°•| The Dragon Warrior |•°

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Oogway, Shifu, Jia, and Lei descended the stairs from the Scroll Room, the geese lining the steps bowing respectfully as they passed. At the bottom, one of the palace pigs struck a gong, signaling their arrival. Jia held Lei's paw, the young cub laughing joyfully as he jumped down each stair. Oogway observed the scene with a serene smile.

"It is a historic day, isn't it, Master Oogway?" Shifu asked once they had reached the bottom.

"Yes, and one I feared I would not live to see. Are your students ready?" Oogway replied while turning his attention away from the small family.

"Yes Master Oogway."

"Now know this, old friend. Whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley but also to you." Oogway replied while gesturing to Master Shifu.

Shifu pondered the implications as Oogway, Jia, and Lei moved ahead. Shifu quickly caught up, and together, they headed toward the boisterous crowd below. The pig banged the gong.

"Let the tournament begin!" The pig called.

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As I watched the villagers flood into the area, a vibrant spectacle unfolded before our eyes. Bright red streamers danced in the breeze, dragon costumes swirled, and the air crackled with the excitement of firecrackers. The aroma of food wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of laughter and chatter.

Lei held onto my paw, his eyes wide with amazement as he took in the lively scene. "This is amazing!" he exclaimed, eagerly looking around.

"Indeed," I chuckled in agreement, impressed at how quickly Shifu had orchestrated the celebration.

Shifu's voice echoed through the arena, announcing the arrival of the Furious Five. Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper, and Monkey leaped into the air, each striking a distinctive pose. Tigress exuded strength with her poised stance, Crane displayed elegance with wings gracefully extended, Mantis exhibited agility in a dynamic pose, Viper coiled with serpentine grace, and Monkey showcased playful acrobatics.

"Joining us on this special occasion is also Master Jia!" Shifu declared, prompting me to move forward, gently tugging Lei along. I waved to the cheering crowd and followed my examples, waving faster when the Five turned to look at us.

Tigress caught my eye, her amber gaze reflecting shock. I offered a small smile, silently assuring her that we would talk later. She nodded in acknowledgment before turning her attention back to the festivities.

Lei, brimming with curiosity, asked, "Who do you think the Dragon Warrior will be, Mama?"

I pondered for a moment. "Probably Tigress, though she lacks restraint. But we can never be truly sure."

As Shifu shouted commands, Crane faced off against the Thousand Tongues of Fire, deftly dodging the arrows with ease. Monkey and Tigress performed aerial acrobatics, captivating the crowd. Viper and Mantis engaged in a brilliant display of Kung Fu.

In the midst of the spectacle, a panda soared through the air, landing on the other side of the gates. I blinked, questioning the reality of what I had just seen before my focus was diverted by Shifu once again shouting.

"And finally ... Master Tigress! Face Iron Ox and his Blades of Death!" Shifu announced, Tigress assuming a formidable stance as the contraption was wheeled out in front of her. The maw of the wooden Ox dropped open, revealing rows upon rows of arrows.

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