Chapter 10:Our Family Orgin

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What are you talking about whats all this stuff its like a museum down here Katrina exclaimed,Katrina's mother gazed at the shelves of ancient books and artifacts with a somber expression. "It's not a museum, nor a library. This is where our family origin began. It's all in these books," she whispered. Confused by her mother's cryptic statement, Katrina asked, "Mother, what are you talking about? Our family's origin began with  Grandma Suzy,  Not some book exclaimed Katrina."Let me explain this as briefly as possible," said Katrina's mother."Since 100 years ago, supernatural creatures have coexisted in the human realm,as Katrina's mother spoke, her voice dripping with intrigue. "Katrina listened intently, "Supernatural creatures are unique creatures ,the types that coexisted in this realm are werewolves,vampires,witches and fairies ,there is one more which are  demons ,but they are not in this realm .We are  only creatures in this realm. But one day your grandmother opened that realm and the demons came out ,it caused 100s of people to died.Katrina was in complete silence as her mother continued to speak,but after the chaos the door to the demon realm closed,it hasn't been reopened since then.My mother told me that someone soon in our family would be born with the ability to opened the door to the demon realm and become the new guardian. But it hasn't happened yet ,it said when your first born child turns 18 she  or he would go in a deep sleep for two months and then awaken with the ability to open realms .Katrina's gaze locked with her mother's.If all your saying is true am going to be  asleep for two months when I turn 18 said Katrina, yes am afraid so but I don't think you would be the new guardian, because I wasn't, and  I was my mother's firstborn child, so most likely its could be a myth we are still figuring that out . exclaimed Katrina mother.Katrina heaved a sigh of relief and nodded, "Alright then.".Well I have to get to work now I have an important meeting you may stay down here and read the books dont worry the housekeeper knows about down here so she would close it for you when your finished said Katrina mother.Alright,  I' will and thank you for telling me, Katrina replied, her mother then nodded and left Katrina in the room. As Katrina sat there surrounded by the ancient books, her mind raced with questions and possibilities, she really think am gonna believe her with that nonsense she was spouting ,with guardian and crap, what the hell does she think she in some movie or something ,she just came back and telling me about this stuff stupid as that  and expect me to believe her just like that ,rolling her eyes in disbelief at her mother's fantastical claims, Katrina shook her head  then stood up and headed to the staircase,as she ascended the staircase, her mind grappling with the surreal situation she had just been thrown into.Startled by the sudden collision, Katrina stumbled back a step before regaining her balance. Looking up, she found herself face to face with Xavier, who wore a curious expression on his face. So..your mother finally told you huh said Xavier,told me what exactly replied Katrina,about what you are said Xavier,not you to Xavier you believe in that nonsense she then scoffed and rolled her eyes.if you dont believe her you will believe this .As Katrina's eyes widened in astonishment, Xavier's transformation was a sight to behold. His once suave demeanor now carried a raw, primal energy, his wolf-like ears and shark-like teeth adding a fierce edge to his undeniable charm. With each rip of his tuxedo shirt, revealing his sculpted abs, Katrina couldn't help but be captivated by the alluring mix of danger and allure that emanated from him. Xavier's eyes, now a vivid shade of bright red, held a magnetic intensity that drew her in, suddenly Katrina overwhelmed by Xavier's stunning transformation, Katrina's world faded to darkness as she fainted,

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