Chapter 14:Night Blooming Jasmine

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As Willow forcefully pulled Xavier away, his eyes reverted back from a menacing red to their original colour. Xavier's mind then raced as he processed what had just transpired, his heart heavy with the weight of their tangled emotions in a sudden surge of adrenaline, he bolted from the room, leaving Willow and Katrina in a state of utter bewilderment and confusion. Their minds raced as they tried to make sense of what had just happened. Willow reached out and touched Katrina's arm gently, her eyes reflecting genuine concern. "Hey, are you alright? I know that was weird, but please don't let it affect you,he's a werewolf, and they have their own ways ,you'll be alright ok exclaimed Willow.Katrina nodded, trying to shake off the strange incident that just occurred Willow then sat besides Katrina until she fell back asleep,as Katrina drifted off to sleep with Willow by her side, Willow gently tucked her in before silently slipping out of the room. She quietly locked the door behind her and made her way downstairs. The house was bathed in a peaceful serenity,Then she saw Xavier standing by the front door, his hand pressed against his temple in a gesture of concern and worry.Willow then walked up to him and delivered a sharp slap across his cheek."This is why I don't trust your kind," Willow declared, her voice laced with anger and disappointment.Xavier growled at her, his eyes glowing a menacing shade of red once again.Don't you fricking glare at me you could of seriously hurt her you dumbass,cant you control your heat or something dont you know when it time for it,don't you have surpresnts said Willow."It's not like that. I do know when it is. I really don't know why that happened. Don't worry, it won't happen again. Okay, chill out," Xavier replied, trying to reassure Willow.Willow rolled her eyes in exasperation and walked away."It's not like I can't control when it's time. It's her smell that triggered my cycle. I really don't know how, but I think I'll have to ask Mom. I might have to stay away from her for now," Xavier thought to himself, realizing the potential danger his instincts could pose.Xavier took a deep breath and walked upstairs to check on Katrina, making sure she was alright after the incident. He wanted to apologize and ensure she was okay before leaving the house, but she was fast asleep not wanting to disturb Katrina, Xavier quietly left the house.An hour later, Xavier arrived at his mother's resplendent abode. He rapped gently on the ornate wooden door, calling out for her. However, met with silence, he began to prepare to depart until a swell of relief washed over him as the door swung open, revealing the regal figure of his elder sibling, Cliton.Realising it was Cliton ,Xavier turned around and proceeded to leave until Cliton spoke.They're out hunting and needed someone to watch the house I volunteered to ,so whats up why you here so late said Cliton.Xavier's response was swift and to the point. "None of your business, Cliton. I just came to speak to Mom tell her I'll be back later."Its about that girl huh, the one your working for said Cliton,so what if it is about her ,whats its gotta do with you replied Xavier."She smells like that flower mother is always telling us about the night-blooming jasmine," said Cliton,Xavier stood there, then nodded."It's perilous to toil for someone with a scent as enchanting as a flower, we're powerless to resist her . If her fragrance grows stronger, beware, for it could trigger your primal cycle,"Cliton warned Xavier , his words filled with a sense of intrigue and mystery."I know what I'm doing," declared Xavier confidently."Mhm, well, I will inform mother that you stopped by," replied Cliton.Xavier nodded once more, acknowledging Cliton's statement, and then turned and departed.An hour later, Xavier returned home, his weariness evident as he made his way to his bedroom, without delay, he collapsed onto his bed and quickly slipped into a deep, restful slumber, the events of the day still swirling through his mind.The next morning, Xavier was abruptly awakened by Willow's frantic shouting. Confused and disoriented from the sudden wake-up call, he listened ,where could she have possibly gone, the urgency in her voice hinted at a sense of worry and concern
Upon realizing the gravity of Willow's words, Xavier shot out of bed and sprinted outside, shouting, "What do you mean she's gone? Why didn't you wake me?"

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