I squeeze my eyes closed and when I open them I stand infront of Draco, Pansy, Balise and Harry as they kneel over my body. Draco places his head in his hands and tears drip down his cheeks.
"This is cruel, Potter." Pansy barks.
I reach out to wipe Draco's tears away but my hand simply slides through him, she shivers, not looking up from my body. I try to embrace Pansy but again I slip right through. Then another tug in my gut calls me to my body. I lay down inside myself and close my eyes.
My lungs begin to burn and I force my jaw open to breathe. I take gasping breaths and attempt to move my stiff joints. Before I can, arms clutch me to a body. I open my eyes to see a familiar tuft of blonde hair.
"Draco." I mutter, clutching him to me.
"Vera." He says.
His hands around my waist tighten, fingers digging into my back. I press my hand against his hair and breathe deeply. His scent is clouded by smoke and dirt but I don't care. He's alive, I'm alive. I begin laughing against him before he pulls away, crawling my cheek. He doesn't say a word before he slams his lips into mine roughly. I press farther into the kiss allowing my body to melt into him.
After a long moment he pulls away and tears stain his cheeks. I smile as I wipe them away.
"You were dead." He gasps. "You were gone."
"I'm here now." I say, tears running down my cheeks as well. "I'm right here."
He presses his lips against mine again before I am the one to pull away.
"I love you Draco Malfoy, I love you." I say and my heart skips a beat as I stare into his eyes.
"I love you Vera." He says, pressing his lips against mine.
"Okay okay!" Pansy groans beside us. "My turn."
I laugh as I pull away from Draco and wrap my arms around my best friend, I notice Blaise beside her and I wrap my arm around him, keeping them both tight against me for a long moment. All the while Draco keeps his hand on my back.
I pull away and Draco helps me to my feet. My limbs are stiff and incredible sore. Draco keeps his hand on my waist before leading me and everyone inside. As soon as we step in the doors all eyes turn to us. Draco tightens his grip on my waist before looking at Harry.
"Everyone it's alright." Harry soothes everyone. "Vera Riddle helped us. She was a Horcrux as well and she sacrificed herself in the woods so that we could kill Voldemort."
Everyone stays silent for a long moment before Luna love food comes up to me. I stare at her with regret ringing in my heart.
"It seems I was right about you all along." She says breathlessly, referencing our conversation in the dungeon. She called me kind, in a round about way.
"Thank you Luna." I say honestly. "And I am so sorry for what happened."
"It's all right it was obvious you were forced." She says. "Both of you."
Slowly a few people come up to me to thank me as Draco leads me to Pomfree. The dead litter the dining hall, those alive chatting on the tables and on the floor. My heart swells with joy at it all being over and sinks at seeing all those lost.
"Is there anything we can help with." I ask as I near pomfree.
"She needs to be looked over first." Draco argues.
"Draco I'm fine." I argue. "What can we do to help."
She sets Draco and I up to help with cleaning and dressing some superficial wounds. It takes a while for them to warm up to us but once they see we're trying to help they let us. It feels good to actually help rather than be the one to hurt them.
After a while my body quickly tires and Draco finishes up the last person before we sit on a table. He wraps his arm around my waist and I lean my head on his shoulder.
"I guess dying really takes a lot out of you." I joke.
Draco gives me a pointed look before pressing his lips against my temple.
"When you died," he begins. "I had never felt pain like that before. It was in my heart, I was almost numb. Don't ever do anything like that again."
"I won't." I say, bringing my lips to his. "I'm sorry, it was the only way."
"I know." He says. "But you're here now. I That's all that matters to me."
Once everyone was looked over everyone was sent home to their families. For me I was sent back to the manor where I had lived for the last two years. When we enter the house Narcissa and Lucius stop talking when they see us. Narcissa runs up to Draco and I and wraps us both in a tight embrace.as she releases us she latches onto Draco and holds his hand.
"I just want to apologize for everything that happened." I say sadly. "To all of you. The way my father and I treated you was not acceptable and I wanted to apologize."
"You have nothing to apologize for dear." Narcissa says, cupping my cheek and reminding me of my mother. "In fact we would like to apologize as well and open our home to you, to live in."
"Thank you." I say relief causing my shoulders to hang. "That's very kind."
Then a loud knock sounds at the door and people from the ministry flood the house.

The Slytherin Heiress
FanfictionWhen Verena Riddle is presented to the world she has one goal, one purpose in her life, rule the world alongside her father. Raised in the shadows, the serpent is finally ready to emerge. When she does her goals shift unknowingly as she is to work w...