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                       CHAPTER - 30

But sarika didn't felt the pain , opening her eyes she saw rajeev is in front of her and now holding his cheek. Seeing surya's agressive behaviour Harsha came and dragged surya away from the new couple.

Harsha : don't behave crazily on street Surya , first get inside then we will talk. (Saying this he signalled his wife to take couple inside and he dragged surya inside, ajay took shocked radhika inside as well .)

After going inside, Harsha makes Surya seated in sofa and came to sarika's side.

Harsha : what is this Sarika? Why did you do this without informing anything to me? Don't you believe your uncle? Do you think that i will let your marriage with someone else? 

Sarika : what will you do uncle? What will you do? Will you go against your friend? Can you support me when he is not in my side? Nothing you can do in my life without his will nothing. Only you can say words but can't do anything it's true so i chose to stand up for my self.

Radhika : I agree Surya is wrong saru but you are also wrong here , marrying without elders blessings is not good for you beta , you shouldn't do this.

Vedika : so what she can do radhu ? what she can do harsha? If she waits for our approval then definitely bhaiya will get her married to the person who she didn't even know the name. We all know she will not use anything without knowing about it or without doing research about it but bhaiya is marrying her to complete stranger. (She goes near Surya )

Bhaiya you are ok with marrying her to complete stranger but not ok with her choice bhaiya? What guarantee you have that the person you choose is going to protect our baby!

Surya : he is my PA'S nephew, i know, you all know my PA'S behaviour right?

Radhika : our own children doesn't has our hobbies and characters and how do you think your PA'S nephew will be like him surya ? You are ready to take risk with a stranger but hesitating with your own daughter choice.

Harsha : Surya , i know you are tensed for your princess future and took all the decisions without thinking twice but just think with peaceful mind and you will get to know what and all you did with your princess.

Sarika came near Surya, sat on her knees and holds his hands.

Sarika : papa you are feared that rajeev can't able to save me and our relation if any problems arrived in our lives right? Then do you think that your princess strong enough to rule business world but weak to manage her home ? Why it's always men should protect women? I am strong enough to protect myself and my relation papa , please believe me.You only once said that relation is not about 50- 50 always, sometimes you are 80 and mama is 20 and sometimes she will be 100 and you will be 0 , so in protecting my relation with rajeev I will be 100 and let him be 0 .

By listening this Surya went in deep thought and came back when he saw rajeev also kneeling infront of him.

Rajeev : sir , if you think that i will fail to protect Sarika or our relation then teach me to me how to protect it sir , i have desire to protect Sarika and my relation with her and if you teach me i will definitely  learn perfectly sir , sir i am not saying your wrong but just in one meeting you have predicted my character but you still don't know many things about me in the same way you may have predicted your PA'S nephew's character yet you may not know about him completely still you are in his favour why is this sir ? If you believe your PA'S upbringing then you should believe your own also , apart from me not able to save our relation or Sarika you don't have any problem with me na sir? Then instead of becoming an villain in our lives why don't you be angel in our lives by making me strong?i know i did wrong to marry Sarika like this but we don't have any option left sir , i really love Sarika when you gave options to me to choose Sarika or her career i chooses Sarika's career because I don't want to snatch her dream from her and thought to marry her later when i will be financially, emotionally stable but you rushed things very badly that we don't have any option left other than marrying now .

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