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Sarika was on her way to her college in the car when she got a phone call when she sees caller id it was from her childhood friend chandrika who has lost her parents in car accident just a year back and from a year they have lost the contact with eachother as chandrika was living with her chachi and chacha,so  she lifts the call & speaks excitedly

sarika : hello chandra how are you? are you comfortable there? how your chachi,chacha treating you?-- she was cutoff by chandrika

chandrika: omg stop rajadhani express how can you talk with out taking breath.

Sarika: your have still not answered my questions.

chandrika: yes i am fine &they are treating me nicely.

Sarika: so you have started lieing to me also, if they are treating you well then you could have called me long back not after year , you know i am messaging you daily for a year & came to their house every 2 months but not got apportunity to meet you ( at end she was weeping)

chandrika : (hesitatingly) saru i have called you to inform that my marriage is fixed , so come to my marriage i will send you my marriage card through post to your house and please inform this to uncle and aunty .

Sarika: (sternly) just pack your bags and wait for us we will come and bring you back here i was taking situation easily thinking atleast your safe but it's high time to involve pa in this.

chandrika says panickingly: no please you , uncle and aunty come to the marriage that's enough for me.

Sarika: i will talk to you in evening as i am infront of my college better keep your phone with  you if not i & dad going to come to your chacha's home.

chandrika: (in low voice) ok .

Sarika: ok bye see you in evening.

by saying this she cut the call and got down from her car and entered the college gate she was going to her classroom when she notice everyone looking at her and murmuring some thing. she ignores them start going to her class when again her phone ringed she sees id it was her crush call so she shyingly lifted the and say's hello and listend from other side: Sarika can you please come to garden fastly i need to talk to you it's very urgent.
Sarika asked what happened and got reply as come fastly it's very urgent and call was dead. wondering what has happened & having no other option she left to garden.

what see saw in  the garden that make her froze .

what did Sarika saw that make her froze ?
To know that please wait till next chapter.

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Please do vote and comment on this chapter and let's again meet in next chapter till then have a nice day
Yours writer,

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