I wake with the sun in my eyes from the open window. Freezing air billows through accompanied by the thick coat of snow laid upon the grounds of Hogwarts.
I stand and close the window tightly. I sigh and look back at the three girls sound asleep. I quickly dress in thermal tights, a black skirt, a white button-down, and a thick black coat. Draco and I never discussed a time we were meant to meet so I go down to the commons and sit cross-legged by the fire. I lay my coat on the back of the chair and pull a book out from my black tote bag.
I flip through the pages endlessly before the familiar click of dress shoes startled me. I look up to see Draco dressed in a black suit.
"Time for our date already?" I say snidely.
He simply nods his lips in a thin line.
"You have it?" I ask.
He nods again and I stand. We make the trek down to Hogsmeade through the blistering cold. Even through my coat, the snow leaves a biting chill on my skin. We don't speak one word to each other as we enter Hogsmeade and Draco leads the way into the Three Broomsticks pub.
One thing I didn't expect to see in the pub was Harry Potter and his band of Griffindoor halfwits shrugging off their coats at a table. Draco pauses as he sees them too. He covers his pause by taking my coat from my shoulders. He lays it over his arm as we sit at a table away from their eyes.
"So who is our lucky champion?" I ask as we survey the pub.
"What can I get you?" A server asks as he nears our tables.
"Two butter beers," Draco says simply.
Once the server leaves we survey everyone here. I evaluate everyone from Hogwarts until my eyes land on Katy Bell. She is a year under us, not too bright, easy to curse. I nod in her direction and Draco turns to look at her.
We watch as she enters the loo. Wordlessly Draco slips me the box under the table. I take my coat from the chair under me and tuck it between the folds before following her inside.
When I walk in the loo she is the only one in here. This is why women should never go to the loo alone. I pretend to fix my makeup as she exits her stall and begins washing her hands. She turns and I whip out my wand. I utter a quick spell before giving her strict instructions to deliver the package to Dumbledore himself in person.
She stands dazed as I slip the package into her hands and quickly exit the Loo after casting the memory charm obliviate. I find Draco at the table with bound hands and a jumping leg.
"It's done," I say, laying my coat back on the chair and watching as Katy Bell exits the bathroom.
"Alright let's leave," Draco says, moving to stand.
"Sit your arse down," I order and he does so. "That would be suspicious."
"Right." He says.
"Here you are." The man returns with our butter beers.
Draco pays him outright so he doesn't bother us again. I sip the thick sweet liquid and a sense of awkwardness settles between us. I look up to see Draco staring off into space somewhere behind me. I snap my fingers in front of his face to gain his attention.
"What's the matter?" I ask.
"Nothing." He says simply.
"Look I enjoy this less than you do."
"Right," he scoffs. "This is easy for you. You've been taking risks since your first year. You are your father's daughter after all."
"Whatever." I seethe, crossing my arms over my chest. "You know what, I didn't get a choice."
"Neither did I." He spits quietly, leaning forward.
"Looks like we are the same," I say leaning forward as well.
"We're not the same." He says, abruptly standing and storming towards the door.
He looks at me sharply and I stand, shrugging on my coat as I rush past him out the door. I set an unforgiving pace which Draco matches with ease. After a while I stop abruptly, pulling him a little off the path to not allow anyone in on this particular conversation. I set up a strong block in my mind from my father before speaking.
"Look, I have been raised in the shadow of my father, his death eaters whispering his praises since I was a babe. I have never even been allowed the thought that I could do something else."
"You think I was raised any differently." He says sharply.
"No, but I do think that that is what makes us the best pair for this task. Set aside the fact that we are the closest in position to my father. And let's face it, Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't know what to do with the wardrobe even if they had a handbook for the damn thing." He scoffs a slight chuckle. "As much as you don't want to admit it, you and I are cut from the same cloth; burdened by our fathers and bound for success. One day, probably sooner than we expect, my father will rule over this world, muggle and Wizard if he doesn't kill the muggles outright. You and I will be at the center of it all, we will be the reason he can succeed sooner than he thought possible. The only reason I agreed to do this is because I know my father. In the end, he will get what he wants and kill anyone who stands in his path."
"I know that." He says. "I just, I don't know."
"Come on, I just said all that and all you have to say is I don't know?"
"I understand Verena. I do." He says and my stomach twists. "I just wish it wasn't us placed in this position. Forced to do all these things awful for your father."
"I know," I say sadly. "We just have to get through this."
"Then what?" He asks. "A war in which we continue to betray the people that trust us, Pansy and Blaise."
"I. . . I truly hope it won't come to that."
"But you know it will." He says.
"In the end, we will be alive, Draco," I say louder this time. "We will be alive and powerful and rich beyond our dreams."
"Is that what you want?"
"I- I don't know," I say honestly. "That's all I've been taught to want. What do you want?"
"I don't know." He says simply. "Let's get back, your lips are turning blue."
With that, we head back to Hogwarts with heavy hearts and a scream echoing in the distance. Katy Bell did not successfully deliver the package.

The Slytherin Heiress
FanfictionWhen Verena Riddle is presented to the world she has one goal, one purpose in her life, rule the world alongside her father. Raised in the shadows, the serpent is finally ready to emerge. When she does her goals shift unknowingly as she is to work w...