Chapter 1:My New Bodyguard

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"After an intense gaming session, I find myself famished. Time to let the chef weave their culinary magic and whip up something to satisfy my cravings. The kitchen awaits!"With a fiery yearning for something spicy igniting within her, Katrina's steps echo down the hallway as she ventures towards the heart of the house: the kitchen. A hunger for flavor propels her forward, the promise of a culinary adventure beckoning her to satisfy her craving for the bold and the fiery."Hey Chef Laker, could you whip up something spicy for me, please? Thanks," requested Katrina.

"Of course, madam, right away," replied Chef Laker.

"I've told you so many times not to call me that; it makes me feel ancient," Katrina chuckled, rolling her eyes.Chef Laker chuckled before delivering the news, "By the way, your mother wanted me to inform you that she's hired a new personal bodyguard for you. Apparently, she fired the old one for not doing his job properly."Ugh, another one? It's always the same thing, they never do their job properly. How many bodyguards does that make in the past two weeks that she's fired?" Katrina sighed, shaking her head at the revolving door of security personnel in her life.As Chef Laker chuckled in response, a few moments later, the doorbell rang, prompting Katrina to walk over and answer the door, wondering who could be on the other side.When Katrina swung open the door, she was greeted by the captivating sight of a tall, brooding Korean man with a light complexion his eyes were a mesmerizing dark red, hinting at depths of unknown secrets beneath the surface. With his long, curly black hair cascading over his strong shoulders and a perfectly tailored tuxedo accentuating his muscular frame, he embodied an enigmatic allure that drew her in, Katrina stood in shock as the alluring man continued to speak, but a strange sensation blocked out his words, rendering them unintelligible to her ears. She struggled to focus, feeling as if she had been transported to a scene from a silent film where gestures and expressions spoke volumes in the absence of sound.As Xavier gently touched her shoulder, Katrina snapped out of her daze, returning to the present moment. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was daydreaming," she apologized, feeling slightly flustered. "It's alright, miss, it happens.If your wondering I am your new personal bodyguard, Xavier. Pleasure to meet you," he introduced himself with a warm smile, his deep voice exuding a sense of reassurance and professionalism."Nice to meet you as well. Please come in," Katrina warmly welcomed Xavier as she stepped aside, allowing him to enter the elegant foyer of her home. Xavier graciously followed her inside, "Well, this is our personal chef, Mr. Laker. Whenever you're feeling hungry, just ask him, alright?" said Katrina, gesturing towards the chef who smiled and nodded in acknowledgment. Mr. Laker then introduced himself with a friendly demeanor, and Xavier followed suit, exchanging pleasantries with the chef.

After the introductions, Katrina took Xavier to his room, guiding him through the opulent corridors of her home. "Here is where you'll be staying," she said, opening the door to a luxuriously appointed room. Xavier nodded appreciatively, thanking Katrina .

As Katrina proceeded to leave the room, Xavier gently reached out and caught her hand, his touch sending a thrill through her. His eyes held a hint of smoldering intensity as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a low, husky whisper. "Before you go, Miss Katrina, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask me," he said, his words tinged with a seductive undertone that sent shivers down her spine. Katrina couldn't help but feel a rush of attraction towards this enigmatic and alluring bodyguard who exuded a potent mix of strength and charisma.As Katrina blushed deeply at Xavier's seductive gesture and words, she quickly mumbled a response, "No thanks, I'll be alright," before hastily retreating into her room and locking the door behind her. Her heart raced with a mix of excitement and uncertainty, her thoughts consumed by the unexpected allure of her new bodyguard. In the privacy of her room, Katrina leaned against the door, trying to calm her racing pulse as she wondered about the magnetic pull she felt towards Xavier. The encounter had left her both intrigued and flustered, stirring a sense of desire and anticipation that lingered in the air.As she lay on her bed, Katrina couldn't help but think about Xavier's striking appearance and undeniable charm. The thought that her mother had hired him only added to the mystery and allure surrounding him. Her mind raced with conflicting emotions as she tossed and turned on her bed, unable to shake the image of his intense gaze and magnetic presence.

Despite her efforts to resist, a blush crept up her cheeks at the memory of their brief encounter. She tried to distract herself by rolling from side to side in a futile attempt to tire her mind, but her thoughts kept drifting back to him. Eventually, exhausted from the whirlwind of emotions, she succumbed to sleep, with Xavier's enigmatic image still lingering in her dreams.

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