°•| Silent Prayers |•°

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Jia sat cross-legged in front of the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, her eyes closed in deep meditation. The gentle rustling of leaves and the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the branches provided a serene backdrop. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of peach blossoms, a reminder of the wisdom and tranquility that Master Oogway had always embodied.

As she focused on her breathing, Jia's mind drifted to the past. Memories of Master Oogway's teachings and their many years together flooded her thoughts. She recalled his calm demeanor, his profound wisdom, and his unwavering belief in the potential of every being. His words echoed in her mind: "Inner peace is the key to true strength."

Oogway had taken Jia in to train when she was just a young cub, reticent and untested. Under his gentle guidance, she had transformed into a skilled and confident warrior. His lessons were not just about physical strength but also about understanding herself and finding balance in her life. His teachings had been her anchor, his wisdom, her guiding light.

Her mind wandered to the countless hours they had spent training. Oogway's approach was always gentle yet firm, pushing her to explore her limits while nurturing her spirit. He had taught her to move with grace, to listen to the whispers of the wind, and to harness the power within her. His lessons extended beyond the physical; they were deeply spiritual, connecting her to the world and the universe in ways she had never imagined.

Jia's fingers lightly traced the petals of a fallen peach blossom, her thoughts a tempest of emotions. The world felt darker without Oogway’s guiding light, and the looming threat of Tai Lung's return filled her with dread. She had to be strong, not just for herself, but for Lei and everyone she cared about.

Her meditative silence was broken by the soft sound of footsteps approaching. She opened her eyes to see Lei standing a few feet away, his eyes wide with concern. He hesitated, unsure if he should interrupt.

"Mom?" Lei's voice was small, almost timid.

Jia turned to face him, a gentle smile forming on her lips despite the turmoil within. "Lei, come here."

Lei approached and sat beside her, his eyes reflecting the worry that mirrored her own. "Are you okay?"

Jia sighed, wrapping an arm around her son and pulling him close. "I'm just… thinking. There's a lot to process."

"Is it because of Master Oogway and… Tai Lung?" Lei asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jia nodded, looking back at the tree. "Yes. Master Oogway was not just a mentor to me: He was like a second father. His loss is… difficult to bear. And Tai Lung… he’s a threat that we can't take lightly."

Lei leaned into her embrace, seeking comfort. "Do you think we can stop him? Po doesn't seem ready."

Jia chuckled softly, brushing back the fur on Lei's head. "Po has a long journey ahead of him, but so do we all. We must trust in Master Oogway's decision and in Po's potential. Sometimes, the greatest warriors come from the most unexpected places."

Lei nodded, taking in his mother's words. "What if… what if we can’t stop him? What if something happens to you?"

Jia's heart ached at the fear in her son's voice. She turned to face him fully, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Lei, listen to me. We are stronger together. No matter what happens, we must believe in each other and in ourselves. Fear can paralyze us, but it can also drive us to do extraordinary things."

Lei looked into her eyes, searching for the strength she spoke of. "I'm scared, Mom."

Jia pulled him into a tight embrace, her voice soft but firm. "I know, sweetheart. It's okay to be scared. But remember, courage isn't the absence of fear; it's acting in spite of it. And you are braver than you realize."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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