13 - My Brother, The Sap

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The next day at work was pretty uneventful, Shanna came in with Scott and it was nice to see both of them. Dodger was excited to see family he knew especially since he was really missing Chris.

"So...Ma may know about you and Chris..." Scott said as I took a break at work and we walked own to the coffee shop down the street, Dodger stayed in the store with the one worker who was there.

"What do you mean?" I asked almost choking on my coffee.

"Well, this idiot over here..." Shanna said smacking Scott upside his head might have mentioned the girl Chris was stuck in the elevator with at the convention and how she lives in town..." Shanna continued.

"But does she know we are dating?" I asked.

"No, I shut him up before that. Ma just said she would like to meet the girl that was able to help keep Chris calm." Shanna said.

I smiled with a small blush, "Actually he kept me calm. I hate elevators on a good day because my fear was always being stuck in one."

"Well Ma, still wants to meet you because she knows Chris is probably still having contact with you." Scott said causing me to groaned.

"Did you tell Chris this?" I asked and Scott nodded.

"I called him, he had Shanna hit me upside the head as well. Chris is going to plan a dinner when he is back." Scott said and I just half nodded.

"How are you doing with him being gone?" Shanna asked and I shrugged.

"I mean we have been friends since the con and then we decided friends wasn't working so we became a couple. Since we have been a couple the longest, we were apart was a week when he went to LA. At least I have Dodger so I have something, but I would rather have Chris." I explained, I didn't even feel sorry for saying this because I did miss Chris.

"Have you both discussed making any kind of statement?" Shanna asked and I shook my head.

"We decided with me having the shop and not wanting to get too much attention we won't say anything until it's absolutely necessary. Chris is a private person anyway, so it works." I said.

Scott and Shanna looked at each other.

"What?" I asked.

"Well not to sound like captain obvious here but you are watching Dodger. You have been taking him out to the parks and have him here at work with you...aren't you scared people are going to notice?" Shanna asked and I shrugged.

"I don't think people pay that close of attention to a normal person walking a dog. I know Dodger is just as famous as Chris, but I guess I'm hoping no one notices." I said and they both sighed.

"We hope so too. I know you both want to stay private for now." Scott said.

In truth, I hadn't even thought about how everyone around Boston and basically the world knew who Dodger was. Here's hoping I could keep my life as private and normal as possible.


After work Dodger and I got home with no problems and stayed in for the night. Chris was supposed to call but had texted a few hours ago saying he was running behind in work and would just call me in the morning.

I planned on calling it an early night my conversation with Shanna and Scott still reeling in my head. I thought about it while I was in the shower. Dodger and I had been everywhere. We went on hikes, the dog park and even bringing him to work and walking him around that neighborhood when he was tired of being couped up in the shop all day.

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