Chapter #70

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Chapter #70

July 5th 2022

Louri's POV

"Mommy, Uncle Chris is using Mama's cookie dough." I wake up to Devon talking to Scarlett. "My emotional support dough!" I yell as I hop out of bed and run to the kitchen.

Scarlett's POV

Fuck now I have to make sure that Louri doesn't kill Chris. "Come on Angel, let's go make sure those two knuckle heads don't do anything stupid." My eight year old nods, he knows how they turn into giant children a lot.

Chris's POV

(Five minutes earlier)

I woke up with a craving for cookies and knowing Louri is a lot like me she is bound to have some cookie dough in the fridge or freezer. I quietly slip out of the room I’m sharing with Devon. "Come on Lor I know you have some stashed somewhere." I think out loud as I search for the cookie dough. "Ah ha!" I cheered. "Uncle Chris, what are you doing?" I hear Devon ask behind me. "I'm making cookies. Do you want to help me?" I ask. "No thank you, I know not to mess with Mama's cookie dough." He says and walks back upstairs. "CHRISTOPHER ROBERT EVANS!!" My sister's voice booms from the top of the stairs as I put the first round of cookies in the oven. Now what Devon said about 'knowing not to mess with Mama's cookie dough' meant as I watched a not so happy Marine charge straight at me. "Whoa, hold on there for a second. Let's talk this out. I am your big brother after all." I panicked. "Is that my cookie dough, Christopher?" She asks using my full name and her 'mom' voice. "Maybe." I squeak. "Don't even think about it, Louri." I hear Scarlett say as she walks in stopping Louri from giving me a possibly very painful wedgie which seems to be her favorite way to get payback. "But he is using my cookie dough." Louri whines. "Babe you’re thirty seven, you'll be thirty eight in November. Don't you think you’re a little old to get into a fight over some cookie dough?" Scarlett asks in a calming voice and Louri's body relaxes. "Yeah I guess you’re right. But he owes me a new tub of cookie dough." She says. "That's fair, I can buy you a new tub of cookie dough." I am relieved that I was spared from a wedgie because when Louri gives a wedgie she pulls so hard that the elastic band gets ripped from the underwear and that shit hurts.

Scarlett's POV

"Ok Devon why don't you head back to bed it's still too early for you to be up." I say when I see him try and hide a yawn. "Ok, Night night." He says to Louri, Chris, and I. "So I’m assuming that is how you found out about me making cookies?" Chris asks."Yeah he went to wake Scarlett but he's eight and can't really whisper so I woke up when he woke her up. I just got here faster." Louri says. "Oh they’re ready." Chris says when the oven timer goes off. "Oy back off, my cookie dough my cookies." Louri says as she grabs two oven mitts to pull the cookie sheet out of the oven. "Louri you can share. If our second grader can understand the concept of sharing I would assume that you can too." I say to my wife who is easily the most stubborn human being on the planet. "Fine he can have one." She grumbles. "Don't give me the attitude Marine." I warn and she smirks. "Or what? Are you going to punish me?" She smirks. "Oh god ew! I’m right here!" Chris looks like he may actually be sick. Chris takes a couple of cookies and runs off muttering something about being scarred for life. "I genuinely forgot he was there for a second." Louri says, I can tell she is trying her best not to laugh at her brother and honestly so am I. "He looked like he was going to be sick,” I say "You never did answer my question." Louri says. "Get your head out of the gutter. I swear you’re always horny." I laugh."Hey I get sent away for months at a time ok. I am just making up for lost time. Also have you seen you? She asks, wiggling her eyebrows. 

A/N: I love the sibling relationship between Chris and Louri. Anygays see you in the next one. 

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