°•| Tears of Tomorrow |•°

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The morning sun cast a golden glow over the tranquil valley, illuminating the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom perched atop the small mountain. Under its branches, Jia sat in silent meditation, her eyes closed in serene contemplation.

As the first rays of dawn kissed the treetops, a faint rustling disturbed the peaceful stillness. Tai Lung, ever the mischief-maker, crept stealthily towards Jia, intent on surprising her. However, before he could pounce, Jia's voice cut through the silence.

"I know you're there, Tai Lung," she called out, her tone laced with amusement.

Tai Lung halted in his tracks, his smirk dropping. "Ah, you have ears like Shifu," he remarked, settling down beside her.

Jia chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "What brings you up here so early?"

Tai Lung shrugged nonchalantly. "Just thought I'd enjoy the sunrise," he replied casually, though his eyes betrayed a hint of devilry.

Jia's eyes fluttered open as she turned to face Tai Lung, her gaze questioning. Sunlight danced across her splotched fur, casting an ethereal glow upon her features, accentuating her natural beauty.

Tai Lung found himself momentarily captivated by her radiant presence, the play of sunlight on her markings adding to her allure. For a moment, he was lost in admiration, his heart stirring with an all to familiar warmth.

As the sun continued its ascent, Tai Lung blinked, snapping back to reality as Jia's voice broke through his reverie.

"Really Tai? The sunrise? What really brings you up here?" she asked, her tone laced with skepticism.

Tai Lung's grin widened, a playful glint in his eyes. "Can't a guy spend the day with his girlfriend?" he teased, hoping to catch her off guard.

Jia arched an eyebrow, her lips curving into a knowing smile. "No," she replied, her tone firm yet laced with affection. "Especially not when that guy's presence disrupts my entire morning meditation routine. I can barely get through one session peacefully with you around."

Tai Lung's grin softened into a more earnest expression. "I promise, today will be different. I won't disturb you," he vowed, his tone sincere.

Jia chuckled softly, shaking her head. "Your track record begs to differ," she teased, though there was warmth in her words.

Tai Lung feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Have a little faith in me, Jia. You know you love my company," he retorted, a playful glint in his eyes.

Jia rolled her eyes, though a smile tugged. at the corners of her lips. "Even after three years of us being together, you'll never change, huh?" she remarked, her tone affectionate yet teasing.

Before he could respond, Jia rose to her feet with a sigh, dusting off her qipao. "Either way, I can't. I have to go meet Master Oogway at the Wu Dan Mountains for my training," she explained, glancing towards the distant peaks. "And you... well, I'm sure you have your own training to attend to with Master Shifu and Tigress in the training hall."

Tai Lung nodded, a hint of disappointment flickering across his features. "Right, of course," he replied, rising to his feet as well. "Guess I'll see you later then."

Just as Jia had begun to make her way down the stone steps, Tai Lung called out, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Pausing mid-step, Jia turned back to face him, curiosity flickering in her eyes. Tai Lung stepped forward, his arms crossing in front of his chest as he waited expectantly.

With a playful sigh, Jia made her way back up the steps, moving closer to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. Before she could pull away, Tai Lung seized her in a tight embrace, holding her close for a moment longer than necessary.

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