°•| New Arrival, New Attitude |•°

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   Jia leaped through the Seven Talon Rings and the Seven Swinging Clubs of Instant Oblivion with relative ease, her movements precise and fluid as Zeng scuttled into the room with a flustered expression.

   "Jia! Jia! A moment!" Zeng called out, his wings fluttering with urgency.

   Jia froze as she turned to face Zeng, a curious expression on her face as she remained perched on one of the serpent-like structures that rose and fell rhythmically beneath the first section of the training hall.

   "What's going on, Zeng? Is there trouble in the village?"

   Zeng huffed, catching his breath. "Well, not exactly trouble, but there's a visitor at the gate. And it’s… it's Mei Ling!”

   Jia's eyes narrowed in confusion before widening in surprise as Zeng ran off. "Zeng, wait! Who's Mei Ling?!”

   Jia let out a slightly exasperated sigh before leaped off of her perch and onto the nearby platform, curiosity and concern riddling her features as she stood, dusting off her qipao Sucking in a breath, she exhaled, readying herself before making her way to the front gate of the Jade Palace.

   As Jia approached the gate, the soft hues of dusk painted the courtyard in a warm, golden glow. Shadows lengthened, casting a gentle embrace over the training grounds, and the air held a tranquil stillness just before sunset. Reaching the gate, Jia removed the door bar plank before pulling it open with a soft grunt, revealing the small form of a red fox with bright amber eyes. The fox regarded her with playful amusement, her fur catching the last rays of the setting sun, creating a fiery halo around its elegant silhouette.

   "Ah, you must be Jia! It’s nice to finally be able to put a face to the name," Mei Ling said, extending a hand.

   Jia blinked, still in shock at her appearance, before shaking herself out of her stupor and reaching out a paw to shake to shake hers. "Nice to meet you, Mei Ling. What brings you to the Jade Palace?"

   Mei Ling's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Oh, just passing through and thought I'd say hello. Is Shifu around, or is he off training that son of his?"

   Jia's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Tai Lung. "Uh, well, Shifu is gone, actually. He left to go on a  training retreat with Tai Lung a few days ago, and Oogway is away on a mission. It's just me guarding the valley."

   “Interesting,” Mei Ling grinned as she leaned in conspiratorially, “You must be quite skilled if they trusted someone as young as you with such a task.”

   Jia looked down, her fur growing hot at the compliment as she nervously rubbed her arm with her paw.. "T-Thank you, m’am.”

   Mei Ling sighed playfully. "Anyway, since Shifu isn't here, mind if I stay for a bit? I'd love to catch up with him when he returns."

   Jia hesitated but then nodded. "Sure, you can stay in the palace. We have some empty rooms. I'll show you to one."

• • • • • • • • • • • •⊱ 𓆸 ⊰• • • • • • • • • • • •

   Under the enchanting glow of the moon, the fragrant aroma of stir-fried vegetables wafted through the air, mingling with the subtle scent of jasmine tea as Jia bustled about the kitchen, each movement purposeful. Mei Ling sat at the table, her amber eyes twinkling with amusement as she watched Jia move about.

   A plate of steaming vegetable dumplings appeared before Mei Ling, accompanied by Jia's warm smile. "I hope you enjoy these. They're one of my specialties."

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