Mystreet episode 26 The neighborhood play part 1
In Katelyn’s room, she sat on her chair staring at her pc screen. As Luka laid on the bed behind her staring at her phone. Katelyn sighed. As Luka turned her head
“That's the 6th sigh in the past hour, are you alright?” She asked rolling out of bed and walking up to her eyeing the letter she was reading
“oh hey! Is that a Falcon Claw University brochure?” She asked
“No! I have no idea what you're talking about.” Katelyn said throwing the flyer which Luka grabbed
“If you wanna go back to college. Do it. It's nothing to be ashamed about” Luka said handing her back the brochure
“I don't know Lu” Katelyn said putting it on her desk
“What do you wanna major in?” Luka asked
“Theater. And it's not so much major in as it is just take a class” Katelyn said
“We've been together for 5 years and I never knew you liked theater.” Luka said turning her head
“I mean I know you can sing. You're a beautiful singer. But you get angry every time you're shy and you have some major stage fright.” Luka said
“I know Lu, that's why I wanna go. Maybe i can get over that” Katelyn said
“Well you have my full support. I used to be a theater nerd. And then I met you” Luka said slowly, tilting her head down to her coffee.
“And then I met you,” she said, turning her head to Katelyns pc, which sounded like it needed help.
“Thanks Lu.. but i'm not going” Katelyn said
“Ta fuq? What! Why!?” Luka asked
“For the reasons you just stated. I was only thinking about it. I don't even think i'd be good at it ” Katleyn said
“How about you try? You're never going to be good at something. If you don't try.” Luka said
“Can you just drop it Luka” Katelyn asked as Luka let out a long sigh
“Look, I know how this is going to go. It will just turn into a war about who's right. So imma step out for a bit let you cool off and then i'll come right back. Just know that as your faithful companion. i Really really think you should pursue your dream” Luka said politely closing the door
Aphamu and Zane were watching My little pony equestria girls on the big tv
“I'm not sure how I feel about ponies having a human form.” Zane said
“Well you can't judge it till you watch it right?” Aphmau asked
“Yes i can” Zane said
“No you can't” Aphmau said
“Yes i can” Zane said
“No you can't” Aphmau said
“Yes i can” Zane said
“No you can't” Aphmau said
“Zane, you're supposed to be more open minded.” Aphamu said
“I was open minded when I wore that maid outfit. And now your boyfriend won't let me live that down” Zane said
“Awe but zane you looked so pwetty” Aphamu said as Luka came down the stairs.
“Ah! Luka! When did you get here!” Aphmau said as Luka stared at the Tv and then moved her head to look at them
“Are You torturing Zane again by making him watch ponys?” Luka asked
“I uh..” Aphmau said
“Yes! Yes she is and i hate it” Zane said as Luka walked around the back and jumped over the couch to sit with them.
“Aphmau sweetheart if you wanted someone to watch ponies with you could have just asked” Luka said
“Like I said I didn't know you were here.” Aphmau said
“You have my phone number, il drive up to spend time with my favorite non biological child” Luka said booping her nose
“Yeah but then I wouldn't be able to torture my friends with stuff I like.” Aphmau said.
“I suppose that's true.” Luka said
“So what's new?” Aphmau asked.
“Oh same old same old. What's new with you?” Luka asked
“I got a new job that's way better than the last one.” Aphmau said.
“What could be better than working at a haunted pizzeria from the 90s?” Luka asked
“Maid Cafe that isn't haunted.” Aphmau said.
“Ew. You wouldn't catch me murdered in a maid cafe. Internet cafes are where it's at” Luka said
“Yeah but I get an excuse to dress as a maid.” Aphmau said.
“The only time you'll ever see me in a dress is at my wedding.” Luka said
“Now that's gonna be something. So what's Katelyn up to?” Aphmau asked.
“I'd have to tell you in private. No offense Zane” Luka said
“None taken. I gotta use the restroom anyway.” Zane said, getting up and walking to the bathroom.
“About as private as it can get, so spill.” Aphmau said.
“Katelyn wants to go back to college for theater” Luka said
“pff theater? Katelyn?” Aphamu said
“That's what I said. But she's serious about it. I can tell.
“It's just.. she doesn't think she'd make It. And she doesn't listen to me. I was hoping maybe you could maybe encourage her to do it? Maybe take her to a play. Or make one,” Luka said
“I mean…” Aphmau said.
“I'll buy you all the olive garden breadsticks you could eat” Luka said
“You make a pretty convincing argument. I'll talk to her about it later.” Aphmau said.
“Cool cool” Luka said
“Imma run out and get drinks. Im counting on you” Luka said heading out the front door
“You got it.” Aphmau said.
“Got what?” Katelyn said coming down the stairs
“Hm? Luka just left
“Zane” Katelyn Grumbled
“Oh! Perfect actually Zane was just telling me about uh.. uh uh… Neighborhood play he's sponsoring.” Aphmau Said
“The what!?” Zane asked as Aphmau elbowed him
“I mean yeah! I'm sponsoring a neighborhood play!” Zane said.
“Did Lu put you up to this?” Katelyn asked looking between them
“Whaaaat no!” Aphmau said.
“That caffeine addicted computer whatchamacallit has nothing to do with this.” Zane said.
“Oh.. what's the play about?” Katelyn asked
“That's.. what we were trying to figure out. We were just uh.. throwing ideas around though i'm sure it's nothing you'd be interested in so you can-” Aphamu said
“Wait.. i uh.. do you need any help..? I took theater in highschool and.. i might be able to help” Katelyn said
“That'd be a great help! I have no idea.. wait ain't i supposed to.” Zane said. As Aphamu elbowed him again.
“What could you bring to the table?” Aphmau aksed
“Well… I could direct it. Ive been working on a screenplay for a little while now.. if you want” Katelyn said
“Absolutely you are great at bossing people around and telling them what to do. What did you have in mind.. miss Katelyn” Aphamu asked
“Well It's super unoriginal and uninspired but its a modern take on romeo and Juliette” Katelyn said
“That'll do perfectly. If you wanna go get all that ready, me and Zane, need to talk ” Aphamu said.
“You bet we do!” Zane said.
“Really..? Okay!” Katelyn said rushing up The stairs
“Look how happy she looks” Aphamu said
“Aphamu. There is no such thing as a neighborhood play. I don't even have a building for one” Zane said
“Really? Not even if I give you my limited edition Celestia, and Luna figures?” Aphmau asked
“...I gotta go talk to some people.” Zane said, rushing out the door.
“And while he does that I'm gonna help Katelyn.” Aphmau said, going upstairs to Katelyn's room.
“Hey so what can I do to help?” Aphmau asked.
“While I'm gathering all my notes and stuff you're gonna have to gather actors.” Katelyn said.
“Should be easy enough.” Aphmau said.
“I know you can do it.” Katelyn said.
“This is gonna be the best play ever!” Aphmau said
“Oh by the way” Katelyn said
“Yeah?” Aphmau asked
“Since it was you and Zanes idea. Ima make you Juliet. And if he's interested i'll make him Romeo” Katleyn said
“OH… uh..ok” Aphmau said as she went back downstairs and out the front door.
Meanwhile zane walked down the block
“Hmmm, I really need to figure out where people live.” Zane said walking into a furniture store. And into a furniture showroom. The clerk, an older gentleman in a bowtie, raised an eyebrow.
“Hello. My name is Zane. I'm hosting a neighborhood play and i'm looking for a place to hold it. Would you be willing to rent out your showroom?” He asked
“No.” The older gentleman said
“Fair” Zane said walking away as he headed down the street.
A few minutes later he walked into a car dealership filled with fancy sports cars.
“Can I help you?” The store owner asked
“Hello. My name is Zane. I'm hosting a neighborhood play and i'm looking for a place-” Zane said
“If anything but paying customers touch these cars you're paying. Hard pass” the dealership owner said as Zane left. And turned into a pet store.
“How's it going?” the pet store owner asked
“My name is Zane. I'm looking for a place to hold a neighborhood play.” He said
“Sir If you wake up the parrots I will lose my mind please get out” they said as he left.
A few minutes later
“We would like to use your gym to hold a neighborhood play.” Zane said
“Do you wanna do the sweat clean up? Didn't think so.” They said as Zane turned and walked away heading across the street to a bakery
“Look, you're my last hope. My name is Zane. And I'm looking for a place to hold a Neighborhood play. Can we please use your establishment?” He asked
“No. Sorry” they said
“Alright thanks anyway.” He said leaving the bakery and dropping on the sidewalk in defeat he pulled out his phone and began texting Aphamu as a black haired werewolf In a red coat walked past. Turning his head as his green eyes examined Zane
“What's got you sitting in the gutter?” Chris asked walking over and dropping down beside him
“Oh it's you..” Zane said
“yep Its me father of the century anyways whats up” Chris said
“Aphamu wants to put on this play for Katelyn or whatever but i can't find a place to hold it since everyone keeps shutting the door in my face” Zane said
“Names Chris I might be able to help you.” He said
“Help me how? You got a spare castle lying around?” Zane asked
“heh. Not a castle. just a 10 acre facility called Okami Kinetic Solutions. You are more then welcome to use one of the many empty show rooms for your ‘Neighborhood play’” Chris said
“You're serious? You'd let me host it there?” Zane asked
“Sure, I've always had a soft spot for the arts.” Chris said
Zane shot to his feet, shaking Chris’s hand with enthusiasm.
"Chris, you are officially my favorite werewolf in the world. Let’s make this happen!" He said as Chris chuckled
"Let me know when rehearsals start. I might even stick around to watch." He saidTo he continued

Black Enchanting MyStreet Parody
FanfictionBemp is a parody for mytreet made by Jessica/Jason barovo or Aphamu. This is a fan parody.