°•| Tai Lung |•°

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A massive prison, hewn from the icy heart of a towering mountain, looms ominously overhead. Its imposing facade, fifteen stories of cold iron and unyielding rock, casts a foreboding shadow over the desolate landscape. No windows pierce its fortress-like walls, and only one door stands as the gateway to its depths - locked, bolted, and sealed tight against any would-be escapees. Rhinoceros guards, clad in menacing armor, patrol the perimeter with unwavering vigilance, their eyes sharp as they scour the icy expanse for any sign of intruders.

Suddenly, Zeng burst into view, his frantic flight drawing the attention of a vigilant Rhino Sentry. With a graceless crash, he lands at the gate, his breathless urgency palpable as the rhinos level their spears in readiness.

"Wait, wait, wait! I bear a message from Master Shifu," Zeng squawks, the Scroll clutched tightly in his feet. The tension ebbs slightly as the Rhino guards exchange wary glances before begrudgingly opening the door with a resounding clang.

With trembling wings, the terrified goose ventures forth into the frigid depths of the prison, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and trepidation.

Inside Commander Vachir stands at the helm of a gathered group of guards. Zeng stands trembling, his feathers ruffled with apprehension as he hands the formidable commander the scroll, watching with bated breath as he unfurls it.

The commander's voice booms with accusation as he reads aloud the damning words from the scroll.

"Double the guard?! Extra precautions?! Your prison may not be adequate!" Commander Vachir's voice reverberates through the icy chamber, a thunderous declaration that sends shivers down Zeng's spine.

Trembling in fear, Zeng finds himself to be the center of attention of the gathered guards, their gaze piercing through him like icy daggers. With a swift motion, the Commander snaps the scroll shut.

"You doubt my prison's security?" Vachir demands, his gaze piercing through Zeng with chilling intensity.

"Absolutely not. Shifu does. I'm just the messenger." Zeng stammers, his voice quivering with fear as he gulped nervously.

"I'll give you a message for your Master. Escape from Chorh-Gom Prison is impossible!" Vachir stated while leading Zeng across one of the many stone bridges that led to different areas of the prison.

"Whoa." Zeng murmurs fearfully while looking over the bridge's edge. The cavernous prison goes down a long way. The commander hits the goose on the back.

"Impressive, isn't it?" Vachir asks as a feather from the goose drifts down the prison.

"Yes, very impressive. It's very impressive." Zeng whispered fearfully.

"One way in, one way out, one thousand guards, and one prisoner." Vachir continued as he guided Zeng through the prison.

"Yes, except that prisoner is Tai Lung..." Zeng murmured fearfully as the two reached the elevator and stepped onto the wooden platform.

"Take us down." Vachir ordered before several guard rhinos winch the goose and the commander down. The commander grabs the chain and shakes the elevator, scaring the goose as they make their descent.

"What are you doing?!" The commander just laughs. The elevator finally lands with a thud, and the two step out before a number of doors that unlock one after the other. Finally, a drawbridge is lowered out onto an island.

"Oh my..." Zeng murmurs once he catches sight of the hunched-over form of the large snow leopard, a tortoise-shell-shaped locking device strapped to his back with several acupuncture needles with decorative dragon-headed pins embedded into him.

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