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when Sarika reached ground, there already whole college is there and admist them her crush,her well-wisher , her   senior was impatiently waiting for her , by holiday a rose in his hand.

By seeing all this she got goosebumps on her skin and her heart was beating to loudly. when her senior  Rajeev eyes met with her , her heart skip a beat and everything around her become blur.

He was coming towards her slowly by directly looking into her eyes and stood near her by continuously gazing at her by seeing his gaze on her sarika felt shy so she lowered her eyelashes but after some seconds she heard many gasps so lifted her eyes and saw Rajeev, he was sitting on knees infront of her by holding a rose that's it her heart seems to forget to beat.

Rajeev : hi ladydon i know your suprised and to be more precisely shocked right? but what can i do i love you so much that i need whole college to know that i am yours , yes Sarika i love you so much , i love you when you being my  junior orders me , i love you when you just forget that your daughter of no 1 businessman and spend time with me like forgetting i was from middle-class , i love you when you console me when ever i feel low admist this rich people, i love you when you encourage me to become the better of myself, your may be younger than me but your more mature than me and i feel blessed to take your guidance for rest of life.
so I love you babe please accept my proposal and give your acceptance to see you walking with the help of stick
Just then a punch landed on him and followed by a hug.

Sarika : yes yes I love you too baby and i am ready to become old with you but you know i dont need stick support to walk because i have you.

They were lying in the grass on hugging eachother dearly and everyone around them was hooting , whistling and clapping happily but one person was gritting the teeth , fisting and unfisting their fist and thinking i will snatch this smile faces of yours soon😡😡

So who is that who was not happy with the lovebirds happiness?
What can that person do to ?

To know wait till next chapter until then have a nice day ☺️.

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Yours writer,

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