°•| Late Night Confessions |•°

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As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting the Hall of Heroes in a soft, golden hue, Jia once again found herself at the mercy of Tai Lung's antics. Ever the persistent flirt, he once again attempted to wrap his arms around Jia from behind, his playful grin evident even in the fading light.

"Tai, seriously, this has to stop," Jia said firmly though her fur flushed with embarrassment as she deftly sidestepped his advances, insisting with a gentle laugh, "I have to go train, Tai. Maybe some other time, okay?"

Undeterred, Tai Lung continued to pursue her, his movements gentle yet determined. "Come now, Jia," he groused, his voice laced with mischief, "Surely you can spare a few moments to indulge me?"

Jia shook her head with a fond smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You of all people should know how seriously I take my meditation sessions, and I know you're just trying to distract me."

Tai Lung's laughter echoed through the hall, a melodious sound that seemed to dance on the evening breeze. "Perhaps," he conceded with a wink, "But can you blame me for wanting to spend time with you?"

Jia's fur flushed even deeper at Tai Lung's words, her heart fluttering with a mixture of embarrassment and warmth.

As Jia was momentarily stunned, Tai Lung took the opportunity to wrap his arms tightly and possessively around her waist before tugging her back against him.

Jia soon found herself nestled against his chest, feeling the warmth of his breath against her neck as he nuzzled closer.

"It's as if my hands were made to hold you," he murmured softly, his grip tightening slightly once she began to shift before loosening once he realized that she only wanted to turn to face him, his expression betraying surprise as he met her concerned gaze.

"What's troubling you, Tai?" Her voice was gentle as she reached out to caress his cheek, her touch tender yet knowing.

Tai Lung felt a pang of vulnerability as he gazed into her eyes. He often forgot the reason Master Oogway insisting on personally training her but it was in moments like this he couldn't help but sense the depth of her insight and power that Oogway no doubt saw in her since day one.

He struggled with the urge to confide in her, to share the frustration of his demanding training with Master Shifu and the weight of his increasingly challenging missions. And beneath it all, a brewing resentment and anger that he couldn't quite understand.

But before he could open his mouth to respond, the sound of Shifu clearing his throat cut through the air, catching the two off guard. Startled, Jia and Tai Lung turned to see Shifu standing at the entrance of the hall, his presence commanding attention even in the fading light. Jia's embarrassment deepened as she hastily straightened up, while Tai Lung offered a respectful nod to his master and father as he reluctantly released his hold to allow Jia to move away.

Shifu's gaze swept over the pair, his expression stern. "Jia, Tai Lung," he began, his voice measured and calm, "I trust that your training is progressing well. However, there is another matter that requires your attention."

Jia's eyes widened with curiosity, and Tai Lung's demeanor shifted to one of attentiveness. Shifu continued, "I would like to introduce you to Tigress, a young girl I recently adopted from Bao Gu Orphanage. She is your new sister, Tai Lung. I trust the two of you to care for her while I attend to my duties. I believe she has great potential."

As Shifu spoke, Jia's heart swelled with compassion for Tigress, and she nodded in acknowledgment. Tai Lung offered a silent nod, his gaze narrowing slightly as the little tiger standing before him.

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