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When vedika went to terrace she seen chandra and Sarika sleeping on Ajay's lap either sides and Ajay even though he is sleeping uncomfortably but his face has so much happiness. By seeing this she got emotional because when they were small chandra parents often leaves Chandra in Sarika's house and goes for work to earn money that time chandra cries a lot by missing her parents that time also ajay make her sleep like this only and Sarika while trying to make her laugh also will end up sleeping on his lap as she is younger than these two, so whenever chandra cries she will also cry and will sleep. She took her phone and take photo of this scene. After admiring them for few minutes she started her work of waking them. Chandra , Ajay woken but Sarika who loves her sleep more than anything still is sleeping without any tensions of the world.
After 10 minutes of three people hard work finally they are able to wake her up.

Sarika : good morning all of you ( in her sleepy voice)

Ajay : if you could have slept for sometime then it'll be afternoon ( sarcastic) now get up my back mumma it's paining a lot ma do something and you monkey getup from my lap( started screaming)

Sarika : ( sleeping relaxing ) i am very comfortable here so I will not getup ( said teasingly).

Chandrika : saru don't tease him , see he is really in pain ( said in a concern voice )

Sarika : i will not believe this monkey and i am not going to getup this soon.
( But she his face which shows he is pain so she moved from his lap abruptly and said in her guilty voice) sorry Ajay i thought your pranking me i don't know your are really
But stopped by Ajay's laugh.

Ajay : (Laughingly and teasingly) you will never change when I act just 2 % you will feel into my trap easily .

And run from there when he saw Sarika is coming towards him by her chappal. Both of them came down by ajay running as he is running marathon and Sarika is running behind him carrying her chappal. When radhika saw them like this she trying to stop them but they are not stopping at all even Harsha and Surya all with remaining ladies also tried but no use they are running in house by pushing everything in their way by seeing her house get spoilt by these two crazy best friends radhika shouted on top of her voice.


By listening her shout finally they have stopped and saw the mess they created and saw radhika glaring them with her angry eyes so two of them stand together holding eachother hands and murmuring them selves
Sarika : we will share our punishment Ajay 50 - 50 ok.
Ajay : yeah that's good idea.
Sarika : yes , i will always gives good ideas.(Proudly)

Radhika : both of go and fresh up and come fast for breakfast if you don't come in half a hour then no breakfast for you ( angrily)
And Chandra beta yo also go and fresh up and come ( softly)

Three of them goes towards their destiny but in between Sarika started murmuring

Sarika : whaw whaw with me she is talking that angrily but when she is talking with chandra instantly she became mother India my mother should be actor then all the awards will be in our home.

Radhika : i am listening everything saru ( threateningly)
Listening to this Sarika runs to her room.

After breakfast all of them settled in living room to discuss with chandra .

Sarika : ok who will ask first ,if no one is willing then i will proceed.

Ajay : this is not court --- interrupted by Sarika

Sarika : i am serious Ajay don't interrupt me.

Chandra : ask saru.

Sarika : chandra why you don't want to study further you have just completed 10 th class it is needed to have atleast degree to survive in this world, please try to understand me first finish your studies then mumma,papa , uncle and aunty will see good alliance for you.

Chandra : Sarika you know I have stopped my studies long back, yes i am so excited to study further when we complete our 10th standard but because of our financial problems i have lost chance to study and by eventually i lost interest to study so please i am ok with this, i am ok with this marriage.

Sarika : are you sure ( sternly)

Chandrika : yes (confidentiality)

Sarika : then it's fine from my side, papa i am ok with this marriage ( said with blank face)

Ajay : are you sure saru ( shockingly)

Sarika : yes Ajay , i can just give her suggestions and opinions but I can't force her right after all it's her life only she can decide what is good and what is bad for her if she feels comfortable around him then we should accept it right?
( She said by seeing her mother and recalling what her mother said when she put her to sleep yesterday )

Flash back:

Radhika : baccha i know your worried for her but it's her life baccha we can't force her for anything.

Sarika : but mumma we are doing for her betterment only na , studies is important mumma what will happen when she is alone in future how can she survive then ?

Radhika : we can only bring horse to the pond but can't make it to drink water.
Your saying this from so many days but she stick to her point in that case we have to obey her decision and support her right? Ask her once and explain her about her condition once to her if she didn't listen then we have to support in her decision ok baccha.

Sarika : yes mumma your correct.

Radhika : now sleep my baby your exhausting yourself. ( Lovingly)

End of flash back...

Surya : ok I called veer to here i need to ask him somethings and he too told that he has something to say he will come here in anytime radhu , vedika take chandra and get her ready. And any one have any problems with this marriage or want to ask chandra anything.

All of them nodded there heads negatively and ladies took chandra with them to make her ready.

Hi guys ,

How was the chapter?

Is Sarika decision is correct?

So far which character do you like?

Veer is coming what he wants to say?

To know about it please wait till next chapter until then have a nice day ☺️

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