°•| First Encounters |•°

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The silver glow of the moon cast a gentle luminance over the mountainous landscape as Jia followed Master Oogway through the secluded paths leading to the Valley of Peace. As they ventured deeper into the valley, Jia marveled at the quaint beauty of the village that lay nestled beneath the Jade Palace's watchful gaze.

The tranquil atmosphere was accentuated by the occasional flicker of lanterns and the distant murmur of the villagers in their respective homes. The night air was crisp, filled with the distant hum of crickets and the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. The village, bathed in a serene nocturnal ambiance, seemed to welcome them with open arms as they ventured toward the grand staircase leading to the Jade Palace.

As they approached the base of the grand staircase leading to the Jade Palace, Jia couldn't help but marvel at the daunting ascent before them.

"Do we really have to climb all the way up there?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of disbelief.

Oogway, with his ever-present tranquility, nodded. "Yes, my dear Jia. The journey may be challenging, but the destination is worth it."

With surprising agility for his age, Oogway started ascending the stairs with a speed that caught Jia off guard. Determination replaced her initial hesitation as she followed suit. To her amazement, she soon found herself surpassing the wise old turtle. Reaching the top ahead of Oogway, Jia turned to marvel at the breathtaking view of the Valley of Peace below. The twinkling lights of the village and the serene landscape were beautiful from this height. However, her moment of awe was abruptly shattered as she was swiftly pinned to the rough stone.

Caught off guard, Jia gasped for breath as the weight of her assailant pressed against her. Before her stood male snow leopard, his bright yellow eyes ablaze with intensity, demanding an explanation.

"Who are you? What do you think you're doing here?" He growled.

Shock and confusion gripped Jia as she struggled beneath his hold, her paws desperately grasping at his wrist in an attempt to make him loosen his grip.

Just then, Master Oogway, having reached the top with surprising speed, gently but playfully scolded him, "Tai Lung, she can't respond if she can't breathe and this is not how we greet new students."

"Wait, what? A new student?" Tai Lung's scowl softened as his gaze rose to meet Oogway's before returning to Jia, who was still gasping under his hold. Immediately, he released her, guilt seeping into his body as she promptly gasped for air, her chest rising and falling rapidly. "I'm sorry, I thought-" Before he could finish his sentence, she swiftly bolted up and sought refuge behind Oogway, her bright green eyes wide with fear as she stared at him.

"Let's go inside," Oogway suggested abruptly, leading the way into the Scroll Room. Jia, still shaken, scampered after him, seeking solace behind the wise master. Tai Lung, regret lingering in his gaze, followed on Oogway's opposite side at a slower pace as he observed this new arrival.

She was pretty, really pretty- her fur boasted a velvety brown adorned with wide irregular blotches and an invitingly fluffy tail that trailed behind her. An unexpected urge to stroke it tugged at Tai Lung, which he resisted. However, it was her eyes, an intense shade of green, that truly mesmerized him, holding within them a whirlpools of emotions and memories.

The regret of scarring her weighed on him, his own tail drooping as she glanced back at him, their eyes meeting briefly before she looked away and hurried ahead. It surprised him- the desire to make her like him. He had never cared what anyone had thought of him before, let alone a person he had only just met, but he was no less determined to make it happen.

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