Chapter 8:Cliton

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The next morning, Katrina awoke with a sense of excitement and nervousness coursing through her veins. Today was the day she would meet Xavier's mother for the first time, and she couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation in her chest.

She carefully picked out her outfit, a stunning dress that she hoped would make a good impression. As she styled her hair and applied her makeup, her mind raced with thoughts of what the day would bring.

Driving to the party, Katrina's heart beat faster with each passing mile. When she arrived, she was greeted with a warm embrace from Xavier's mother, who had a twinkle in her eye that put her instantly at ease.Xavier's mother, embraced her son warmly before turning to the two young ladies with a smile. "Good day, ladies. I'm Xavier's mother Kayla, but you can just call me Ma," she said, instantly making them feel at home.Katrina smiled warmly and greeted the woman, wishing her a happy birthday. She handed her a beautifully wrapped gift, Willow rolled her eyes and tilted her head at the woman, a hint of annoyance .Xavier's mother gracefully ignored Willow's rudeness and extended a warm invitation for them to come inside, they all proceeded inside the house where the other guests were gathered,Katrina greeted each guest warmly as they approached her, exchanging pleasantries and engaging in friendly conversations. After a while, she found a cozy corner to sit down and relax with Willow, Xavier approached Katrina and Willow, offering them drinks to enjoy at the party. Willow declined the offer, while Katrina accepted and graciously thanked Xavier for the drink,Xavier and Katrina were then engrossed in their conversation until they were interrupted by someone who approached them, Xavier's expression changed as he seemed to recognize the person who had interrupted their conversation.The man greeted Xavier with a familiar tone, referring to him as "little brother" and remarking on the length of time since they had last seen each other. Xavier froze as his big brother approached and embraced him.
Xavier then spoke up and said don't touch me Cliton your hands are filthy and you smell like cigarettes and alcohol .
Cliton's eyes narrowed at Xavier's cutting words, but a grin tugged at the corner of his lips. Turning his attention to the two girl near Xavier, he flashed his most charming smile. "Don't pay any mind to my little brother," he chuckled, his easy charm in full display. "He's just upset because he knows I always steal the spotlight." Cliton released Xavier from the hug and with a charming smile, he extended his hand. "I'm Cliton," he said, his voice smooth and inviting. "And who might you lovely ladies be?" Oh am Katrina and this is my best friend Willow nice to meet you ask well said Katrina, Cliton then attempted to take Katrina's hand for a kiss, but Willow and Xavier swiftly intervened, halting the gesture.
"Don't touch her," Willow and Xavier said in unison, Clifton chuckled at the protective reaction of Willow and Xavier. "Alright, chill out, both of you. Are you her bodyguards or something?" he teased, with no response from Willow and Xavier, Clitton took the hint and decided to leave, Katrina feeling caught in the middle of the situation, questioned why Willow and Xavier had reacted so strongly, expressing that Cliton was simply trying to be kind.Willow and Xavier remained silent,then suddenly Xavier mom called all three of them to dance ,but only Xavier and Willow followed her to the dancefloor , Katrina hesitated, needing to use the restroom. "I'll catch up with you guys in a bit," she called out as she headed towards the restroom area,while walking to the bathroom area she could sense that someone was following her.Feeling a sense of unease, Katrina quickened her pace, trying to shake off the feeling of being followed. She glanced behind her, relieved to see Xavier's brother following her, Katrina let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, it's just you," she said, feeling a wave of calm wash over her. "Is everything okay?" she asked, slightly out of breath from the earlier panic.Suddenly Katrina's heart raced as she felt herself being pushed against the wall, her breath catching in her throat. Fear and confusion swirled inside her as she tried to make sense of Cliton's sudden aggressive behavior. She struggled to break free and called out for help, her voice trembling.Katrina's heart pounded in her chest, fear coursing through her veins as Cliton whispered for her to be quiet. you know you smell really nice your releasing a scent that us werewolves cant resist especially me said Cliton .Katrina's fear turned to confusion as she listened to Cliton's words, She tried to process what he was saying, realizing that he was implying that he was a werewolf. Katrina's mind raced with confusion and disbelief at Cliton's unexpected revelation. The idea of werewolves and the concept of scents that attracted them seemed absurd to her. She struggled to make sense of the situation while also trying to stay composed .As Clifton's breath caressed her skin, .Katrina's heart pounded in her chest when Cliton's eyes turned a menacing red, and a primal fear gripped her. In a moment of sheer terror, she let out a piercing scream and began to kick and struggle in a frantic attempt to break free from his grasp. When suddenly Cliton was laying on the floor motionless .

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