hey baby are you ok doing a video call with the kids Louisa won’t stop asking for you.” Scarlett says after helping me out of the small shower that I desperately needed. The nurses tried to help but when Scarlett saw how uncomfortable I was she kicked them out. “Can it just be a normal call not a video. I love our kids, I just don’t want a repeat of what happened yesterday.” I tell her. “Yeah it can. I honestly just think Louisa wants to hear your voice.” She says. “Ok good arm around my shoulder and slow steps back to the bed.” Scarlett tells me. “Yes Ma’am.” I say and give her a salute with my good arm making her chuckle. “Hey Baby can you hand me your phone real quick?” I ask. “Yeah, here you know the code.” She says handing it to me. “I found this song by Skillet that fits you perfectly.” I tell her. “A Skillet song?” She asks with a raised eyebrow. “Yes, now just let me play it for you.” I say and pull up Spotify on her phone. I play the song and sing along with it as it plays. 
“Drifting beneath the horizon”
“Body is weak but I'm trying”
“To make it to shore, but I'm falling short”
“I need You more”
“Wave after wave, I've been sinking”
“So unto Your promise I'm clinging”
“You say that I'm strong, to You I belong”
“Keep holding on”
“You are my anchor”
“So steady me, steady me now”
“You are my anchor”
“You're keeping my feet on the ground”
“In angry oceans, You've never broken through”
“Every wave of the storm”
“You are my anchor”
“So steady me, steady me now”
“Come steady me, steady me now”
“When I get tired of finding”
“All of the fears I've been hiding”
“You gave me a breath, and tell me to rest”
“You never left”
“I can, I can, I can hear You, calling me by name”
“Pulling me up from under my shame”
“I'll never be the same”
“I can face anything, so let it rain”
“You are my anchor”
“So steady me, steady me now”
“You are my anchor”
“You're keeping my feet on the ground”
“In angry oceans, You've never broken through”
“Every wave of the storm”
“You are my anchor”
“So steady me, steady me now”
“Come steady me, steady me now”
“Don't let go”
“I don't want to do this alone”
“Don't let go”
“I know that I'll drown on my own”
“You are my anchor”
“So steady me, steady me now (I don't want to do this alone)”
“You're keeping my feet on the ground (I know that I'll drown on my own)”
“In angry oceans, You've never broken through”
“Every wave of the storm”
“You are my anchor”
“So steady me, steady me now”
“Come steady me, steady me now”

“You, my love, are my anchor.” I tell her. “You know that song is on my favorites list.” She says. “Really I didn’t know you like Skillet.” I say. “Who doesn’t like Skillet? But the reason I have that song on my favorites is because it makes me think of you.” She says. “Are you trying to make me cry?” I joke. “Are you trying to make me cry?” She jokes back. “We are each other’s anchor.” She says. “Let’s call the kids before we are both a crying mess.” I tell her and I look for my Ma’s contact but can’t find it. “You have scrolled past your mother’s contact twice.” Scarlett laughs. “You have her contact under Lisa don’t you?” I ask. “Yep.” She nods and I click on the contact and press the call button.
“Hey Scarlett, how is Louri?” Ma asks. “I’m good you are on speaker Ma. Scarlett said Louisa has been asking for me.” I say. “More like begging for you. I’ll get her first.” Ma says. “Hello?” Louisa’s voice shyly says through the phone. “Hey my sweet girl.” I say. “Mama! I miss you Mama. When are you coming home?” She asks no longer shy. “The doctors want to keep me here for two weeks. Your Mommy is here too, you are on speaker.” I say. “Hi sweetie.” Scarlett says. “Hi Mommy. Are you taking care of Mama? Uncle Chrissy said you were.” She says. “I am.” Scarlett smiles at how cute our daughter is. “Mama that means you will get all better because when Mommy takes care of us when we don’t feel good we get all better.” She says. “That’s right sweetheart your Mommy is going to help me get all better. How are you doing? I am sorry for scaring you yesterday.” I tell her. “You didn’t scare me. You never scare me Mama. Uncle Greggy told me that Marines are just loud sometimes and you are a Marine so that means you are loud sometimes.” She says and my heart melts. “So you don’t get scared when my voice gets loud?” I ask. “No. Because you are my Mama. I don’t get scared when Mommy’s voice is loud either because she is my Mommy.” She says and I could cry right now. “I’m glad we don’t scare you sweetie.” Scarlett says her voice is breaking a little but she has a huge smile on her face. “You make me feel safe. Grandma Lisa told us that even when our mommies yell they still love us and want us to be happy.” She says. “Well your Grandma Lisa is very wise.” I say. “What is wise?” She asks. “Smart.” I say because I’m not giving a four year old an ELA lesson. “Oh. Can I see you Mama?” She asks. “Um, maybe tomorrow.” I say. “Yay!” She cheers. “Remember I said maybe.” I tell her. “Everytime you say maybe it always means yes Mama duh.” She says she definitely has Scarlett’s sass. “Mama you sound sleepy.” She says and she’s not wrong I am exhausted just from taking a simple shower. “I am a little sleepy. But I wanted to talk to my favorite Louisa.” I tell her. “I’m your favorite Louisa?” She asks. “Of course you are.” I tell her. “You are my favorite Marine.” She says, making me smile. “I love you sweetheart. I need some rest. I will talk to you and your siblings later, ok.” I tell her. “Ok Mama. Have sweet dreams.” She says and hangs up. “I didn’t get to say goodbye.” Scarlett pouts. “She’s four.” I state. “Still.” Scarlett says for I lean up and kiss her pout away. I lay in Scarlett’s arms as she runs her hands through my hair soothing me to sleep.

Anchor is by Skillet. Skillet is good if you disagree you can bite me lol. Anygays see you in the next one

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