Mystreet episode 27 The neighborhood play part 2

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Mystreet episode 27 The neighborhood play part 2

Aphmau knocked on the guys’ door and Travis answered.
“Wassup not alone, buddy.” Travis said.
“Perfect just who I was hoping to answer. You took theater right?” Aphmau asked.
“Oh totally, I've been Romeo countless times.” Travis said.
“Katelyn is directing a neighborhood play. Would you like to join?” Aphamu asked
“Uh.. let me sleep on it. I think i got things going on” Travis said
“Uh alright.” Aphmau said turning to Maren who was walking by
“Woul-” Aphmau asked
“Nope. I'm not good for anything other then holding a broom” Maren said
“Well we probably would need someone to help clean up.” Aphmau said.
“Then put me on the maybe list” Maren said activating her beacon and crossing the street
“Fair enough.” Aphmau said as her phone buzzed as she checked it.
It was a message from Zane that said “👍”
“Well at least that part's handled.” Aphmau said sending back “😅”. Before moving on. She walked up the plot to Chris's house and pushed the fancy Intercom button
“Hey I don't know if you're home or not but I wanted to ask you something.” Aphmau said.
“Hello there!” Ec said
“Hello!” Aphmau said.
“Hi!” Ec said back
“Is Chris home?” Aphmau asked.
“Unfortunately not. Would you like me to leave a message?” Ec asked
“Absolutely. Just tell him Aphmau wanted to know if he'd take part in a neighborhood play.” Aphmau said.
“A neighborhood play, how exciting!” Ec said
“Yeah!” Aphmau said.
‘I will let him know the moment he gets home” Ec said.
“Awesome thanks!” Aphmau said, walking away
Meanwhile at the guys house.
Dante opened the front door
“Ladies first” he said gesturing Nicole in
“Aww, such a gentleman. Thank you Dante.” Nicole said.
“Well they don't call me Dan t.. yeah that don't work” he said following her in finding Garroth and Travis on the couch
“What's up with you sorry sardines?” Dante asked
“Katelyn is directing a neighborhood play. And Aphmau wants us to sign up” Garroth said
“Oh cool” Dante said
“And why exactly is it a bad thing?” Nicole asked
“well I'm not sure if i have the time” Travis said
“And I don't even know what parts there are. Aphmau just kinda asked us to sign up. No offense to the Mau, but i'm terrible at acting ” Garroth said
“Well it sounds like it'd be pretty fun actually. Though you have a good point, what play is it? And where would we even hold it.” Nicole said.
“let me check” Garroth said shooting Aphmau a text
“Ya know, probably the smartest of the bunch there huh? What's the verdict?” Nicole said.
“Romeo and Juliet with a modern spin” Garroth said
“Called it. Katelyn has always wanted to direct that play. She was actually in one once. She played tybalt.” Nicole said
“Huh.. why is that actually fitting for Katelyn” Dante asked
“Dunno.” Nicole said as she shrugged.
“Well this is the place” Zane said as he and Aphmau stared at the huge white and gray industrial building in front of them
“Looks like it should work perfectly. All we really need is a stage.” Aphmau said.
“We'll figure out the stage later. Time To see If Mr Madison held up his end” Zane said walking past the Okami kinetic Solutions sign outfront
“He should have. He is the closest thing to a brother Rob has.” Aphmau said. Following
They walked up to the front gate turning to the intercom which he pressed
“Hey! I know you!. Your the guy who broke into-” Ec said
“Shshshshshshshshshs” Zane said
“Oh my Irene you really did go full on Grinch.” Aphmau said, stifling a laugh.
“How can I help you?” Ec asked
“We’re here about the neighborhood play” Zane said
“Leme just… yep Zane Ro'meave I have you right here.  I will dispatch a unit to collect you.” Ec said
“Can i be honest with you, Zane?” Aphmau asked
“Haven’t you been?” he Asked
“Not really. I'm starting to think this whole thing might have been a bad idea. I just wanted to help Luka I didn't think I would get… this involved” Aphamu said
“Well we've come this far. Might as well see it though.” Zane said as the gate suddenly jolted and began moving upwards revealing.. Ember waiting on the other side. she had been majorly upgraded since last time. She still had the massive military antennas. But gone were the floodlights replaced with a light bar, and she now had a swat visor above her head
“Looking good.” Aphmau said.
“Thank you. Thank you. Welcome to Okami kinetic solutions. were building you a better tomorrow today.” Ember said
“Very nice place so far.” Aphmau said.
“Come along i'll show you our manufacturing facility on the way” Ember said walking towards the building with her clipboard out
“Fair enough. This is definitely gonna be interesting.” Aphmau said.
They entered the main lobby which was emptied of life. It was sleek and modern with a bunch of display cases with pieces of history in them.
“Fancy.” Zane said.
There was a change in the atmosphere as Aphmau stopped to look at a plaque that said ‘Unit #1’. And besides it was the busted up pieces of Liffy. her head, torso, arm, and a leg. On display still covered in dirt and grime and beside the head was the rat's nest of a creation that was her brain. Showing how she functioned
“Huh. Was wondering what happened to her.” Aphmau said.
“She's home.” Ember said stopping to look at the display
“She walked so we could run,” Ember said as Aphmau scanned the wall of moments Liffy had with them, taken from her video feed and hung for everyone to see just how alive she really, really was.
“Woah… lotta good memories there.” Aphmau said.
“Wow.” Zane said.
“Enough reminiscing for now. We got stuff to take care of first.” Zane said.
“Ahh! The spectacular duo, Zanmau” Chris said walking over with a cane that was black with a skull on top wearing a tophat
“Don't call us that.” Zane said.
“Yep, we're here.” Aphmau said.
“Welcome to Okami Kinetic Solutions LLC, sponsored by the Dragon claw corporation. Where we are building you a better tomorrow today. Try saying that 10x fast” Chris said twirling his cane
“That was already a mouthful.” Aphmau said.
“Zane, nice to see you again. I hope you don't mind huge rooms” Chris said twirling his cane as he began walking
“We need one so of course I don't mind.” Zane said as they followed.
“What's with the cane?” Aphmau asked
“oh It holds the most Important device In this facility. I never let it out of my sight” Chris said
“And what's that?” Aphmau asked As Chris gave the cane a flick causing the top to open 4 ways and reveal a USB with a skull on it.
“Kill code” Chris said
“Useful.” Zane said.
“Indeed I lay awake at night fearing these machines will try to kill me. Hahahahaha” Chris said
“Understandable.” Zane said.
“Would you like a coffee sir?” Ember asked
“Yes please.. and pile on the sugar” Chris said 
“What is my schedule looking like?” Chris asked
“at 4 Mejows would like you to attend her tap dancing rehearsal.” Ember said
“Oh hey she was at my work the other day.” Aphmau said.
“I would love to watch her tap dance at 4” Chris said
“At 7 you got a meeting with Derek and Rachel Valentine, “ Ember said
“Yep” Chris said
“and at 10 you need to help Quill recalibrate her underwater mining equipment” Ember finished
“And that means we gotta be outta here before seven.” Aphmau said.
“Your welcome to stay as long as you wish” Chris said
“Oh and Ec requests you be home by 1am” Ember said
“I'll be there” Chris said
“No she's got a point, I'm not exactly certain she of all people should meet the Valentines” Zane said.
“Zane if you think they arrive through the front door like commenners you got another thing coming.” Chris said
“I think you're missing the point of who their son is.” Zane said.
“And i think you miss the point of what i just said” Chris replied
“I'm still not risking any… awkwardness with them so we'll probably be outta here before they ever get here.” Aphmau said.
They stopped at a door
“Put on these hardhats.” Chris said putting one on
“Yup.” Aphmau said as she and Zane did the same.
The three walked through an assembly line where Units were constructing Units.
“This is our manufacturing room. It's one of the 17 we have on sight. We produce about 10 thousand units a day” Chris said raising his voice over the sound of the machines
“That's a lotta units!” Aphmau said.
“We keep them in the basement!” Chris said as they continued walking exiting the assembly room they entered another Hallway where they hung up their hats.
“Here it is. Show room 13” Chris replied opening the door
“Holy” Zane said looking around at the massive airplane hanger sized room as his voice echoed across the room
“Yeah this’ll do perfectly.” Zane said as Aphmau took a picture and sent it to Katelyn.
“As long as there's a quicker way in than through the assembly line this should do perfectly.” Aphmau said, looking around the room.
“Yeah this is the perfect size, all we need now is a stage.” Zane said.
“Alright. Garage doors are over there. I gotta go watch my daughters tap dance rehearsal,” Chris said walking away
“Yup. You do that. Still need our actors though. Guess that'll be easier to do now that we have a place to actually hold auditions.” Aphmau said.
“Here's your Coffee sir” Ember said, handing him a mug.
“Thank you. Uh.. stay with our Guest's incase they need anything” Chris said leaving
“Will do” Ember said walking over clipboard in hand
“Yeah. This is perfect, and looks like Katelyn agrees.” Aphmau said, checking her phone.
“I'll be right here if you need anything” Ember said
“Think we could get a stage here?” Aphmau asked Ember.
“I mean I don't see why not. I think the real question is. Do you have a stage” Ember said
“No, but I can make some calls.” Zane said.
“You do that, I’m gonna get back to rounding up actors.” Aphmau said, walking away.
A little while later Aphmau walked into Rob's house where he was sitting on his couch with a bottle of Demonbrand whiskey on his coffee table next to an empty glass while he held a mostly full glass.
“Isn't it a little early to start drinking?” Aphmau asked as she sat down next to him.
“Was contemplating things. This is more… encouragement to do the right thing.” Rob said, sipping his drink.
“And that is?’ Aphmau asked.
“Well, while you were working the other day, I went on a little… trip to the old arcade and realized that I have made… a lot of mistakes in my life. And I'm working up the courage to call my sister.” Rob said.
“And how's that going?” Aphmau asked.
“Well, I heard an all too familiar helicopter flyover earlier and scrapped that whole idea. How's your day been?” Rob asked, sipping his drink while pouring whiskey into the empty glass before handing it to her.
“Well, I may have bitten off more than I can chew this morning…” Aphmau said, sipping her drink.
“How so?” Rob asked.
“Well, Luka asked me to help Katelyn with theater stuff right.” Aphmau said, sipping her drink.
“Right.” Rob said, sipping his drink.
“So I told Luka I would, and the next thing I know Katelyn's coming down and I'm blurting out something about a neighborhood play and pinning it on Zane.” Aphmau said.
“Ah, roping in the nearest friend, not the first time nor last time. How'd she take it?” Rob asked.
“I’ve never seen her so excited. I couldn't not help her do this.” Aphmau said, slamming her drink back.
“Excited Huh ohh.” Rob said shaking his head from how much cinnamon was in the whiskey
“That's a lot of cinnamon.” He said with a pause seeming to have a thought.
A few months ago.
It was a rare time where Katelyn let him in her room. He wanted to comment on the once upon a time poster but chose not to.
“Alright in your humble opinion. And please be honest. Do you like this scene?” Katelyn asked with enthusiasm Rob had never seen before.
“I've been working on a Romeo and Juliet screenplay with a modern twist. Right now Juliet is on her balcony trying to call Romeo.. but he isn't picking up.” Katleyn explained as he walked over and scanned the google doc with his eyes.
“Earth to Rob.” Aphamu said as Rob shook his head
“You zoned out. Everything alright?” Aphmau asked
“Yep.. I just remembered there was something I needed to do.” Rob said, grabbing his favorite red hoodie, kissing Aphmau and heading out into the cold. He crossed the street and headed over to the girl's house hesitating but knocking on the door. Kc quickly came over and let him in with a wave as he headed upstairs to Katelyn's room giving it a knock
“Who is it?” She asked
“Rob.” he said
“Come in.” She replied as he opened the door
Katelyn sat at her desk. Covered in tupaberry splash energy drinks and sticky notes.
“Hey Katelyn? You got a minute?” He asked as she glanced over her shoulder
“What up. I am kinda busy at the moment” Katelyn said
“I know. I know, I'm not here to bother you.. or steal your snacks. I was just thinking about your play.” Rob said
“What about it?” She asked, turning to face him.
Rob scratched the back of his neck, searching for the right words.
“Look, I know I’m not exactly your favorite person. And I get why, okay? But I’ve seen how much this means to you. You’ve been working on it nonstop. I’ve never seen you into something.” he said.
“And?” Katelyn asked crossing her arms
“And I want to help,” he said earnestly.
“I want to be a part of it. I know I probably don’t fit whatever you’re picturing, but I swear, I’ll give it my all. This is important to you, and I want to support you.” Rob said
She blinked as if in a moment of shock but not wanting to reveal that
“ mean that?” Katelyn asked quietly
“Yeah,” Rob said, nodding.
“I mean it. I want to help make this the best play ever because you deserve that.” He said
She almost seemed to form a smile
“You’re... serious?” She asked
“As a heart attack,” Rob replied
She let out a breath, leaning back in her chair.
“Alright, then. If you’re that serious…” She reached for a stack of papers and flipped through them before pulling one out.
“You’re going to be Romeo.” she said
“Romeo? Like, the Romeo? The main guy?” he asked in shock
“Yep,” Katelyn said, smirking now.
“I wasn’t planning on casting you at all, but… you’ve earned a shot. Don’t screw it up.” she said
As he took it, there was a moment of rare warmth between them, an unspoken truce.
“Thanks Katelyn.” He said
She shrugged, turning back to her desk.
“Just don’t make me regret it, Rob.” Katelyn said.
“You won't.” Rob said, heading back to his house as the alcohol suddenly hit him all at once
“Shit..” he said, falling backward on the front yard. It was only a few minutes before the white cuff of a suit grabbed him, carrying him across the street and placing him at his door. Giving a knock before disappearing into the night.

To Be Concluded in Episode 28

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