Mystreet episode 22 burning love

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Mystreet episode 22 burning love

“Good morning sir” Ec said as Chris drank his coffee
“Good morning” he said
“How can I help you today?” She asked winking at him
“can you make a reverse human to cat serum” he asked twirling his finger
“That'll be 25 minutes” She said
The siren on the station wagon winned as it came to a stop outside of Rob's house as Chris killed the switch and stepped out, closing the heavy door with a bang. And heading up the stairs to the porch and knocking on the door
“Was the siren really necessary?” Rob said, opening the door.
“You want the cure or not” Chris said in an exhausted voice while holding up a briefcase.
“Obviously.” Rob said.
“Then yes, the siren was necessary.” Chris said.
“Understandable.” Rob said letting Chris inside. As he sat the case on the table and cracked it open sending cold air rising out of the case which he smacked away
“Nice.” Rob said. As Chris pulled out a syringe gun and loaded it with a glowing syringe
“Alright, where is she?” Chris asked
“Couch, snuggled up with Celestia.” Rob said, closing the door. Which instantly woke her up
“Hey kitty kitty” Chris said turning the safety off as her eyes grew and shrank staring at the needle
“Was the needle really necessary?” Rob asked
“Once they become stuck the needle injection is the only cure” Chris said
“Of course.” Rob said.
“remember that next time she drinks something magical” Chris said
“Noted.” Rob said. As she ran for it sinking under the couch
“Balls” Chris said
Meanwhile Travis walked over to the house and knocked on the door which opened
“Hello Travis-kun.” Kc said, letting Travis enter.
“Morning KC. What're you baking today?” Travis asked
“Cookies, brownies, maybe some Cupcakes” Kc said
“Oh those sound amazing. Just you home today?” Travis said.
“Yep!” she said
“Then let's cook up a storm shall we?” Travis said.
“Sure!” she said
“Alright then. Let's get started, then we can chat while stuff bakes.” Travis said.
“Sounds good!” Kc said shutting the door behind him as they made their way into the kitchen which smelled like cookies
“Oooo what kind of cookies are we working with here?” Travis asked.
“Chocolate chip” Kc said
“Noice. So whatcha been up to besides baking?” Travis said.
“Yes.” Kc said
“That's not exactly an answer but I'll take it.” Travis said.
“You seemed a bit down last night, your crush got swooped up before you could make a move didn't he?” Travis asked.
“Yeah.. but it is what it is” Kc said
“I'm sure you'll find yourself a guy soon enough. You’re definitely interesting.” Travis said.
“Eh Kchan isn't that special” Kc said
“Really? You're cute as heck and you're easily the best baker I've met.” Travis said.
“I'm a meif'wa, the most unique thing about me is my japanese heritage” Kc said
“Oh! Well I would argue that just adds to your uniqueness. Plus you're the only meif’wa I know that has your sense of style and the only one with your baking ability and recipes.” Travis said.
“KChan's brothers and sisters are also very talented at baking” Kc said
“Well they're not here. So as far as I'm concerned you're the best.” Travis said.
“Nah, Kchans older sister is very talented.. she's a professional singer” Kc said
“Huh. And? That just means she's on a different path. You're still just finding yours.” Travis said as she shook her head
“Alright. Then tell me, what would you like to do?” Travis asked.
“What do you really know about me Travis?” She asked in a freakishly normal voice
“Not much besides what I've heard from the others and what you just told me.” Travis said.
“Exactly, you know nothing about me, the things you say are simply stated to make me feel better but in reality Kawaii chan knows that the things you say are hollow” She said
“Yeah that's fair, I do wanna know more about you though.” Travis said.
“Heh.. I have 11 brothers and sisters” she said making some cookies
“Wow I cannot even begin to imagine how chaotic that must have been growing up.” Travis said.
“yeah now imagine that.. but we all look the same” she said
“Sounds like a nightmare.” Travis said as she nodded, rolling the dough.
“Definitely sounds rough but hey, you definitely got something out of it.” Travis said.
“Kchan supposes so” She said
“Fair enough. Alright I've gotta ask, what's with the four ovens?” Travis asked, immediately realizing there were in fact four ovens.
“I am a man who owns 4 ovens” Kc said
“What about the toaster oven?” Travis asked.
“I am a man who owns 5 ovens” Kc said
“Fair enough.” Travis said turning his attention back to KC
“So what Is your number 1 regret?” Travis asked
“Truthfully?” She asked
“Yeah.” Travis said.
“It's Aphamu and Rob” Kc said
“Really now? You're always going crazy about them being together though.” Travis said.
“much like Katelyn sama, I'm just being supportive” Kc said
“Fair enough. I'm happy for them personally but to each their own.” Travis said.
“I only shipped them because they were polar opposites who hated each other and I thought it was funny… I never expected anything to happen between them” Kc said
“Yeah I don't think anyone did back then.” Travis said.
“Now anytime I see them together it's simply a reminder that I will never find that kind of love..” Kc said
“Now that, my girl, isn't true. You'll find somebody I'm sure.” Travis said.
“sometimes I find it difficult to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning” she said
“Yeah I get that… that's why I take comfort in Garroth and Dante.” Travis said.
“I wish I had someone like that” Kc said sniffing the air
“What about Katelyn and Aphmau?” Travis asked.
“Kchan knows she's a pawn in their life. She can see the way they look At her in annoyce every time she speaks. But It's the only thing that makes her different from the other meif'wa..” Kc said
“It is definitely unique. Though I know Aphmau doesn't think it's annoying. Back in high school for a little bit but not anymore now.” Travis said.
“Hmm..” Kc sniffing again
“Do you smell something burning?” She asked
“No? Wait… yes.” Travis said sniffing. as they turned back to the oven which had smoke coming out of it
“Ahhhhhhh!” Travis screamed
“Get her!” Chris said, pointing to the cat as Rob chased after her. While Celestia barked
“This is why I hate cats!’ Chris said diving To grab her as he face planted
“Babe, stop fuckin running!” Rob said diving over Chris. As she hissed and ran under the table
“Come here you little shit” Chris said losing his balance as he dropped the gun  as it stabbed into his foot
“Fuck!!!” He said hopping on one foot as Aphmau knocked over a broom which smacked him in the face
“Mrowhhahah!” Aphmau said, laughing as she jumped onto the table.
“Don't make me have to call your mother.” Rob said
“Don't make me use my secret abilities!” Chris said
“Wrow!” Aphmau said, getting ready to pounce.
“Don't think I won't” Chris said
“Balls.” Rob said as Aphmau leaped into the air causing Chris to stick out his hand.
The smoke detectors blared as Travis ran around freaking out as he ran from room to room passing a window where Ember was doing the Ymca dance
“Travis kun!” Kc shouted
“The cooookies!” He shouted
“Call Lucinda! I'm sure she's got magic for this!!” Kc said
“Good idea!” Travis said calling Lucinda  a few seconds later the front door crashed open
“stand back!” Lucinda said holding out her hands as she sprayed water on the stove putting out the fire
“Thank irene..” Travis said unfortunately the kitchen was toast, but they had managed to save it from spreading
“you two need to be more careful” Lucinda said
“sorry Lucinda, Kchan got distracted” Kc said
“My bad. We were having a pretty interesting conversation.” Travis said
“If that conversation was your burning love I can see that” Lucinda said
“I’m not sure how to respond to that.” Travis said.
“Let's just get this place cleaned up, yeah?” Lucinda asked
“Good call.” Travis said.
meanwhile, Aphamu leaped through the air as Chris held his hand up as he grabbed her with levitation magic. Slowly moving her across the room to Rob
“Gotcha!” Rob said, grabbing a hold of her.
“Finally..” Chris said injecting her with the syringe gun
“Nice.” Rob said as she began to increase in size
“Well that was quick.” Rob said. As the fur disappeared leaving him holding a completely naked Aphmau
“Well, this is definitely awkward.” Aphmau said.
“Gee ya think?” Rob said.
“You two have fun” Chris said walking out the front door
“Oh we will.” Aphmau said with a giggle.
Back at the girls house Kc pushed a chair back in as the kitchen was nice and tidy like nothing had happed
“Thanks for the help Lucinda” Travis said
“Yeah thank you” Kc said
“Dont mention it, next time be alittle more careful though alright?” She said
“Yeah absolutely” Kc said as Lucinda left

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