Episode 28 The neighborhood play part 3 final.
A few days later the show room was set. With chairs and a theater set.
The door opened
“Love what you've done with the place. I might keep it like this honestly” Chris said
“What, you planning an all robot production of Hamlet now? Wait actually that might not be a bad idea. Judge him for his deeds, not emotions.” Katelyn said.
“huh. Now that you mention it” Chris said looking up at the roof
“No. But the Units. Do like to act out episodes of friends” Chris said
“Here's your coffee sir” Ember said handing him a mug
“Ah thank you” Chris said drinking the coffee with a big mountain of sugar on top
“Alright i'm awake” he said
“I don't even think Luka puts that much sugar in her coffee. I'm convinced that is just a mug full of sugar.” Katelyn said.
“Probably.. man Imma be real with you i haven't slept.. since November
“How are you still sane?” Katelyn asked.
"You know.. when I'm here I often think a lot about meteors, the purity and then... BOOM! the end! The world made clean for the new man to rebuild" Chris said sipping coffee from his mug
“Right…” Katelyn said.
“Anyway, good luck. I'll be at the back” Chris Said gesturing his hand
“Yup. May Irene be with you.” Katelyn said
“Irene doesn't exist. I have mathematically proven it” Chris said doing the breakfast club air pump
“Huh. I actually wanna see that” Katelyn said as Garroth Dante and Travis Came through the door shouting her name
“And there's the three stooges.” Katelyn said, turning her attention to them.
“What's up?” She asked
“Are there any parts left? My calendar is clear” Travis said
“And I suppose I can man up and use my crappy voice work if it means supporting you.” Garroth said
“Hi im Dante” Dante said
“I actually do.” Katleyn said grabbing some papers
“Garroth you can be highschool boy 1, Dante you can be highschool boy 4, and Travis… uh i'll make you a highschool boy 5” Katelyn said
“Sounds good” they all said as she gave them papers.
The wind picked up as a black cloud of smoke appeared
“Well. Well. Well.” Lucinda said, emerging from the smoke.
“well if it isn't Katelyn Chevalier, Queen of mediocrity.” She said
“Oh good you're here too. And here I was thinking this day couldn't get any worse.” Katelyn said
“Aw, don't be like that. I'm here to watch your play. And i suppose i could maybe help” she said gesturing her hand
“Don't you have a baby to take care of?” Katelyn asked
“funny” Lucinda said
“You're just mad that I beat you in trivia last week.” Katelyn said
“Beat me? You didn't beat me you cheated” Lucinda said
“I didn't cheat! You just don't know anything about 80s sitcoms” Katelyn said
“Exactly i Don't waste my time watching that stuff… I actually have talents unlike some people.” Lucinda said
“Ohh? Talent is that what were calling those party tricks you do with glitter and bad perfume?” Katelyn asked
“Oh.. it. Is. On.” Lucinda said snapping her fingers as a gust of wind blew her papers across the room
“Fuck.” Katelyn said
The clock slowly tickled by as night came as Zane strolled into the backstage where Aphamu was dressed in a highschool outfit that vaguely resembled her highschool outfit
“How’re you feeling?” Zane asked.
“Nervous yet a little nostalgic, never thought I'd wear an outfit like this again.” Aphmau said.
“You’ll do a great job. I'm sure of it.” Zane said.
“Thanks Zane.” Aphmau said as lH511mLuka suddenly smashed through the door.
“Huh. Garroth makes that look harder. Anyway, Aphmau. Thank you sooo so much for doing this for Katelyn. Tomorrow I'll buy you all the olive garden you want. I cannot thank you enough” She said
“Can Zane come?” Aphmau asked
“Of course. He did all the work of getting it setup. Let him know he can come” Luka said
“You do realize I'm standing right here, right?” Zane asked
“Anyway, break a leg. Not literally... unless it's in the script” Luka said closing The door behind her
“Great, now I have to worry about another door breaker.” Zane said. The nearby bathroom door opened as Rob came out laying eyes on Aphmau.
Rob’s lips curve into a faint, wistful smile. He lowered his head for a brief moment, almost as if gathering himself, before looking back at her.
“Yeah. I'll leave you two to it” Zane said walking away
“Stage time in 10 minutes” Katelyn said through the intercom
“Heh. Fair enough. You know, I'm surprised it took this long to see you wearing that again.” Rob said.
“That implies you'd let me wear it longer than a couple of minutes.” Aphmau said.
“Heheh, fair enough.” Rob. Said leaning in for a kiss.
“Nuh uh, you're gonna have to wait til the script calls for it Romeo.” Aphmau said, stopping him.
“Heh, I guess that's fair.” Rob said.
“Well let's get to our places then.” Aphmau said as they left the room.
Yhe lights went black as
Katelyn began
“Act 1 Swipe Right, Juliet Capulet is a fiercely independent coding prodigy living in the bustling tech hub of Verona City. She works for her family’s company, CapuCorp, which specializes in cutting edge app development. While Romeo Montague, a rebellious gamer and aspiring game designer who dreams of creating the next big VR experience. His family owns MontaTech, a rival tech giant known for its gaming consoles and software. Juliet was lonely though. And one day she found herself scrolling through heartsync ” She finished as the curtains opened revealing Aphmau at a desk in a bedroom set.
“No. No. Ew no.” Aphmau said swiping through the options
“Cute but no. Didn't I just get rid of you?” She said, continuing to swipe.
“Ooo now you look perfect.” She said finally swiping right.
the speakers came on
“It was on that fateful day. Not at a ballroom, or a park, But on a chatting app Juliet met Romeo,” Katelyn said as the curtains closed.
“What's up unofficial business partner?” Luka asked sitting next to Chris at the back
“Oh not much. Just enjoying the show. Mejows shut your lights off” he said
‘Sorry” she replied, shutting them off.
“Make anything new yet?” Luka asked
“I've furthered my advancements in Titanium 2 prosthetic arms” Chris said
“Epic” Luka said
“What's up with you?” Chris asked
“Thinking about the new line of 50 series's cards coming soon” Luka said
“4 years later and you're still the same old person” Chris said
“And you look like a dad in his 40s” Luka said
“Heh.. not that old yet” Chris said
The curtains finally opened again showing a different pov. Rob sitting at his pc seeming barely awake as he got a ding on his phone
“Huh? What? Oh. Never thought something would ever come from this.” Rob said checking his phone.
“Either I'm dreaming or the prettiest girl on the app actually matched with me of all people! Best day ever.” Rob said. Her display name was shu, nothing he'd seen before
“Such a cute screen name too.” Rob said texting away.
As the curtains closed with the speakers crackling to life
As Katelyn spoke
“they agreed that their first date would be at the trendy Verona café with free wifi, where the sparks would fly as they shared their love of technology” Katelyn finished As the lights went dark
“a little rough around the edges but. Not Bad so far” Lucinda said. Alone by herself
The curtains finally opened revealing the set of a café as Luka walked over.
“Welcome to the Nexus Café, how can I serve you today?” Luka asked
“Pumpkin spice extravaganza please.” Aphmau said.
“Psssst.. You're doing great!” Luka whispered
“Hot Cocoa for me.” Rob said.
“And would you like anything food wise to go with that?” Luka asked.
“Uhh burgers? Burgers.” Aphmau said.
“And would you like a side with that darling.?” Luka asked
“Fries.” Rob said, as he and Aphmau looked into each other's eyes.
“My eyes!” Travis's muffled voice said as a million flashes went off in the distance
“Kchans ship!!” A muffled voice said
“I will be.. right back with that” Luka said walking away
“So what do you like to play most?” Aphmau asked.
“RPGs mostly, it's fun getting immersed in a whole different world. What about you hm?” Rob said.
“Mostly the same, actually. With some survival games mixed in.” Aphmau said, slowly putting her hand on his.
The curtain suddenly closed blocking them
“And that ends act 1, we will now have an intermission before heading on to act 2” Katleyn said.
Zane walked around the back where Aphamu was
“Well it's going well so far. Though I'm still exceptionally nervous.” Aphmau said.
“Well if you ask me, it was ruined along time ago” Zane said
“Heh, that's kinda rude Zane.” Aphmau asked.
“..i know i know i just can't help it” Zane said
“Still, it's going pretty well aside from the sheer amount of photos KC's been taking every time we're close.” Aphmau said
“Nevertheless good luck” Zane said walking away
“Yeah, we'll probably need it.” Aphmau said. Turning her head to Maren with a busted beacon holding a sign that simply said ‘anywhere but here.’
“Do I even wanna know?” Aphmau asked.
“Dog.” Maren said simply
“Yeah that's fair.” Aphmau said
“Oh my back Is killing me.” Luka said
“Yeah I'd imagine you're not the only one with back pain today. And I don't think I'll end the day without it.” Aphmau said.
“I am the wind” Maren said
“No you're a three foot tall ador-.” Aphmau said as Maren pulled a knife out of the back of her hair bow
“You're a very terrifying breeze.” Aphmau said.
“That's more like it. Now move your butt, 1,2,1,2” Maren said
The play continued into the night as they hit the final act
“After their grand project has failed. Romeo decides he's better off gone he would travel to another city to work on himself but Juliet had found something in that project, not money, not tech, she found her other half as she raced through the airport” Katelyn said as the curtain opened
Aphmau ran across the stage weaving between props. Knocking a broom out of Marens hand
“Ay! Watch where you're going yha whippersnapper” she said
“Sorry!” Aphmau said
“O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” Aphamu said reaching the airport terminal
“You do know that's not asking where I am right?” Rob said, sitting on a bench.
As he was suddenly struck with a chancla.
“I didn't think my mother would be here.” Aphmau said.
“Ow. That's gonna sting for a while… but why are you chasing after me? We failed.” Rob said, rubbing his face.
“Because you dummy, you're not going anywhere without me.” Aphmau said.
“A little late to buy another ticket.” Rob said.
“Oh can it, we both know we're better together.” Aphmau said.
“Oh you wanna make this partnership a more permanent thing?” Rob asked.
“Absolutely. We're in this together now.” Aphmau said, sitting down next to him and grabbing a hold of his hand.
“Because together we can take on anything.” Aphmau said as Rob pulled her into a kiss.
The crowd began to cheer as the curtains slowly closed
“Bravo!” Chris said
“Well done! Well done!” Katelyn said
“Well whaddya know sugar pea actually did a good job” Lucinda said clapping as the curtains opened again revealing the entire cast who bowed.
“Good job babe!” Luka said walking over
“Thank you Lu, for putting this together” Katelyn said
“I didn't do this. It was all Aphmau and Zane” Luka said
“I know It was you. Aphmau is many things and a god awful liar is one of them” Katelyn said
“So how do you feel about university?” Luka asked
“Eh.. not interested.” Katelyn said
“And why is that?” Luka asked
“This was fun. But it's not something I wanna do full time. Maybe just for parties” Katelyn said
“Nevertheless. I'm proud of you. You tried it. You gave It a fair and honest shot and ultimately decided it wasn't for you.” Luka saidEnd of episode 28
The Neighborhood play 3 parter has been written in Honnor of our fallen cat Prince. A moment of silence for our fallen friend as we work towrds the future.

Black Enchanting MyStreet Parody
FanfictionBemp is a parody for mytreet made by Jessica/Jason barovo or Aphamu. This is a fan parody.