11 - The Sister

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The night before Chris left he came and stayed at my place bringing everything I would need for Dodger. We spent as much time together as we could in one night, mostly being tangled up in each other in bed.

I woke up the next morning and he was already gone, I knew he would be. His plane was leaving at 5am and he had to be gone by 3am just to get checked in and everything on time. When I woke up Dodger had taken his spot on the bed where Chris was, and I smiled when I rolled over and he was looking at me.

"Good morning, buddy." I said and he licked my face. "So, dad is gone...what do we do?" I asked and he barked getting out of bed and I laughed as he ran to the bedroom door.

"Alright, I'm up." I said sitting up and stretching in bed. As I went to grab my phone from the nightstand I saw something sitting there. It was t-shirt of Chris's and a small bottle of something. I grabbed the handwritten note on top of the shirt.

I know this is the first time we will really be fully apart since we have known each other and been close. I'm leaving you a t-shirt of mine to sleep in and when it stops smelling like me when you wash it, there is a bottle of my cologne to spray on it. You also still have the bracelet I gave you at the convention. Wear that always and think of me. I'll miss you.
Love, Chris.-

I smiled reading his note. This was such a sweet thing to do for me, he must have known I would miss him something fierce. I left them on my nightstand when Dodger barked again and I knew he would want to go eat and I could use a cup of coffee.

I got downstairs, filled Dodger's bowl and poured myself a cup of coffee. As I sat scrolling through social media on my phone it went off with a text message.

Chris: Not sure if you're awake but I just wanted to text you and say good morning beautiful.

I smiled at this.

Bex: Well I had a very demanding dog in my bed this morning after having a very demanding boyfriend in it last night...😏😘

Chris: I didn't hear you complaining...

Bex: Oh no quite the opposite.

Chris: Dodger wanted fed didn't he?

Chris clearly wanted to change the subject.

Bex: Yeah, I was going to take him to a dog park later. Which one do you usually go to?

Chris: There is one like 3 blocks away from my house. I will send you the location. Don't feel like you have to take him though.

Bex: No, it's okay. I want to take him and spoil him. He is in my care Evans, he is going to be spoiled.

Chris: Oh great I'm going to come back to a diva dog.

Bex: Like he isn't one already which I believe is all on you...

Chris: I plead the fifth.

I laughed and looked down at Dodger.

"Your dad spoils you doesn't he?" Dodger just barked in response and I laughed.

Bex: Dodger just agreed with me.

Chris: Funny...

Chris: Did you get the gifts I left you?

I smiled.

Bex: I did, I cant wait to wear it tonight.

Chris: Send me a picture tonight...?

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