12 - Three Little Words

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It had been a few days, and I was getting Dodger loaded in the car as we headed to the park to go meet Shanna. As I was about to pull out of the driveway my cellphone rang with a facetime call, and I smiled back at Dodger who was in the backseat.

I made sure Dodger was the only one on the screen and answered the call.

"BUBBA!" Chris excitedly said and Dodger started barking and I smiled. "I miss you bubba, you taking care of Bex?" Chris asked and I brought myself into view and smiled.

"He is taking amazing care of me. Taking up your side of the bed so it feels like someone is still there." I said and Chris chuckled.

"I wish I had something to do that. Between you and Dodger being with me my bed feels so empty now." Chris said and I sighed.

"When do you get to come back?" I asked.

"Few weeks, have a lot to film and get done." Chris said and I just half nodded.

We were both silent. We knew what needed to be mentioned, we could hear it in our voices and knew it was on our minds. It hadn't been discussed or even said again.

"Chris...can we talk about it?" I asked.

"Do you want to talk about it now on a facetime or when I'm home?" Chris asked and I groaned shaking my head.

"Saying I love you should be discussed now. We both have put it off long enough. I don't want to keep putting it off." I said and Chris sighed and hung his head, and I thought the absolute worst.

"Bexley, I know I just sprung it on you and then didn't say it again or talk about it. I never meant to do that to you. It also wasn't something that just slipped out. When I was leaving you that morning I sat and just watched you sleep for a little bit before I left. Bex, I still can't believe to this day you even came into my life. You were someone I did not expect, especially getting stuck in the elevator, that was just the icing on the cake. I felt like you were meant to be there with me and put in my life at that moment. I can't deny the feelings I have for you Bexley and one is love. I love you Bexley. If you aren't ready to say it, that's fine. I'm just a hopeless romantic I guess." Chris chuckled at the last line, and it made me smile, which I was hoping hid the tears pooling in my eyes.

"Chris, coming from the relationship I did with Damon, I love you came so fast with him, I didn't even feel it but I said it because I felt like I had to. With you I don't feel that way, I feel the love you have for me, I feel the love I have for you, I know it's real with you and you mean it. Chris, I love you too." I smiled at him as I tear slid down my cheek. I saw Chris give a sigh of relief.

"I love you so much Bex." Chris said and I smiled. "Where were you and Dodger off to?" Chris finally asked.

"Going to meet Shanna for a hike." I said and Chris smiled.

"Dodger will be excited, he loves hikes." Chris said.

"Good because I love hiking too." I smiled.

"Chris!" I heard Megan call for him and I rolled my eyes at her voice.

"She still wanting us to release a statement?" I asked and Chris shook his head.

"No, not really she knows we are doing it on our time."

"Good. Get to work Evans, I have to go meet your sister. I love you." I said and I saw the beam of a smile appear on his face.

"I love you too." Chris said and we hung up. I looked at Dodger who was leaning between the front seats on the car.

"I love you also." I said kissing his muzzle. He licked the side of my face, and I laughed wiping it off. I finally pulled out of my driveway and headed to the park.

When we arrived, I got the bottles of water I picked up for me and Dodger, even a collapsible dog bowl so in case he got thirsty, Shanna said it would be smart. I got Dodger on his leash, and I looked around for Shanna, not seeing her.

Bex: Hey, we are here, you almost here?

I waited for a response but then I saw her car pulled up by mine.

"Hey...sorry Chris called me." Shanna said getting out of her car.

"He called me too. What did he call you for?"

"Told me to be nice." Shanna said and we laughed and headed towards the trail with the dogs.

We walked for a few hours, taking breaks and just sitting around talking at points we needed to break. Shanna and I were headed back to the car, "Well I better get home and get ready for Graham. We have plans tonight with Ma." Shanna said and I smiled. "You want to join us? It's just dinner, I think Scott will be there." Shanna asked knowing I knew Scott.

"Um...no, I think Chris wants to be introduced to the family when he is around. You and I met by accident, but I think he is wanting me to be formal introduced to your mother." I said and Shanna laughed but nodded.

"What do you mean formally?" Shanna asked and I sighed.

"Well, I know her slightly. She came into my bookshop right after the convention when I met Chris to have a book fixed. So basically, she has met me but not in the capacity of dating Chris." I explained and Shanna gasped.

"You're the book girl! She was talking about your shop after that visit wanting us all to check it out!" Shanna said.

"I guess that would be me. Only check it out if you all want to. No rush." I said and she smiled.

"Well, when you work next?" Shanna asked.

"Tomorrow, all day. Dodger will be there with me." I said and Shanna smiled.

"I will be in tomorrow, I need to get some new books." Shanna said and I laughed.

Shanna leaned in and we hugged. "Alright see you tomorrow." I said and then she got in the car. I waved as she pulled away. I looked at Dodger, want to go over to the field and sit?" I asked him and he just barked, and I laughed. We walked over to a big open field and Dodger just laid beside me as we sat in the grass. I was petting his head, and this was perfect.

I pulled out my phone and took tons of pictures of Dodger and some of the both of us. I sent them off to Chris. I knew he was working but now he had pictures of us proving we were safe and happy.

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