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I couldn't sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I saw people get shot dead. I watched the sunrise, I listened to the staff cursing me out as they cleaned the broken glass under the window, I looked at the fire that slowly died out and wished I did, too. Maybe if I hadn't jumped into the pool but broken my neck by jumping from the roof onto the ground, I wouldn't have to get out of this bed and relieve this nightmare.

My legs were shaking as I stood up. My body ached in pain at the slightest move and I knew nothing that was going to happen to me. I hoped that Zayn would come by and check on me so I could ask him if Harry had decided my... fate. But he never came.

I slowly walked the staircase that I ran down last night. The men in masks were still at the end of them but this time instead of getting scared and returning back upstairs, I walked past them. Zayn and Louis were having breakfast, and Harry was missing. Again. When they noticed me, Louis rolled his eyes and Zayn's gaze flickered to my bruised-up feet before returning to my face. He didn't say anything, instead, he gestured for me to sit on the empty leather chair.

"How was your beauty sleep?" Louis teased, making me sigh. Then he frowned, changing his voice like a kid, "Oh, someone's fucking grumpy. Should've seen me clearing after your ass!"

I reached for the empty glass to fill it with water when Louis took it and moved it further away. "That's mine," he muttered.

I looked at the coffee mug, orange juice glass, and the water glass in front of him before gazing at the empty glass. If Harry didn't kill me, I was going to die from dehydration.

"Where's Harry?" I asked with a weak voice. Even speaking was tiring me out.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" Louis sassed, making me beg for patience before I did something, that I should regret but wouldn't.

I pushed the chair back ready to return to my room since no one was telling me shit when Zayn's voice made me stop. "He's in the warehouse but he might be busy."

I turned to look at him, giving him a weak thankful smile before dropping it off when my eyes landed on Louis. Without giving it a second thought, I leaned against the table, tiptoeing around the dishes in front of him and slowly pushing them off the table until he had another mess to clean after my ass.

"Fucking bitch!" Louis yelled after me, followed by Zayn's laughter.

I walked back to the masked men and asked them where's the backdoor. After explaining to them I was looking for Harry they finally told me it was in the kitchen. I walked into the backyard barefoot. The air was cold in the forest and the bad weather only fueled my anger. I felt bad for making him fight. I cried when I realized there was blood on his mother's dress. At a moment that was supposed to make me feel lighter than a feather, I cried because I thought he was dead. I felt bad for him having to grow up in a toxic environment.

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