Mystreet episode 23
Water dripped from the kitchen cabinets down onto the stove, but the kitchen was toast, but remarkably, the fridge was perfectly intact
“awweee… kchan had one job” Kc said, shaking her head
“Yeah you really screwed the pooch on this one” Aphmau said
“..stop it Aphmau” Katelyn said
“mhhh” Aphmau groaned
“Accidents happen, Aphmau, it could have happened to any of us, i'm just glad Kc is alright” Katelyn said
“Yeah, good point, I'm sorry. We definitely gotta fix the kitchen.” Aphmau said.
“Looks like it's mainly the stove, i think the cabinets can be saved” Katelyn said
“Mhhh..” Kc whined
“I think with abit of work we can have this place put back together by sun down. You can get your boyfriend and his boyfriend to come remove the stove." Katelyn added, heading to the basement.
“Easy enough, and after that, I'm gonna look into that maid cafe. And by that, I mean try on my maid uniform.” Aphmau said.
Kc plugged the radio in and turned it on tuning it over as alright by supergrass began playing and with a crack Katelyn pulled the counters away from the wall with a crowbar freeing the stove from its prison tying her sweatshirt around her waist as she gestured towards the stove
“Yep.” Rob said as he and Chris grabbed it, hoisted It up, and walked it away
“Alright Kc, dry off the counters, and Aphmau, you can help me pull up these tiles” Katelyn said, handing her a scraper
“You got it!” Aphmau said, taking the scrape
“Alright, how do I do that exactly?” She asked
“Slide and lift” Katelyn said, sliding the scraper under a tile and lifting it off in one piece.
“These things come off way easier than I thought!” Aphmau said
“That's what I thought about your bra.” Rob said.
“Shoo, you served your purpose” Katelyn said
“For now, see ya later, babe.” Rob said, leaving
“Alright time to get naked and paint” Katelyn said
“Whaaa?” Kc asked
“Yeah no what?” Aphmau asked
“It was a joke, but i won't stop you” Katelyn said, putting glue down for new tiles
“Might go change into some old clothes, but I'm not gonna strip naked to paint.” Aphmau said.
“Aphmau sama is a chicken” Kc said.
“At least close the curtains before we do it.” Aphmau said
“do you guys, actually? I mean, i have no shame, but like” Katelyn asked.
“Kinda yeah.” Aphmau said.
“If that's what you want” Katelyn said, shutting the curtains as Aphmau went to her room and shortly after came out completely naked.
“There. Now you've got me naked. Now what?” Aphmau said with her arms out.
“Who wants to go next, i guess” Katelyn asked
“I'm surprised you didn't undress while I was putting some clothes on my bed.” Aphmau said.
“Well maybe I want you to do it for me.” Katelyn said
“Kc get her pants.” Aphmau said, getting a hold of the bottom of Katelyn's shirt.
“Damn yall are needy” Katelyn said, standing up as KC and Aphmau stripped her clothes off immediately.
“Well it was your idea.” Aphmau said as Kc was already naked. Flouting a Bonghwang tattoo on his shoulder
“Well now we're a whole lot friendlier” Katelyn said, placing down some tiles.
“I can kinda get used to this.” Aphmau said
“What? you wanna make this traditional?” Katleyn asked, bending forward to set a tile down.
“Not entirely against the idea.” Aphmau said
“Heh, once a month we all get together and show each other what our mamas gave us.” Katleyn said as Kc snapped a picture in the background.
“Oh that sounds like fun, but no pictures.” Aphmau said.
“Makes sense” Katelyn said scratching her butt
“kchan thinks this will be an interesting development,” KC said.
“Yeah!” Aphmau said.
“Oh here we go.” Katelyn said scratching her light, blue bush as well Standing next to Kc who had trimmed her light, pink bush into a heart.
“What?” Aphmau said, also scratching her own light, Auburn bush.
“I know how this is going to go” Katelyn said, pulling out a can of teal blue paint.
“I'm not sure I follow.” Aphmau
“Just remember I'm engaged.. and aren'tyou and Rob a thing.” Katelyn said.
“more like friends with benefits no need to worry about me.” Aphmau said.
“Aphamu senpai says that like she wouldn't try it” Kc said
“I have too much respect for Luka, plus she's like art, better looked at than touched.” Aphmau said.
“I am not art i majored in photography i think id know,” Katelyn said mixing the paint and pouring it into a pan
“Still, no need to touch such beauty, that's Luka’s job. Plus, I have plans later to take care of my own urges after we're done.” Aphmau said as the music returned Katelyn dipped her paint roller in the pan rolling off the excess paint, before painting a line of blue behind where the new stove will go as Aphmau finished it turning to get the corner wall as she felt something wet and Sticky roll down her ass turning her head to see a blue roll of paint over her ass. As Katelyn shrugged. Before she chased her around the room to get her back. She finished her line realizing she couldn't reach the top,
“Katelyn I can't reach.” she said as Katelyn suddenly picked her up and sat her on her shoulders
“better?” katelyn asked
“Much.” Aphmau said
“I can't tell if you got heavier or lighter” Katleyn said as Aphmau finished her painting
“Now you're sounding more like Rob.” Aphmau said.
“hey I can always make it worse if you want me too” Katelyn said
“I'm not sure if I do but go ahead.” Aphmau said
“Your turned on right now” Katelyn said
“Yeah that is definitely worse and thankfully I have plans to take care of that later, after a nice shower.” Aphmau said as Katelyn shook causing her to shake her ass
“That's evil.” Aphmau said.
“What? I'm painting.” Katelyn said
“Mhm painting my ass...” Aphmau said.
“Okay!” Kc said taking the roller over her butt again
“You're so helping me get that off in a little bit.” Aphmau said
"Kchan would love to help you clean up” Kc said with a wink
“Glad we're on the same page then.” Aphmau said
“If that's what Aphmau senpai wants,” kc said lightly taking her claw up Aphmau's butt
“ah hey now save it for the shower we still got work to do.” Aphmau said
“Hmm..” Kc said walking away
“That's gonna be fun to deal with later.” Aphmau said
“Don't tempt me Aphmau senpai, especially when you got nowhere to run” Kc said
“KC, who said I was gonna run? If you want it that bad let's go shower now so we can at least be somehow productive while Katelyn works.” Aphmau said
“Why would i do that, when katelyn sama has got you stuck in the perfect position?” Kc asked
“Oh fine! Get it over with, you're still helping me wash the paint off after!” Aphmau said as Katelyn rolled her eyes and continued painting her side.
Kc placed a hand on Aphmaus's ass and spread it revealing both her holes, as her tail wagged behind her. Aphamu suddenly found herself laying on her back on the counter as Kc ate her ass out
“Ah! Th-this is why I wanted to wait!” Aphmau said
“Your the one who tempted Kchan” Kc said lifting her legs over her head and digging in deep
“Oh Irene!” Aphmau moaned
“Yeah call our to your goddess for help” Kc said
“Less talking.” Aphmau moaned
“Fair enough Aphmau senpai” Kc said
“Ah!” Aphmau moaned. As Kc moved her tongue as deep As she could
“Gah!” Aphmau moaned.” as she climaxed
“Alright i'm satisfied” Kc said dropping her legs and licking her lips
“Your ass tastes good Aphmau senpai” She added walking away
“Cool let's get this kitchen put back together now” Katelyn said as Aphmau continued to lay on the counter with her legs dangling
“yup, gimme a sec.” Aphmau said laying there a couple more minutes before standing up.
“Alright let's get this done so I can shower. And hopefully not embarrass myself too much.” Aphmau said as the three put their clothes back on
They finished the painting as Rob and Chris returned with a new stove, hooking it up and sliding it into place as Katelyn pushed the stepping back to admire the completed job. White walls, with a teal stripe around the room, with a matching blue fridge, and stove, the counter tops a nice bright red, leaving them with a sleek retro kitchen
“Very nice.” Aphmau said.
“Told you id be a fairly easy fix” Katelyn said heading upstairs
“So it was. Aside from a couple of… issues.” Aphmau said.

Black Enchanting MyStreet Parody
FanfictionBemp is a parody for mytreet made by Jessica/Jason barovo or Aphamu. This is a fan parody.