Mystreet episode 25 Tokens of nostalgia

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Mystreet episode 25, Tokens of nostalgia.

This episode tackles themes of trauma, and death. Read discretion advised

With a groan and a bang, the chevy impalas door closed as Rob walked up to ‘The Pixel Palace’ arcade. Ascending the stairs, he opened the door. The nostalgia hit him hard. He could remember coming here with Aphmau back in high school. Hit by the flooring and the distant sound of chirping arcades seeming to call out his name
“Oh my gawd, is that who i think it is?” a familiar voice he hadn’t heard since college said
“The one, the only. At least I hope I'm the only me.” Rob said, turning to Jenny, who was chilling with her head on the counter.
“Heeeeeeey Rob!” She said, waving with her foot
“Suuup Jenny!” Rob said. as she pushed herself off the counter with her other foot. Gone was the gray tank top coat thing she had in college replaced with a red flannel and jeans. With an over the shoulder ponytail
“oh you know, living the dream” she said, gesturing to the arcade
“It is probably the perfect place for you.” Rob said.
“Absolutely, surrounded by my babies, Bliss Palace, Enchanted, Joy Score, Infinite Breach, Nitro Vortex 3000, and Logic Labyrinth” she said
“Exactly.” Rob said.
“Precisely” Jenny said
“So you run the place then?” Rob asked
“Own actually” Jenny replied, hopping over the counter
“Niiiice.” Rob said.
“So what brings you in today?” She asked, adjusting a pacman lanyard around her neck
“Nostalgia mostly.” Rob said.
“Nothing is more retro than a room filled with arcade games made long before you were born” Jenny said, moving her fist in front of her
“True though it's less about any particular games, just the place itself. At least to me.” Rob said.
“Leme guess. First date?” She asked, giving Him duel finger guns
“First of many. Though it started like that, then it became just a weekly thing we did.” Rob said.
“Well i hope you aren't looking for carvings as this place has been renovated like 3 times in the last few years” she said
“Nah nothing like that.” Rob said.
“Wow.. it's been like 4 years since the last time I saw you. What have you been doing?” She asked
“A lot of different things. Security moved into a new house. Basically, I became a dog dad.” Rob said.
“Thats nice, Me and my boyfriend Mac live in a nice winnebago” she said
“Very nice. You're doing pretty well yourself.” Rob said.
“I'd say so, it was a rough start but we got there in the end. I just wish my friends could be here to see it.” She said
“Well where are they?” Rob asked.
“Betty became a professional chef, they call her the Gordon Ramsey of snacks haha.” She said with a laugh
“Yeah that sounds about right and what happened to the other one? I don't remember her name.” Rob asked.
“Overdose” She said
“Damn.” Rob said. As she shook her head
“let me get you set up.” she said hopping back over the counter
“Now we're talking.” Rob said.
“Time to turn into a desk agent. Do you have an account and or do you want to set one up?” shs asked
“no I don't and obviously.” Rob said.
“Alright Alright,” she said swiveling her computer monitor and over in his direction
“I just need your first name last name and signature” she said
“Seriously? Of all things, that hasn't changed in the last 4 years.” Rob said
“It's kinda a legal thing. you half to fill it out, identity theft and all that” She said
“Fair enough.” Rob said, putting his name and signature down. And turning it back to her. She connected it to a card and handed it to him.
“I'm sure you know the deal, you can put tokens on the card so you don't have t-” she was cut off by the low groan of a power failure causing the lights to go out one by one until they were left in the dark
“Huh. Thats….. new” she said
“Yeah… hm.” Rob said, clearly unphased by the dark.
“huh.. Do you have special frames?” She asked
“Special lenses, why?.” Rob said.
“your eyes are glowing In the dark like an animal” she said
“Ah yeah, that's the lenses yeah…” Rob said. Jenny suddenly turned on a pen
light and walked away
“Need help with that?” Rob asked.
“Nope,” Jennys voice said with a hunt of an echo.
“Alright then.” Rob said, waiting patiently.
He heard the distant flip of a metal switch as.. absolutely fuck all happened
“Well whatever you just did didn't work.” Rob said.
“I flipped the breaker. If that didn't work, that means..” she said walking back over
“Means what?” Rob asked
“Something is drawing so much power that it has shut off the rest of the building.” She said
“Looks like we have a mystery on our hands.” Rob said .
“Just don't Suggest splitting up Fred” she said
“Please, I'm closer to Velma.” Rob said, adjusting his glasses.
“Whatever you say. Four eyes” She said playfully while hoping over the counter
“Alright, it shouldn't be too hard to find the only thing with power.” Rob said.
“yep, thankfully we're alone” she said
“Classic Jenny, always aiming for that five star safety rating” Rob said
“Oh I'm sorry, did Mr I'll-fix-it-with-youtube-tutorials from college say something?” she asked
“Fair point. Alright, let's find this thing.” Rob said.
They reached the maintenance room at the back as she fiddled with the lock, finally wrenching the door open to reveal a cluttered space filled with tools, wires, and an old breaker box. A faint hum echoes from somewhere inside.
“Second brea- Huh.” Rob said, turning his attention to the faint hum. He followed it as she messed with the breaker. He Turned the corner as a sudden blue light caught him.
“i...” Rob said backing up into her view as he turned
"You're going to need a bigger roll of quarters.” He said
“What?” She asked following the hum as they turned the corner coming face to face with an arcade cabinet called.. polybius its unmarked black casing with the simple text above the marquee
“I… how.” Rob said, baffled.
“..that's heavy doc” she said as their eyes drafted down to the screen which said
‘Play me’
“Hahaha. No. This is… this shouldn't be possible. How'd it get here?” Rob asked.
“It was here when I bought the place. First time i've seen it running” she said
“Don't think this was here in highschool… was it?” Rob said examining the cabinet.
“This doesn't seem possible.” He added.
“What even is it?” She asked.
“The holy Grail of arcade cabinets. Some say it drove people mad. Appeared in arcades seemingly out of nowhere. And they were all supposedly hauled away by government agents. Some people have gone mad just trying to find a working cabinet.” Rob said, cleaning his glasses.
“Yeah. I'm pretty sure this is fake” She said
“That doesn't explain the power draw. Or that it's only just now working.” Rob said.
“Everything has a reasonable explanation” she said grabbing a joystick
“So far I'm not seeing anything reasonable or explainable about this.” Rob said, putting his glasses back on.
“it could literally be a faulty board, a short in the circuit, multiple different explanations” she said
“Has it been plugged in since you bought the place?” Rob asked.
“Looks like it. I don't come back here often” she said.
“I see… I'm not gonna test it to see if it's real. And I'm actually a little afraid to get any closer.” Rob said.
“--level one fine the source–” the game the arcade called
“Grab a joystick hero, i got a game to beat” she said moving a little ship around a circle.
“Of course that's your first thought.” Rob said.
“--collect power tokens–” the Arcade said, shooting out glowing coins.
“Huh. Of course it's the only machine with tokens.” Rob said, looking at the coins as he picked one up to look at. It appeared to simply be a regular token. Watching Jenny's ship move around
“Huh. How's the game?” Rob asked, pocketing the token.
“Its uh.. like a love child between Asteroids,  and a psychedelic puzzle or rhythm game” she said. Her eyes had become focused on the game
“---This isn’t your first game Jenny—” The Arcade said seemingly talking to her
“---Do you remember what you did?---” it asked
“---say hello to Cathy for me—” it said
She shook her head
“---level 2, face your fear—” a voice said
“Oh this is getting interesting.” Rob said.
“---Don't let him know Jenny—” the Arcade said
“Everything alright ?” Rob said, noticing She didn't seem herself anymore
“Ah yeah I see why it was pulled now.” Rob said, looking for the plug.
“..I.. switch” she said, grabbing Rob and switching places with him.
“Woah alright.” Rob said taking over. He found the game pretty easy to play, flying the little triangle around a spherical object. Destroying bits and pieces of it.
“Well this is… pretty simple.” Rob said
“---you've been lying to them. Haven't you Rob—” the Arcade asked
“Hm.” Rob said ignoring the machine's words.
“---do you trust them?---” it asked
“I’d be stupid not to after everything…” Rob said, still focusing on the game.
“---when was the last time you ever felt. free?---” it asked
“Right now.” Rob said, getting increasingly agitated.
“---She knows the truth Rob—” it said
“Which truth?” Rob retorted.
“---she fears you—” it said
“Hm.” Rob grumbled.
“---Level 3 the truth hurts—” it said.
“No shit.” Rob said.
“---Arrogance—” it said as.
“Probably.” Rob said, trying to focus on the game.
“---Tell me, How many people have you let down, because you couldn’t think about anyone but yourself.?---” it asked
“Too many…” Rob said.
“---Melissa—” it said
“Among… so many others…” Rob said.
“---Rachel—” it said again
“What's your game here? Fuck with my head see how far I can get under psychological torture?
“---Aphmau—” It said.
“Jenny, Katelyn, hell, even Chris. You clearly know the list.”
“---Katelyn—” it said
“I will beat you.” Rob said.
“---K. A. C. E. Y.---” it said
“What're you doing now trying to figure out what button to mash the hardest?
“---K. A. C. E. Y.---” it said again
“Yes I let him down most of all…” Rob said.
"---Criminal criminal. Criminal criminal. Criminal criminal. Criminal criminal. Criminal criminal. Criminal criminal. Criminal criminal.---" it said
“Of course I'm a criminal. I've hurt too many people… too many times… too many mistakes…” Rob said, still playing the game.
The screen began to glitch in reaction to his words
“I've made… oh Irene… so many mistakes… that hurt so many…” Rob said. The screen stopped flickering returning to normal
“Well that was wei-” Rob said.
“---level 4.. 01010111 01101000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100111 01100101 01101100 01110011 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101100 01101100—” the arcade glitched And sputtered
“AH! My ears, what?” Rob said, disoriented by the sudden burst of code.
“Okay focus… gonna have to… make up for a lot of fuck ups…” Rob said. The screen began to flicker the form began to glitch breaking down
“---l-lev- Why did you leave?” Melissa asked 
“Because… I don't feel like I belong. Because I know I'm not cut out to run the company when it's time. And because I wanted to make my own way…” Rob sarepl
“Bbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrr… We're family.  We’re supposedtofig….ure out these things out together. Instead I had to clean up the mess you left” She said
“I panicked… cut and ran… Went to the one person I trusted more than myself. And the one person I've probably wronged the most…” Rob said
“So what are you going to do?” Aphmau asked
“Oh come on, surely you can pull out one person I haven't screwed up!” Rob said as it morphed into Jenny
“Guilt!” He said watching it turn into Katleyn
“More guilt!” he said as he was suddenly blinded by a red rotating beacon
“The only one that's been helping me without question.” Rob said. Staring at Maren as her eyes blinked
“Your grudges were with my dog and my girlfriend more than anything else huh? And despite all that. I never did tell you I appreciate it all.” Rob said.
“Don't you get soft on me you son of a bitch” Maren said
“You’re right. Enough self pity and regret. Gotta figure out how to make things right. Make it up to those i can. No matter what it takes.” Rob said. As Maren exploded into a million shards
“Sweet merciful Irene what the fuck!” Rob said
Jenny rubbed her eyes as she stared across an empty void seeing Cathy on the other side.
“You left me.” Cathy said
“No.. Your not real” Jenny replied
“Isn't It real enough? You just couldn't let me be happy could you. I loved him.” Cathy said
“But he didn't love you.. and he didn't love me. I was selfish and blinded by love that i couldn't see that he didn't feel the same way” Jenny said
Cathy remained silent.
“He would have just shut you down too.” She added
“Maybe he would have. But i'll never know now because you chose for me rather then let me find out for myself” Cathy said
“Why do I feel so much guilt?. You sent Aphamu death threats. You sent them to Dianna too.” Jenny said
“I was angry Jenny, you don't understand what it felt like to feel like I didn't exist. To feel ignored by the world that I didn't matter .” Cathy said
“No but you mattered to me, and you mattered to betty. We were your friends. And you threw that away for some guy. It was your choices that led you down your road. Instead of looking for help. You kept chasing after a fantasy.” Jenny said
Cathy finally turned to face her
“I'm sorry.. so very sorry you can't be here with us. But you made that discussion the day you walked away from us. There's nothing I could have done. And I see that now, how can I blame myself when you made the choice. I can't. I miss you every day.. but im done blaming myself” Jenny said
“I wish.. I wish I could have seen it sooner. I'm sorry that I left you.” Cathy said
“It's okay.. but it's time for you to rest now.” Jenny said. Watching as Cathy disintegrated into dust
Jenny gasped her surroundings coming back into focus as the two stood in a basically empty closet. 
“What in the everloving fuck just happened?” Rob asked, checking himself for any injuries or damage.
She blinked, trying to steady herself. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks.
“It’s... it’s gas. Hallucinogenic gas. That’s what’s causing this!” she said. Staring at a set of two old gas tanks in front of them one of which was hissing
“I'm surprisingly sturdier than I thought then. Or just made it through whatever that was.” Rob said.
She stumbled over and shut the valve collapsing against the wall.
“Why is there hallucinogenic gas in your back room?” Rob asked, helping her sit up.
"Back in the '90s, some companies were experimenting with immersive gaming tech. This gas was supposed to simulate 3D by messing with your perception, making you see the game in real life. But clearly, it went way too far. Instead of enhancing gameplay, it turned into a psychological nightmare." Jenny said scratching her head
“Yeah I can see why that'd happen because I'm pretty sure we experienced… something verging on a nightmare.” Rob said.
“I hate 90s experimental tech.” Jenny said As Rob brushed the dust a tank revealing the letters L,O,S,H
“I know what you mean, pretty sure the last place I worked was also testing something that was a psychological nightmare, probably made by the same company.” Rob said
“Where's that?” Jenny asked
“old closed pizza joint off route 9” Rob said
“Oh Freddy's” Jenny said
“Man, is there anyone who hasn't heard about it?” he asked
“I mean.. It was a devastating tragedy Rob. 6 kids were murdered in a place they should have been safe.” Jenny said
“Yeah that's fair. Ya wanna know the weirdest part. Apparently the security guards got used as test subjects for the animatronics night mode or whatever. Anyway, are you good?” Rob asked.
“I think. I think i feel better about life now” Jenny said
“Yeah… weirdly enough, so do I… Well, I think I have a better sense of direction with it anyway.” Rob said.
“I know I said it years ago. But I'm sorry about what happened between us. I was a stupid girl who was just happy to be noticed by a guy I liked that I failed to realize I was pushing myself onto you. It was really inconsiderate of me” She said .” Jenny said.
“No need to apologize. It was my fault too, but I still appreciate it. Plus it seems to have worked out pretty well for both of us.” Rob said
“I suppose it did. How about I buy you a drink from the bar across the street? Least i can do, for putting you through all that.” Jenny said
“Ya know that was probably my plan anyway. But yeah that works. Might have to come back with Aph sometime.” Rob said.
"Well level up your fun at pixel paradise where every game’s a new adventure!" Jenny said moving her fist across her chest
“Surprised that the slogan is still around. Did Terry teach you all that?” Rob asked.
“Mayhaps.” Jenny said.
“Heh, fair enough. Ya know I probably would have gotten a job here back in highschool.” Rob said plopping down beside her in the backroom.

End of episode 25

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