°•| The Return |•°

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   The winding path led Jia and Lei through lush green hills, the distant silhouette of the Valley of Peace gradually coming into view over the horizon. As they neared, Lei's excitement bubbled over, and with each step, he couldn't help but fire question after question at his mother.

   "Are we there yet, Mama?" Lei's voice was tinged with impatience, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

   Jia, her calm demeanor contrasting with Lei's seemingly boundless energy, smiled down at him. "Not just yet, little one, but we're getting closer," she assured, adjusting the small backpack on her shoulders.

   Lei sighed as he kicked at the small pebbles that littered the beaten path as they continued forward, the rhythmic thud of his paws a testament to his anticipation.

   "When was the last time you visited here?" He asked suddenly.

   Jia's gaze softened with nostalgia. "It's been a long time since I've stopped by. The last time I was here, you were about to turn five. You probably don't remember much of it, and things may look a bit different now, but you're going to love it."

   The two fell silent for a while before Lei's impatience surged forward more. "Can't we get there any faster?" he pleaded.

   Jia chuckled at his eagerness, her own anticipation blending with maternal amusement. "Patience, Lei, we're almost there. See those rooftops over there?" She pointed towards the bustling town just over the next knoll.

   Lei squinted, his eyes still unable to discern the details. "I can't see that far, Mama," he admitted with a hint of frustration.

   Humming softly, Jia gently lifted Lei onto her shoulders as he let out a surprised squeal of delight. "There, now you have a better view," she said with a warm smile. Lei, perched on this newfound vantage point, eagerly scanned the surroundings, his excitement reignited by the prospect of witnessing the valley up close. Lei's eyes widened as the structures of the bustling town emerged from the horizon like a vivid painting.

   The Valley of Peace stretched out before them as Jia and Lei passed the entrance of the village and began to traverse its busy streets. The vibrant colors of market stalls and the harmonious sounds of daily life filled the air, a stark contrast to the secluded tranquility of their former home.

   "Where are we going now?" Lei asked as he gazed wide-eyed at the surrounding scenery.

   Jia chuckled softly, her heart warmed by Lei's enthusiasm. "That palace on top of that mountain over there," she replied as Lei's gaze widened in awe at the sight of the gleaming white structure, adorned with intricate green jade accents that loomed in the distance.

   "It's amazing!" Lei exclaimed, his voice filled with childlike wonder. "Are we really going all the way up there?"

"Of course, that's where we will be staying for the time being."

   As they made their way through the village towards the staircase at the base of the mountain, Lei's eyes darted around, taking in the stone arches and statues that adorned the path. As Jia began her ascent, Lei couldn't contain his curiosity.

   "Do you think we'll get to see Grandpa?" Lei asked. It had been years since he last set foot here or seen his extended family.

   "Of course you'll get to see Grandpa Shifu," Jia replied while patting his small paws that rested on her head. "And Master Oogway and Auntie Tigress and all of the Furious Five."

   Lei's excitement reached its peak as the imposing figure of the Jade Palace grew closer. Unable to contain his enthusiasm any longer, he jumped off of Jia's shoulders and landed with a harsh thump before bursting into a sprint, his small paws pounding against the stone steps with unrestrained energy.

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